Reality Politics

August 09, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, this reality show politics has taken a turn for the worse.

imagesFormer World Series pitcher Curt Schilling is a great pitcher but he’s got a kink in his thinking mechanic.  He also can’t get along with anybody and is semi-famous for whining a lot.

Schilling, whose computer game business went belly-up and he was forced to sell his home to pay bills, thinks his bad business decisions are the Democrats fault.  He got a job doing color commentary for ESPN but got fired from that because his rightwing jabbering bothered the ever-livin’ daylights out of everybody.

He hates Hillary Clinton.  I mean, purple rage hate.  He said that she should be buried under a jail somewhere.  He said that.  I’m pretty sure he knew he was talking out loud when he said it.

Poor Ole Curt is a major supporter of Donald Trump and, bless his double digit IQ heart, that got Curt to thinking.

Curt is going to run for president.  Yeah, of the United States.  Well, maybe not so much the United part because Curt believes that states should have all the rights.

“I am going to run, soon,” Schilling wrote back.

When asked for details, Schilling replied, “state office first, white house in 8 years :)”

And then he added: “or 4 if by some amazing illegal event this country elects another clinton.”

Well, look at this way – a bankrupt businessman with a chip on his shoulder who can’t seem to get along with anybody.  That’s the Republican paragon.


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0 Comments to “Reality Politics”

  1. Marcia in CO says:

    SMH … LOL … OMG … Curt Shilling, the perfect shill for the Repukes … right along with Donnie!! HFS

  2. Wyatt Earl says:

    Jim Bunning redux.

  3. “A bankrupt businessman with a chip on his shoulder who can’t seem to get along with anybody” and doesn’t know diddly-squat about how government (or anything else) works and thinks his first elected office should be President of the United States. Curt here is showing a tiny bit of sanity in suggesting a state office first, but that will probably fall off. These self-entitled yahoos aren’t fit to run for town council in most cases. They want it aaaaalllllll.

  4. Rastybob says:

    he needs to work on his change up.
    Would some one please tell me exactly what and when Hillery broke any law. No, carelessness with Emails is not a jail-able offense. If it was, we would all be in jail.
    For 25 years+ I have seen the Gross Old Perverts call names and hold hearings. And all they have proved is she is not perfect
    She is human and is not always right. And is smarter than hell.
    Maybe we should judge Schilling On how good he plays Chess.

  5. Elizabeth2 says:

    The Peter Principle at work. As a political thinker, Schilling was a good ballplayer.

  6. I had a sainted mother, but I’ll get back to that in a moment.

    I am a Rangers fan. Since 1972. But I’ll get back to that in a moment, too

    Curt Schilling pitched for Balt, Hou, Philly, Az and Bos before retiring. I don’t like Balt or Bos much and I don’t think pitchers should ever bat.

    My sainted mother said “If you can’t say something nice about somebody, don’t say nothing at all.”

    So with respect to Curt Schilling, in deference to my sainted mother and mommas across the world, I say “At 6’4 Curt Schilling sure is tall.”

  7. See? That’s the trouble with having a Drumpf run for office getting away with saying and damn thing that spills out of his dysfunctional brain. It’s actually empowering for other nut jobs who want to run too. Can’t wait for next GOP presidential cycle. It will require lots of pop corn and gorilla glass on the TV.

  8. Shilling is under-qualified to run for dog-catcher, a title that assumes you’re smarter than the dog.

  9. Susan @ 7: It will also require hip waders, a good scoop shovel, and a jumbo-sized manure cart. A little Vapo-Rub beneath the nostrils helps with the smell.

  10. The Peter Principle holds that the tendency in most organizational hierarchies is for every employee to rise in the hierarchy through promotion until they reach the levels of their respective incompetence, at which point promotions stop.

    I hold that if you’re born rich enough and with enough privilege you can rise further than that, as evidenced by Donald Trump. He’s been incompetent for years.

    Of course, it helps if it’s a Repub organizational hierarchy.

  11. Fenway Fran says:

    He should meet with Jill Stein to figure out his plan. He might be able to make a lucrative career out of running for higher office but never winning.

  12. gabberflasted says:

    LynnN, I do believe you misspelled ‘incontinent.’

  13. Ok, I have to say up front that I am grateful to Curt for his part in winning the baseball thing for Boston a few years ago. Having got that out of the way, I also have to say that Curt is (and was) one of the whiniest complainers on that team, always putting the blame for whatever on anyone else but himself. Same thing with his failed video game company. It is also a fact that one of the reasons the State of Rhode Island couldn’t pin any wrong-doing on him in that business is because the State govt there has been one of the most corrupt in the country for a long time. Folks around here have lost track of the number of governors and congressmen and mayors and the like who’ve gone to jail over the years. A goodly number, truth to tell. So they missed the chance to disqualify Curt from running for pres by convicting him. My point being, we need to be careful with who we anoint as our heroes, cuz there ain’t none of us without warts somewhere. My hope is that if Drumpf gets the whupping he deserves come November, all the vermin crawling out of the dark corners (Curt is one, David Duke is another) will all be forced to go back into hiding for a long time. If I were the praying type, I’d be lighting candles and singing hosannas til I was hoarse. But I’m left with trusting in the intelligence and moral decency of the American voting public, and I don’t mind telling you, i’m worried.

  14. Lunargent says:

    Is there any record of how many times Schilling was conked in the head by a line drive? This guy is not so pretty normal.

  15. JAKvirginia says:

    The mighty Casey has struck out.

  16. Anomalous Propagation says:

    republi-con para-dime.
    republi-can’t para-dice.

    Well Shilling wasn’t the first ball player to aspire to politix — won’t be the last. Somewhere along the line of history, I remember Willie Mayes & another Giant who were ardent fans of Jerry Brown and before Jerry — his father. They aren’t all storm troopers from the bullpen or dugout.

  17. I work with a baseball lover/fanatic. Curt is one body he doesn’t love and thought never belonged in baseball. Curt the Whiner also obviously never heard the old expression “There’s no crying in baseball.”

  18. Usually seems that the athletes that become rich and go into politics go snacilbupeR. Greed does nasty things to people. Seems like a pretty smart guy once said, “The love of money is the root of all evil.” I’d add, it’s the root of all snacilbupeR policies too.

  19. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Curt Shilling, still throwing spitballs. But sadly it’s not a baseball anymore. He’s sunk to the Donnie Drumpf level of challenged toddlers drowning in their own spit, eating paste and spewing out wet paper balls.

  20. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Debbo, the snacilbupeR “got mine, screw you” is the trademark of their ‘leader’ Lyin’ Ryan. Remember Katrina, when these special snowflakes “generously” donated $3000 or less?
