Reality Sets In

December 04, 2022 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, 2024 Election, Corruption, Insurrection, Trump

In a Truth Social post this week, TFG signaled to the public that reality has set in at Mar a Lago.  Not only is there now a special prosecutor hot on his trail, his announcement a few weeks ago that he’s running for president again went over like a fart in church.  These facts emphasize that not only is his ability to take back the White House is in serious jeopardy, his chances of even being nominated are greatly diminished.  Only his rabid supporters are still behind him, and Republicans in Congress are desperately trying to help him get elected to extract pardons for themselves for their participation in the insurrection before and after January 6th.  All of this is as obvious as pink ballet slippers on a bull rider.

At this point, TFG’s only chance of avoiding criminal prosecution for any number of crimes is to actually be the occupant of the Oval Office.  Since the chance of him winning in 2024 are very slim to nada, reality has set in; this is why he’s gone full Daniel Ortega, calling for “…the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution,” repeating his lies about non-existent massive fraud in 2020.  Knowing that he can’t win in 2024, he’s doubled down on negating the lawful outcome of Biden’s win and calling for  “installing” himself as president by suspending the Constitution and all federal election law.  Left with little else, he’s Fat Elvis, playing his hits from 2020 for his decrepit fan base trying to stay relevant and keeping the spotlight on himself.  He’s even taken an assist from Elon Musk who is leading the field for first prize in Worst Investment of 2022 after his purchase, and subsequent trashing, of Twitter.  Musk has threatened the release of the “Twitter Files” which reveal supposed “free speech suppression” by former management by refusing to allow conspiracy theories about “Hunter’s laptop” during the 2020 election on the platform.  Hard to tell what Musk is trying to do besides setting a world record for destroying $44 billion of wealth in the shortest amount of time.

TFGland is in full frenzy about now with every resident frantically trying to stay out of jail.  Like all other radical movements, this one will soon collapse.  The sooner the better.



0 Comments to “Reality Sets In”

  1. Since before 2016 when everyone was desperately trying to figure out how Trump works I always thought it was obvious. It was the current show, the current media cycle.

    Many people pointed out that if the media stopped giving him oxygen he would largely fade away but they could not help it. They had more revenue source more reliable or potent than Trump’s every breath and every fart.

    Now that this isn’t working any more — even Fox News didn’t air his whole candidacy speech — what happens to him now is what should have happened in 2016.

  2. The popcorn is on the stove popping.

  3. At least Daniel Ortega was a hero to his entire country before he turned into one of what he was fighting against. Trump can’t even make that claim.

  4. The silent GOP had two chances to impeach, press criminal charges, and remove him from office. They did not. Too many of them remain reticent in condemning him, and those who in Congress who help foment J6. For six years, the MSM fanned the flames of this shit show for their own profit margin, by giving TFG and his Maga morons free news and air space.

    TFG is standing on the edge of the window threatening to jump now that Jack Smith has him in focus. I hope someone gives him a good, hard shove.

  5. Steve from Beaverton says:

    You’d think that repugnanticans in the news when interviewed would finally say there’s no way they will ever support TFFG for president again. However, most dance around the answer and say they’ll support the party’s choice if it’s him. Spineless bastards. He still leads their sick party.

  6. RepubAnon says:

    As Robespierre discovered, sooner or later the mob gets tired of your act.
