Here Ya Go

June 01, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Thanks to John for the graphic.

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0 Comments to “Here Ya Go”

  1. Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm . . .

  2. W. C. (Pete) Peterson says:

    The introduction of Sarah Palin as VP candidate. Tina Fey and all the comics in the Nation have benefited in spreading the humor of that one great move. Thanks especially to Steve Schmidt (MSNBC “contributor”) who told the habitual craps shooter John McCain that she’d be a “long shot”. Sarah Palin is truly the gift that keeps on giving.

  3. Adam Eran says:

    I’d say it was passing Nixon/Romneycare instead of the simpler, cheaper, more effective single-payer health care.

    Oh yes, I know that no R voted for the thing (it was proposed by the Kenyan Socialist), except a Vietnamese congressman from Louisiana who was promptly primaried, but calling Obama anything but a DINO / closet Republican is just silly.

    He’s governing to the right of Richard Nixon. He’s in the tank for the banks. After all he’s pursued every Republican public policy initiative for the last 50 years, agreeing to a “Grand Bargain” before even the R’s were ready to sign on, not prosecuting corporate criminals, and tacitly agreeing to Republican austerity in the half-hearted stimulus he proposed.

    Read Thomas Franks’ “Listen Liberal – or – Whatever Happened to the Party of the People” if you don’t believe me.

  4. Rastybob says:

    Kept some vary slow senator’s out of the old folks home.
    Oh sorry, you said great thing. But is a thing. And at $200K+
    a pop.

  5. Adam Eran says:

    One more thing: We did have the votes (57 in the Senate) to pass the “Public Option” — a chance to buy into Medicare.

    The **WHITE HOUSE** killed it.

    Juanita Jean, you may hate you some Republican, but nothing is more hate-able than a turncoat Democrat willing to abandon constituencies like, oh I don’t know, working people by promoting job-killing treaties (TTIP & TTP, among others).

  6. Ok, Juanita, you’re on. Here’s a four-fer:

    1. They have proven abundantly, with multiple examples, that the best cure for right wing politics is (or at least should be) right wing governance. I don’t know anyone who’s eager to move to Kansas these days, in spite of Sam Brownback’s confident promise, on taking office, to turn it into a right-wing paradise. Ditto for Rick Snyder’s Flint, Michigan. Or Bobby Jindal’s Louisiana, for that matter.

    2. They thoroughly discredited the Bush dynasty. The nation has hugely benefited by not having to face yet another Bush next year. Though we do have to deal with George Pee at some point. Regrettably enough.

    3. Ted Cruz and Donald Trump have proven unequivocally that shameless pandering to evangelicals’ religious sensibilities doesn’t get many votes, but pandering shamelessly to their hatred, bigotry and meanspiritedness certainly does.

    4. They’ve proven that silly ideologies, no matter how insistently promoted and fervently believed in, don’t work. The number of non-Republicans that still believe in Reagan’s “Trickle-Down Theory” wouldn’t fill the average Denny’s dining room anymore. Even before the UFOlogy convention leaves.

  7. Corinne Sabo says:

    They lost TWICE to Obama.

  8. Sister Artemis says:

    Well, Corinne has a point….

    And so does W.C. – I expect bitter humor will decline in quantity and quality if they ever start being sensible again.

  9. They made liberals look good.

  10. slipstream says:

    They made Barack Obama a one-term president!

    Oh wait.

  11. Austinhatlady says:

    I’m still thinking.

  12. I hate to do their work for them, but I think they would agree that it is nothing and they would argue that’s a good thing. After all, they are the small government party, so having government fail requires us to pick ourselves up by our bootstraps. After I get that demon possession out I think we can all agree they are devoid of ideas and have been for some time.

  13. Lord knows to this day I don’t know how it happened but there is only ONE thing that Repubs accomplished that didn’t bring misery and pain to the American people and for this I am eternally grateful.
    George Bush implemented the ‘No Call List’ so telemarketers didn’t drive us all crazy. Must have been his wife put him up to it.

  14. George W. Bush made 140,000 square miles of ocean surrounding Hawai’i a Marine Protected Area. Now go find a “conservative” who will tell you something good that President Obama did.

  15. George W. Bush signed the Medicare prescription drug plan into law.

  16. Linda Phipps says:

    Eight years gone, I still can’t stop getting bilious going past a house a block from me, a cute lil ol thing that housed a man and his 31 kitties and is now populated by a woman who proudly had a 4 by 6 FOOT sign saying “PALIN”.

  17. Marlene says:

    Adam, I read this in one of the books that came out after the 2008 election stating that one reason public option was dropped was the static many Democrats were getting because GOP was going to use talking point of throwing all them poor Insurance workers on unemployment at a time when the rate was going up by leaps and bounds. I wanted Single Payer/public option but as an old woman I recall my father not liking Social Security when it came around because it did not cover farmers (which he was). Later when it was strengthened to cover everyone he was grateful for it but I thought OK step one helps more people get insurance, covers pre-existing (that was much important to me) and now we start the push for the next improvement. I think the President thought he might get more GOP support by taking a GOP idea – but he was shocked/dismayed at the unreasonable hate and obstruction. Rather than punish GOP for this the Democrats stayed home and didn’t vote and GOP voters put more jerks into office.

  18. Bill F. says:

    George Bush gave a good speech after 9/11/2001 and united the country for about two weeks. Then it was back to the usual Republican behavior.

  19. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    They rejected 16 morons in the primary. Off-set by making Donnie Drumpf their nominee. But there’s a margin of hope for them, if they’ve finally rung in the death knell for their party of pervangelists.

  20. … crickets …

  21. Anomalous Propagation says:

    Brought us at least 3 consecutive Democratic Administrations & possibly a filibuster proof Senate for the third admin.

  22. They nominated Donald Trump as their 2016 Presidential candidate. Assuming he loses (and I must assume that or go mad), this is going to be the most entertaining general election ever. I don’t generally watch reality tv, but I am so looking forward to seeing Trump voted off the island. And by a woman, no less.

  23. Autnie BFly says:

    They pissed us off That’s something right there.

  24. two crows says:

    I came to the comments section about 8 hours ago. Couldn’t think of anything so I went away to mull it over for a while. I’m back now and — nope. Still can’t think of one.

    Not unless you count symbolic votes to repeal Obamacare.
    Or Santorum’s famous quote about “blah people.”
    Or hundreds of votes to make women and LGBTQ’s less safe.

    And I don’t.

  25. They overturned Obamacare and replaced it with something better! No, wait a minute, they never even tried to come up with a replacement as that would require hard work.

  26. If there is any faith left in the USA, one must count on collective intelligence of our voters to do the correct thing in November.

  27. maryelle says:

    President Obama inherited an economy which was on the brink of ruin. He faced opposition, not just from Republicans and the Supreme Court but from some Democrats. If some of the measures he took were more moderate than the far left desired, his middle of the road approach saved our economy, brought back jobs to millions, extended healthcare to millions more and
    dialed down American participation in the two Bush wars.
    Calling this President hate-able and a turncoat Democrat and stating that he governs to the right of Nixon is irresponsible.

  28. Marge Wood says:

    Watch yore tongue. If you gotta talk about that, you could talk about all the jobs and marketable products that have done went along with all the wars we had no bidness fighting. Lots of money-making there. Does that count as benefiting the nation? I still tryin’ to figger out how they think going out to kill furriners gonna make them love Jesus more. Still scratchin’ my head. That itch might have sumthin’ to do with the dust in between the rain storms.

  29. Sandridge says:

    The Republican Party, litterbox of Amurikkka…
    Saw part of a Charlie Rose interview of Mitch ‘Turtle’ McConnell, I dang near destroyed my teevee. The lies and bullcarp just streamed out of that Pukes smarmy mouth.
    Rose actually tried to pin him down a few times, with no success. I got real disillusioned w/Rose a long while ago. Seeing him softball Rethugs too often. Maybe he’s had enough of the bull.
