Reason #839 Why I Love Texas

January 14, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Because somebody is liable haul off and tell you a good story.

Texas Tech is in Lubbock.  It’s a pretty good school.


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0 Comments to “Reason #839 Why I Love Texas”

  1. Tell you what!

  2. Braxton Braggart says:

    My kid is a second-generation Red Raider. Guns Up!, y’all.

  3. I had to shoo a couple cows home here in Maryland but I didn’t get to use a horse and lariat like these boys. Just an average day in Texas….

  4. Marge Wood says:

    I loved watching the men rounding up cattle and just being who they are.

  5. I’m 72 and I loved how many times he said “Yes Ma’m” to that young woman. I feel better……..

  6. John Mitchell says:

    Thanks for posting

  7. Hahahahahahahaha! Reminds me of the ranch kids in western South Dakota. They’d do the same and love it just as much. The first story-teller was really clever. It was a great story. Thank yeeeeewwwwwww!

  8. Nancy in IL says:

    Used to teach at TTU — loved the students!
    Oddly, when I first went to graduate school in Lexington, KY, a load of cows got loose downtown and had to be chased down. But that’s a whole ‘nother story…

  9. Susan the Neon Nurse says:

    If you hadn’t shared that, I wouldn’t have seen it, and my day would have been ruined and I would’ve never known why!

  10. I love that the TX accent(s) I remember so fondly still exist!

  11. I’m a Texas Tech alum. I was there in the 60s. Being strictly a town girl I was amazed at the “local” boys. They were sons of the ranchers in West Texas, wore white dress shirts and jeans (real cowboy jeans) and boots. Of course the hats were essential. Also the empty dixie cups to spit in. They drove El Caminos. It seems not a lot has changed in 50 years!
    Love this!

  12. JanK, I hope the cups to spit in are no longer an essential accessory, for the boys’ sake at least.

  13. Aggieland Liz says:

    Hah! I KNEW them Red Raiders had ta be good for sumpin asides batteries and dam’ tortillas! Sounds like those guys knew exactly what they were doing, too-good on’em! The urban car-boys? not so much, apparently!

  14. This was great!
