Hummmm ….

January 22, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Somebody sent me this and asked if Little Bubba took cases like this. He was asking for a friend, of course.



No, he doesn’t. Riding a horse while drunk is how legislators get to the state capitol.  Sometimes it’s unclear if the horse or the Democrat is drunk.

Nah, I just made that up. On a more serious note, if riding a horse while drunk is illegal in Utah, how do they have rodeos?


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0 Comments to “Hummmm ….”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    Would Mr. Bankston consider joining Donnie’s impeachment defense team? Possibly the first time he’d be tempted to introduce his client with: “bring in the guilty sumbitch.”

  2. Rich in Fla says:

    What about a drunk mayor in a field screwing a cow?

    True scenario asked of a a young potential police officer many years ago. What if, on patrol you encounter the mayor as described above?

    I’d immediately call for back-up!!

    Yes , and then?

    I’d have the back-up officer take the mayor home and arrest
    the cow for soliciting !!!!

    I believe he was hired immediately.

  3. I actually had a case here in New Mexico where my client, a disabled Viet Nam veteran was charged a DUI while in his wheelchair. Sidewalk was blocked and he had to go in the street to get around. It was dismissed after my rant in court. Cop got some negative feedback from his veteran cop buddies.

  4. Harry Eagar says:

    Meanwhile at the other end of the profession, there seems to be a Super Bowl-level struggle for the title of Craziest Lawyer in Texas:

  5. I wonder if it would ruin his image in court if they knew he was Little Bubba at home.

  6. The Surly Professor says:

    Now that’s what Michael Ellis, the lawyer Trump installed as general counsel at the NSA, can be reassigned to: addressing the lawsuits the Bozo Bar members are filing against Biden. Since Trump felt that Ellis had to be assigned four days before the End of Trump-ness, we clearly need to find other work for him.

    In between those appearances, he can also be assigned to appeal parking tickets accrued by NSA employees. We’re stuck with Ellis, but that doesn’t mean he can’t be assigned to appropriate work that won’t let him make administrative decisions about the NSA.

  7. Harry Eagar says:

    Not necessarily stuck. First, he never started the job. Second, he’s been suspended. Third, there will be an inspector general investigation of whether there was political interference in his appointment.

    There was.

    Again, the question for him that I’ve posed for Kirstjen Nielsen etc.: Didn’t these young people consider where their professional careers were going to go? Nowhere now.

  8. Well, you see, the more breathalyzers you sell the cheaper they become. This kind of law in certain areas would make it possible for a breathalyzer salesperson to get pretty damn rich right quick!

  9. Jane & PKM says:

    AK Lynne au contraire, if the opposition were to think “Little Bubba” thus erroneously underestimating him, that’s a serious advantage for Mark. Anyway, after being raised by Ms. Juanita Jean Herownself, he’s heavily armored by his own sense of humor about himself. No doubts about that.

  10. Rick Stelter says:

    I had an acquaintance that got busted in Aspen, Colorado for drunk driving while on a horse, well to be honest, the cop saw him fall off the horse while it was walking on the side of the highway.
    The conviction stuck and he did 6 months in jail there. The judge was a reforming alcoholic/ drug abuser, that I witnessed cutting up cocaine in Andre’s disco way back when, before he got religion and a healthy dose of self righteousness.
