Well, Damn, There Goes Dinner

August 09, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Donald Trump’s response to the 50 – count ‘um, fifty – Republican national security experts who calls him reckless was a really good one.

Donald Trump responded to a letter signed by fifty national security experts and advisors who won’t vote for the GOP nominee by saying that he “hadn’t planned on using any of these people.”

Yeah, he wasn’t going to hire them anyway.  So there.

“They don’t feel relevant because of that and they form a group and they go out and try to get some publicity for themselves and they hope that somebody else other than Trump wins because that way they can get a job,” he said.

Oh yeah, that’s the deal.  They wanted a job because Hillary will certainly hire Republican national security advisers.

So now all of them will be poor people and unable to afford dinner.  Please send them some canned goods, y’all.


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0 Comments to “Well, Damn, There Goes Dinner”

  1. His funniest ploy lately was suggesting that Clinton is mentally ill or deficient.

    We are all descended from small worm-like creatures, but it shows more on some people. — Will Cuppy

  2. When this election season is over, does anyone think the writers for late night T.V. will remember how to come up with this stuff for themselves?

  3. two crows says:

    Trump’s # 1 policy: “Be it resolved, ‘So There!'”

    And @ Rhea: Yeah, I doubled over laughing when he came out with the “Clinton is crazy” ploy. That’s what I call his, “I’m rubber, You’re glue,” policy. I have used it in the past myownself. Of course, I was 7 years old at the time.

  4. Now those poor unfortunates will be blacklisted for life from working in a Trump-owned casino or hotel.

  5. This stuff just writes itself. We are all waiting for the GOP to pull back the screens, show us the cameras, and tell us it was all a joke. Then tell us who the real joke candidate is. This joke has gone too far.

  6. This speaks volumes about how Drumpf’s self-serving brain works. Everybody is in it only for the money, and there is no such thing a loyalty or integrity. He’s a narcissistic slime. Now I’m really curious about who he thinks he will for security related posts … hmmmmm.

  7. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    A Tale of Two Motorcades. If Hilz and Donnie were touring rural NV for votes, knowing full well that I would be the one to bake the cookies, I would invite Hilz in for milk and cookies. No way Donnie would be allowed past the front gate.

    😀 I remember when Hilz said she didn’t bake cookies. I was maybe 5 at the time and thought it was pretty mean of her. Now I’m a big boy and married to a woman who won’t bake cookies, I “get it”. As Jane, a really great cook tells me, “if you want junk food, you’re on your own.”

    In the “you’ve come a long way baby” theme, we guys are catching up. In fact, that theme is due an update. You’ve come a long way, ladies. And, this time, we’re really are right behind you.

  8. Sandridge says:

    Rhea, (“We are all descended from small worm-like creatures”..),
    IIRC, all mammalian embryos begin development as a tube-like alimentary canal with the expected ‘two ends’, and differentiate from that.
    Obviously some humans stay locked in with/as a dominant azzhole for life, and that accounts for the broad spectrum of Rethug a’holes we see today.

  9. This may not make it by mama, but here goes. What do Rthugs and sperm have in common? Only one in two million have a chance to become a human being.

  10. Oh, and did everyone see Giuliani’s remarks defending Donnie?. While reminding us that those 50 security experts were all “Washington insiders” and therefore part of the reason our country is sooo f****d up (cue the pulling out of one’s own hair), he said “these are the guys who’ve been running things for the last 8, 10, 12 years. Hmmm. Let’s see, If memory serves, for the better part of the last 8 years, the executive branch has been in the hands of the democratic party. And those guys are all republicans. I guess it just illustrates that the problems with Donnie aren’t just with him, but most of the people in his party.

  11. gabberflasted says:

    Rastybob, was it not Alan Funt who had the TV show,
    “Candidate Camera?”

  12. Sandridge, many animals develop as a tube, with food in one end and waste out the other, but there are also animals where everything goes in and out the same opening. Trump keeps displaying which category he’s in.

    And Giuliani sounds like a man who a) can’t count b) can’t remember or c) thinks everybody’s stupid. These are not mutually exclusive categories.

  13. Rastybob says:

    to gabberflasted: I thought I was the only one alive, old enough to remember. You know I love a Good joke. But Drumpf is not a [GOOD]joke. I think he has used up his 15min.
    The real joke is people have voted for him.
    I think your right it should be Candidate Camera

  14. JAKvirginia says:

    The great (and I mean that) Madame de Stael once said something like… a man betrays himself with his own words. And so has Trump.

    Y’see, in Trumpland, you want something. If you doin get it, then you bad-mouth the people who didn’t give it in the hope of shaming them into finally forking it over. That is how he thinks.

    They condemned him. So they must have wanted something. And he suggests that it’s Hillary who has “mental” problems? Puh-leeeze.

  15. Sandridge says:

    Rhea, reptilians too, but linking tRump to lower order life-forms is an insult to evolution, and the poor critters. Although something like a poisonous jellyfish might be close (born to prey on anything smaller that drifts into it’s languid clutches, a serious nuisance- life-threatening even- to all other creatures)

    Rudy 911 G. is beyond pathetic (I thought his rabid RNC 1st night seizure-like gyrations might be his last public appearance, nope).
    He, Chris Crispy, and many of the others are just chitstains on tRump’s fancy undies (or wetfart stains in some cases); and they jes luvs rolling in it.
    I would think that there are some tenacious NYC tRump-Giuliani-mob history and connections that bind them together like a bad aged salami (NJ Crispy too).

  16. Yeeesh! I remember when Guiliani was referred to as America’s Mayor after 911. Looks like he jumped into the dementia pool with cement boots on.

  17. In the midst of all these witty and wise comments, Paul? You win! Once Scumpf passed age 5, he destroyed his opportunity to become human.
