Rand Paul Hears Inaugural Address

January 23, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Dude, if the sheet fits ….

It’s odd to see Paul with such self awareness.


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0 Comments to “Rand Paul Hears Inaugural Address”

  1. No wonder this guy got into a fracas with his neighbor! He needs help! He’s hearing things that aren’t there!

  2. Of course Joe said no such thing. He doesn’t name-call — like Rand’s little friend does.

    That said:
    Hey Rand, when you read stuff into something that never happened, that’s your conscience pricking you.

    Um, you do have one of those, right? I’d listen if I were you.

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    Little Runt Paul speaking from behind his “victim” card and white sheet bunker needs to go mow his lawn.

  4. And if you listen to it backwards, it says Elvis is alive.

  5. charles phillips says:

    What did you expect? His family is all descended from the shallow end of the gene pool.

  6. I don’t know the origin of this quote but it fits Mr. Paul: a guilty man flees where no man pursuith.

  7. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Like everyone here is saying, ranting Paul has a guilty conscience. He didn’t read Biden’s speech, he could just feel the heat of 81 million + voters calling him out for what he is. He prefers the not so veiled racist cat calls of his previous orange leader.

  8. Grandma Ada says:

    He’s so used to his majesty’s projecting onto other people he thinks everyone does. But I do think he’s a racist and a liar!

  9. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Go ahead rant paul, defend this you little twerp (defined as an insignificant despicable fellow):


  10. Rand Paul says:
    “… calling us every name in the book…”

    I wonder what that book is titled? The Idiot Racist’s Guide To Invisible Words?

  11. thatotherjean says:

    A guilty conscience is a terrible thing. It makes you listen to accusations and slights that only you can hear–because Joe Biden never said anything of the kind. But if you do feel called out for doing terrible things, Rand, maybe you should stop doing them?

  12. Just for the heck of it, I wonder what he hears when he picks up a good size seashell and listens. This guy really needs to check his meds!

  13. Harry Eagar says:

    Not every name in the book. Nobody is calling Rand a patriot.

  14. Wyatt_Earl says:

    Rand Paul is a loon.

  15. @ MaryBeth #6

    Proverbs 28:1

  16. I didn’t notice and thin-veiling‽

  17. Bananas: thanks, I thought it was from the bible, but wasn’t sure enough to attribute it.
