RBG’s Revenge

October 02, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Coronavirus

Oh, yeah.  It’s just perfect – Trump’s and McConnell’s rush to pack the court with anti-choice, anti-American, and religious ideologues to protect the 2020 election just backfired.  The rushed up and non-masked ceremony to announce Amy Coney Barrett as RBG’s replacement is becoming the most prominent US super-spreader event so far. With over 150 unprotected guests, Trump and Barrett flouted public health policy, recklessly exposing staff, press, Secret Service, and many others to the deadly Coronavirus.  The result?  Trump has contracted the virus and is at Walter Reed Hospital as doctors use experimental treatments on him to counter his inherent risks of old, fat, terrible condition, and just fucking stupid.  Others infected are Melania, Trump Best Girl Hope Hicks, Utah Senator Mike Lee, RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel, Rev. John Jenkins (president of Notre Dame), Thom Tillis, NC Senator, three unnamed reporters, Kellyanne Conway, and God knows who else.  The stupidity of Trump and his minions was on public display and now many are paying the price.  Many more are at risk.

It seems that RBG just won her first case from the Great Beyond, wherever that is.  Trump should have paid attention to her request.

Karma is a bitch.

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0 Comments to “RBG’s Revenge”

  1. One would think this scenario would give Evangelical Trump supporters pause, but I read one comment today which suggested God works in mysterious ways and He will certainly cure Trump so the president can rise up, stronger than ever, and smite all those who need smiting.

    They must get dizzy after they’re done concocting these explanations.

  2. Barrett had her children there. If any of them develops COVID, god forbid, CPS should take them away from her.

  3. Haven’t seen anything about whether Barrett’s been tested.

    I did see that several R Senators are asking (begging) Turtle Man to call a recess next week. If too many of them get sick they won’t be able vote on Barret later.

  4. Sandridge says:

    BillR @3, Read/heard somewhere [PBS Newshour?] that Amy B already has had COVID19.
    So presumably she has a degree of immunity [of which this virulent new disease seems to have some variability].

    RE: The Xchristofacist Talibangelicals,
    I’m waiting for the almighty FSM to go waaay out of character and wave his/her/its noodley appendage over a big honking ‘Smite’ button and zap ’em all into the middle of next Sunday down in one of Dante’s Rings of Hades.

  5. slipstream says:

    But . . . but . . . but he stood in front of a church and held up an upside down Bible for the cameras. How could God do this to him?

  6. Karen in New Mexico says:

    I’m waiting for Billy Barr to make his announcement. Kellyanne was closer to his face than his wife probably gets.

  7. I literally don’t even need to read this piece to know it strikes the absolute wrong and inappropriate tone.

    Consider posterity.

    – signed, a Democrat for decency

  8. charles phillips says:

    Consider jocularity, instead.

  9. Ah yes, decency. Would that our pseudo president have shown
    that noble trait toward all the people he herded into those
    cattle drive rallies to bolster his stupendous ego or the
    meat packing employees forced to work while the virus raged
    through their plants, or the countless doctors and nurses who
    lost their lives without enough masks or gowns or the people who died drinking disinfectant at Drumpf’s suggestion.
    Save your decency for those who deserve it!

  10. I think mcturtle would would wheel somebody in a portable iron lung on to the Senate floor for that vote.
    And as far as immunity goes, I ain’t so sure there is much.

    I know I’m saying something someone else has, but my empathy level for these cretins has long since passed. I hope Barrett reinfects after she’s on the bench, and kills herself and 2 conservative justices. I guess I’m on the hell.

  11. Highway to hell.

  12. P.P. Says:
    “but my empathy level for these cretins has long since passed.”

    If America had a comprehensive, cohesive COVID-19 policy, the number of cases and deaths right now might be closer to other industrialized counties around the world. Low. The likelihood of contracting the virus would then also be low. You wouldn’t need empathy or much empathy for the cretins P.P., as very few of them would test positive.

    What’s goes around without masks and other precautions, comes around.

  13. Rick@11:
    I think you may have misunderstood me.
    When I quoted Highway to Hell, there was no apology in there.
    I want ’em all to die and go to hell. If there is one.
    Whatever the cost.
    But thanks for the guidance in who to empathize with.

  14. charles phillips says:

    In other news, over 213,000 deaths due to stupidity as of this AM, 629 in DC.


  15. We ain’t a bunch of medicos at our house but me and the Mr. are wondering if the Orange faced Mass Murderer isn’t gettin a lot of aggressive treatment for a “ mild case” of the Trump Virus. Seems most of us would be taking over the counter Advil and just resting. Looks like that’s what the rest of his cluster are doing. If he were poor and of color, things would be a helluva lot different.
    Is there a vent in his future? How can I help?

  16. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Joel, “absolute wrong and inappropriate tone” might also apply to your tone. You don’t get to set the standard for everyone else. One man’s meat is another man’s poison. I’m sorry you got sick off of the red meat here.

  17. Jane & PKM says:

    Must be fun to be at the Conway house this weekend. Conway teen daughter Claudia is making her thoughts known on Tik Tok.

    Albeit it would merely be “quoting,” but out of respect for the WMDBS standards will let others do their own research for the quotes. If daddy George and his pals at The Lincoln Project need help summarizing Covidiot 45, Claudia certainly knows the shortest distance between two points. It has been said that certain genes skip every other generation, so it seems with the Conways. Claudia received all the “truth genes” that skipped over Kellyanne.

    No doubt Barron is enjoying the extra bandwidth and speed available at the WH this weekend. All the better to download NEON for his viewing pleasure.

  18. Repub congresscritter DeAnna Lorraine is sure this is some sort of Chinese attack, because the Repugs are getting the virus and the prominent Dems are not. It is amazing that they cannot connect the dots, when the dots are right in front of them. The Chinese (or any group) don’t have to conspire to do anything at all when the Repugs run around and engage in risky behaviour. They just sit back and watch.

  19. Sam in Superior says:

    Now our pathetic excuse for a Senator/human being Ron Johnson has tested positive. If Thilis and/or Johnson have to step down, both states have Democratic governors who would appoint a Dem as a replacement.

  20. Steve from Beaverton says:

    And our thoughts go out to Ron Johnson, too. He has also tested positive. Oh booo hoo. He’s one who I always thought was near the back of the line when brains were handed out. They ran out before he got to the front.
    I’m also a democrat for decency but at this point, like their leader, the repugnanticans listed in this post have shown they don’t like decency. So they’re getting what they want.

  21. Rich in Fla says:

    Lets not forget those rich donors he infected at Bedminster AFTER learning of Hope Hicks positive results. Word is they are freaking out.

    And Josh Marshall at TPM has clearly outlined the WH attempt at covering this up until word got out about Hicks. Only then did Orange Obesity tweet that he was positive.

    Reckless behavior on display and behind the scenes here.

    Even Chris Christie, who should have been high up on a contract trace list from debate prep time with Hicks, learned of her case from the news.

  22. @Joel – Sorry, bro, but “decency” got us two terms of GWB and a stolen seat from the Supreme Court. “Fair play” got us 100% Republican statewide officeholders in Texas and stolen statehouses all over the country through radical gerrymandering. This is a flame war, and unilateral disarmament is exactly the wrong response to the profound corruption of Trump and his enablers. Trump is literally the leading cause of death in the US and this is not the time for “decency” or “coming together”.

  23. The list of Republicans at the Senate judiciary committee meeting with infected Mike Lee included 87 year old Chuck Grassley, president pro tem of the Senate. Ted Cruz had the seat next to Lee for Lee’s 10 minute shouting rant about the need to confirm immediately. Lady Karma seems to be wearing a lace collar these days.

  24. Harry Eagar says:

    Joel, I don’t want Trump to suffer any more than the little children he kidnapped or the old people who died gasping for breath alone because of his evil policies, but I won’t care if he doesn’t suffer any less, either.

  25. Karen Crosby says:

    One of the things that is looked at in deciding a SCOTUS Justice is JUDGEMENT. I does seem that Barrett’s choice not to wear a mask during a pandemic was not good judgment, especially as she has done it several times!

  26. The Surly Professor says:

    P.P. @11: move over a bit, I’m in the handbasket with you.

    And for those who call for temperant tones, decency, and love for our fellow creatures: I was born and reared in Texas. So it’s “know who your friends are and take care of them; know who your enemies are and take them down.”

  27. Rich in Fla says:

    And an update, as if on cue: Christie is also announcing he has it too.

  28. It appears that the chickens have come home to roost. About time!

  29. Jane & PKM says:

    After meaningful apologies and a significant clean up of every institution that has been befouled by 4 years of “let Donnie be Donnie” decency might be restored. Who deserves the first apology? Women, Black Lives Matter, Hispanics should certainly head the list of those owed apologies. But let’s discuss meaningful. That would be legislation. Significant legislation to restore the VRA, criminal justice reform, DACA, and wrapping Roe v Wade in all the 4th and 14th Amendment protections it deserves federally and in all 50 states. Last and certainly not least: apologies to our kids with belated gun safety and legislation to actively address Global Warming. Toss in universal health care to the list, then maybe we can accept that Republicons are sincere about a return to decency.

    Whatchagot, Moscow Mitch? Time is fleeting on these critical issues.

  30. Last night, on Rachel, they were remarking on how quickly his case has progressed — from “no symptoms” yesterday morning to “mild symptoms” moments later to hospitalization which is scheduled to last for “several days,” between midnight and late afternoon.

    Prior to all that, I had had a theory that Hope didn’t get it first but that Trump has been sitting on the information till someone else caught it FROM HIM and tested positive so it would look like he caught it from that staffer and not from gallivanting all over the country maskless.
    Because of course it’s all about Trump — never mind that he purposely gave a deadly disease to someone else to cover his own ass.

    If, otoh, it actually DID move this fast, it bodes ill for his survival.
    A doc on the program was strongly urging the first five in the line of succession: Pence, Pelosi, Grassley, Pompeo and Manuchin to all quarantine immediately so that at least one of them will be well enough to take over if necessary.

    Guess which one I’m rooting for.

    And, given which one has been consistently wearing a mask AND is most likely to take the quarantine suggestion to heart, she is probably the one who, if worse came to worst, would assume the mantle for the next few weeks.

  31. P.P. @13
    Yes, you’re right. I may have misunderstood. For myself, I’ve had conflicting sentiments over the last few days, even longer. Karma vs the better angels of our nature, and all that. So I’m certainly in no position to offer guidance on a road trip.

    Except maybe, if the weather’s good, roll down the window & crank some tunes…

  32. Jane & PKM says:

    It has been reported that Chuck Grassley is refusing to be tested. Is there some unannounced competition to be dumber than RoHo?

    Speaker Pelosi needs to run roughshod over House Republicons and act however the tyrant she needs to be to run the House safe and sane. Yes, I would like to see Gym Jordan and a few others physically removed in hazardous material waste bags for the safety of those doing the removing. Bags to be tightly tied to protect the innocent. Meanwhile Chuck Schumer needs to tell Moscow Mitch in no uncertain terms “no, you don’t ‘got this’ so here’s how it’s going to be.”

  33. Yellowstone says:

    Have you noticed how profoundly peaceful it is has been. Trump is no longer compulsively tweeting or ranting at one of his neo nazi rallies? It feels so calm and surreal.

  34. Buttermilk Sky says:

    WH says trump is taking Remdesivir. Not hydroxichloroquine. Not bleach. Not an exorcism by the doctor from Cameroon. I guess they have real doctors at Reed, not Fox News radiologists.

    As for Hicks, Christie and the rest, enjoy your “herd mentality.”

  35. Rick@ 31: I think that one of the reasons I hate them so much is because I don’t really like being the guy hoping somebody suffers or dies. But that’s where I’m at. And it’s because of them. Maybe that’s just an excuse, but I’m passed the point of caring.
    And I’m with you on the tunes. They can definitely make the ride.
    One of my favorite road tunes is Tom Petty’s Running Down a Dream

  36. I read in several places that there would be more Republicans die from this virus than Democrats and assumed that was for us regular people. I assumed it was referring to the cult. Well – it seems like it includes the elected officials in this country. It would be a fitting response if it just happened to be the complicit Republicans in the Senate who won’t be able to cast their votes to place the Stepford wife nominee.

  37. Karen, Amen, sista!

  38. @P.P.

    Reminds me of a boot camp incident, prolly like “All of this has happened before, and it will all happen again.” A gunny in boot camp approaches a recruit saying, “Recruit X, you have a serially bad attitude.” To which the recruit, in a moment of clarity, says “Sir, it’s not self-inflicted.”

    My hateful attitude toward snacilbupeR developed due to snacilbupeR being themselves. Since “winning” in November, 2016 they have been capital insufferable. The denial of Merrick Garland, then the election, then 35 months of hearing Drumpf constitutes standing on my last raw nerve. Do I pray for each Republican every day? Yes. Do I have a measure of thoughts and prayers for them? Yes. In the same measure Republicans have sincere thoughts and prayers for the non-Republican, non-male, non-evangelical, non-white victims of their criminality.

    If Drumpf or any of a long list of his enables and allies and so forth die, I will think what a sad day for their families, but what a great day for America.

  39. So it was all a hoax to his cult until Orange45 got sick. Now covid’s not only real, but a ‘democrat’ plot to show him up right before the election. Dems must have given it to him and the others who irresponsibly showed up maskless and packed together. It makes your head spin, the illogic of it. Twisted.

    Meanwhile, good guy Joe has pulled his negative advertisements while trump is sick, but the trump campaign refuses to reciprocate. And the trumpists say Joe should stop campaigning. But you know if he did they would mock him for “hiding in his basement”. Good on Joe for responsibly continuing. Let’s pray he continues to be well.

  40. charles phillips says:

    Most appropriate road tune for this occasion?


  41. charles phillips@40:
    Good choice.

  42. For some reason I’m hearing me some Dylan, It’s Alright Ma, I’m Only Dying

  43. e platypus onion says:

    Extremely mild acquaintance from another liberal blog had this to say about drumpf’s luck, “His karma just ran over his dogma!”

    FYI Debbo and I are both covid free and have been. I would like to say hi to everyone that keeps JJ’s hopping. Debbo can do her own talking.

  44. Coprolite says:

    If everyone had worn one we wouldn’t have found ourselves in this predicament.

    Prophylactic: A preventive measure. The word comes from the Greek for “an advance guard,” an apt term for a measure taken to fend off a disease or another unwanted consequence.

  45. UmptyDump says:

    Saturdayy Night Live ended up last night with a shot of Kate McKinnon in the audience, dressed as Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. McKinnon put a hand to her heart and slowly bowed her head. The the video cut to a shot of a robe, and RNG neck collar, a pair of glasses and the words “Rest in Power.”


  46. I have a a definite feeling that RBG has hooked up with an old friend of mine in the Great Beyond and the two of them are having a terrific time!
