Reason #804 Why I Hate Republicans UPDATED!

June 01, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

We are in the worst emergency in the recorded history of this county. The worst. We are making national headlines because people are suffering.  The Brazos River is flooding like never before and we are expecting heavy rain today and tomorrow.  Even most of those who didn’t flood have lost electricity or can’t get to work because of the flooding.

In short, we are neck deep in misery.

Who is in charge when there’s an emergency in county?  The county judge. In our case, he’s not a judge.  He’s a high school graduate with a fake college degree who got elected county judge.  His name is Bob Hebert. It’s pronounced A-Bear but it should be pronounced Tone Deaf Butthole.

My Democratic county commissioner hasn’t gotten but a couple hours sleep for the past three days and is literally helping people pull stuff out of their flooding houses.  He’s taking food to the shelters and to the emergency workers.  Because that’s what decent human beings do.

But, my rich Republican county judge?  Oh, he’s on a cruise.  Bad enough, right?  Oh no.  He’s rubbing our wet noses it in.  Facebook.

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Hey Bob, come home!  You can catch fish out your office window!

Why would you post pictures like that?  Why would you rub people’s noses in the fact that even people who aren’t flooded can’t get out of their neighborhoods because all the streets are flooded?  What the hell is wrong with this guy?  He’s eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in front of hungry children.

And when someone made a sarcastic comment, here was his answer …


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He’s phoning it in.  Holy cow.

I hate Republicans.  I just hate them.

On a side note, the men and women at Emergency Management truly are doing an outstanding job.  Maybe it’s a blessing that Hebert isn’t here to screw things up.


The local newspaper came out about 2 hours ago and Judge Hebert is quoted this morning —


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Is that supposed to be funny?  I know funny and that is not funny.

But, at 1:45, the whining worked and his happy butt is coming home.


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I swear to all that is holy that if he calls out the sheriff’s department helicopter to pick him up at the airport, I will be on him like green on grass.


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0 Comments to “Reason #804 Why I Hate Republicans UPDATED!”

  1. If you know where he lives, put some rotting fish at his front door. Nice welcome home present.

  2. I remember when New Orleans was getting flooded out and GWB becoming the first modern president to lose a major American city. Good ‘ol FEMA director heckuva job Brown had his staff working on his dinner reservations instead of anything to do with providing services.

    This looks like more of a the same, and a distinctive Republican trait. Hard work, dying in war and emergencies is for little people. Now watch this drive.

  3. Marcia in CO says:

    Only 804 reasons thus far? I figured it surely had to be closer to 1804 reasons!!
    GLF has the right idea but they’d probably float away with the flood waters!
    Republicans stink like those rotting fish!!

  4. Texas Expat in CA says:

    If there’s ANY justice in the world, Bob Hebert is toast. When is his current term up?

  5. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Old Bob deserves a trip – fishing for shark with Dick Cheney.

  6. 1) Having been on Cruise’s I know that internet and phone are not for free and cells do not work outside of country unless one buys SIM card for each country. So watch if he files for reimbursement for “communications” costs when he gets home and sticks the local taxpayers with costs for his jaunt.

    2) Worlds oceans are under stress and fish populations are crashing. So why did he ctch more then he could eat? just because he could?

  7. What a clueless, callous glassbowl. If that’s an elected position, I hope next time he gets a vote total that doesn’t require him to take off his shoes to tally it up. Better yet, it would be a blow for karma if he’d be recalled *and* have to pay back everything the public has already paid him.

    Saw a photo of a woman in her front yard living “near the Brazos River” who was obviously now IN the Brazos River. My heart goes out to everyone suffering, enduring, and helping.

    Someone said that when they were upset by pictures of a disaster or attack, their mother would say, “Look for the helpers. There are always people helping.”

  8. innerlooper says:

    Had an epiphany on Texas Science it could be a lynch pen in the robin-hood taxation policy of charter school establishment in rural Texas.

  9. maryelle says:

    What about FEMA? Does your idiot governor have to call them in or could President Obama jump in?

  10. Ralph Wiggam says:

    The only thing a Republican can do well that benefits everyone is LEAVE TOWN!

  11. I’m guessing his house is located somewhere out of danger.

  12. PKM my trip for Dick and Bob would be water skiing, or as some of the folks back in the swamp call it “_Trollin’ get Gators”.

  13. Marge Wood says:

    Well, see, he already had paid for the trip. No point in wasting it….I agree with whoever said it’s probably good he’s not there, screwing things up. Where’s his family?

  14. AS tone deef as a petrified forest! But Karma has his address!

  15. Rastybob says:

    Another GOPervert SNAFU.

  16. UmptyDump says:

    Eyes open. Watch this guy try to get reimbursed for his flight back and also another cruise to make up for this one that he interrupted.

  17. Austinhatlady says:

    I seem to recall that snacilbupeR were demanding in March that Obama abandon his official to Cuba when the Brussels attack happened. (of course, they didn’t think he should have gone at there at all.) But some were demanding that he go to Brussels during the middle of an intense and dangerous manhunt. Stupid!

  18. Austinhatlady says:

    that’s “official visit.”

  19. No one can anticipate natural disaster at all times, so I don’t necessarily blame him for being on vacation when it happened (although this has been coming for weeks), but darn it there are two acceptable responses. Either you shut up and hope no one notices you are gone or you come back immediately. It’s the unmitigated gall or abject stupidity that gets me. Stuff happens and sometimes it happens at compromising times, but have a lick of common sense.

  20. Scott, there’s a third possibility besides gall and stupidity: an absolute lack of empathy. Hey, if it’s not his house floating downstream, why should he care? He’s on vacation and killing things!

  21. Elizabeth Moon says:

    I remember Bush assuring a Mississippi U.S. Senator that *his* house would be rebuilt, right after Katrina. On the TV, even.

    GOPpers have no empathy and no sense of decency. Flaunting their wealth and privilege is part of the pleasure.

  22. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Cole, that would work. Or, if President Obama has a drone or two left over from his Jade helm attack on Texas, maybe he can arrange a special reception for Bob.

    Hell, I’d be willing to invite all the Bush criminals and Texas snacilbupeR for a barbecue at Dubya’s place and personally send out the invitations. Least I can do to support our CIC.

  23. Mark Schlemmer says:

    Would someone please publish his mailing address?? I think it would be “fun” to send him a “thank you” gift for being such a caring and generous public servant and rushing home to save the entire county with his decisive decision making and command of materials and resources for the good of the citizens.
    And all you nay sayers just hush up now. Somebody please help a concerned citizen out here.

  24. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Mark Schlemmer, I trust your judgement! 😀

    This is Bob’s public address:

    Hopefully someone in Bob’s district can direct you to where he accepts deliveries at home. Let me know. I’d be happy to contribute a few packages to welcome Bob home.

  25. Miz JJ

    Little Bobby’s Fb page has disappeared from the interweb world wide thingy. Now why would an attention loving elected official like a Texas county judge do dat?

  26. treehugger says:

    @Rhea, the someone that said that was Mr. Rogers. We all loved his show when my kids were small. It is pretty obvious to me that no Republicans currently in office or campaigning for office ever watched it. With luck, the flood crisis will swallow this twit and he’ll sink into the abyss never to be seen or heard from again.

  27. two crows says:

    @ glf:
    If he has a mail slot in his front door [oh please, oh please] make those small fish. Feed them through the mail slot.

    Oh, and be sure you make your delivery at least a week before he returns home.
