Racists In The Open

April 06, 2023 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

Today, three State Representatives of the Tennessee Legislature were put on trial in the State House for showing support for students who were protesting gun violence in their schools.

After three individual votes, two of the three were summarily expelled from the legislature.

The two black men, the Honorable Justin Jones, and the Honorable Justin Pearson, were expelled. The third legislator, the Honorable Gloria Johnson, was not expelled by a margin of one vote.

Rep. Johnson is white.

Yes, it goes deeper. There is a lot of background, and yes, the gun lobby is involved, naturally. But the naked use of racist power is there in that gerrymandered legislature for all to see.

And like it was when another generation was persecuted for protesting an illegal and immoral war, the agendas of the powerful were on full display. But in this latter case, the agendas are entirely racist.

And as Justin Jones said in his warning to his former colleagues, just as it was chanted in the 60’s and 70’s, the whole world is watching.

0 Comments to “Racists In The Open”

  1. I watched most of spectacle in real time, it was despicable, truly. I hope that every one of the republicans that voted to expel the best politicians in the room lose their next election by a landslide. I hope the youth of Tennessee join together with democrats to clearly and definitively halt their political careers forever. These republicans should never be comfortable enough to show their faces in public ever again. Last but not least I hope the white lady they let stay uses her position to humiliate these assholes everyday.

  2. Drip, drip, drip . . . . . .

  3. I’ve seen this ploy over and over again in public and in private. It never made any sense to me. When Bobby Kennedy was assassinated, I was one of those who felt guns desparetely needed control but was told by an R that was dangerous thinking. After seeing this country go further and further down a very slick slope (Sandy Hook, Mother Emmanual Church, Uvalde, Covenant School and on and on) I’ve come to a really troubling thought. Are there people in this country that just can’t get to see enough bloodshed? There are actually people comimg from war zones to this country for safety. I find that both sad and stunning.

  4. Maggie, I know this is gonna sound uber simplistic, but IMHO that’s why it works so well for the people that propagate it.
    Because they go to great lengths and unlimited expense to convince folks who DON’T want to see more bloodshed that it’s gonna happen anyway.
    And the only thing that can be done is to be prepared and EQUIPPED to shed blood to protect their children.
    Their Families.
    Friends’ property.
    You know. Anything us Liberals might,
    in their most malarial(y?) feverish dreams,
    wanna pry outta their cold dead hands.

  5. Bob Boland says:

    Don’t know about impeachment but breaking financial disclosure laws should lead to prosecutions. And I believe that said laws define failure to disclose to be a felony.

    Wonder if a successful prosecution would, among other things, prompt the USSC to create a set of ethics standards that are mandatory? Naah, never gonna happen with the current Supremes.

    On a side note, wonder what excuse will Speaker Qevin use to not begin impeachment proceedings against Thomas?

  6. Bob Boland says:

    Sorry, wrong thread.

  7. Grandma Ada says:

    I think one of the Reps – not sure which – said the man that brought the expulsion order seemed very comfortable with talking down to and about the three. I feel that the GOP has become very comfortable about telling lies in general.

  8. Steve from Beaverton says:

    In the last few days, Charlie Kirk (the ultra racist, white nationalist) said basically that some people will need to be killed by guns so he can have his weapons of war. I guess that’s to protect themselves against us democrats that are calling for even the most reasonable gun laws. I’m sure he sees nothing wrong with two black legislators elected by voters in Tennessee removed from office for trying to push for gun laws to prevent innocent deaths. In fact, I’m sure he is celebrating. Tennessee Democrats need to be protesting this loudly in the streets because the repugnanticans are wearing earplugs.

  9. Becky Booker says:

    As an 8th generation East Tennessean, I am appalled at the debacle of yesterday’s proceedings. Speaker Sexton aims to be governor. Hopefully his behavior in front of the entire world stops that. Yes there are many issues not mentioned yesterday. One is that Rep. Jones was a leader in trying to get the bust of General Nathan Bedford Forrest (you know, the founder of the KKK. We’re so proud) removed from the capitol. Basically the good ole boys showed their true colors—hypocrisy, racism, misogyny and hatred. The irony of this happening on Maundy Thursday, the Day of Betrayal is lost on them. Modern Pharisees so intent on the rules instead of caring about lives….

  10. I am aware that the R’s in the TN legislature have over the years behaved outrageously to the point where they would have been kicked out immediately but thanks to the Country club atmosphere, they had no such public spanking. The two members who were expelled are automatically still in office for a certain time and if this goes all the way to a special election, I am hoping that the expelled members will run again and if unable by law that their successors will once again FULLY represent the people of those districts. As for the lady who kept her seat by one majestic vote, I hope the R’s don’t try to do a rerun on her. Shucks! That would certainly add sexism to racism in this case.

  11. And Happy Easter to you all!!!

  12. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Thanks to Becky Booker for pointing out that Justin Jones was leading in the effort to remove the bust of the founder of the KKK from the Tennessee capital. I don’t know how many former confederate states haven’t removed the extreme negative symbols of blatant racism like the KKK, but that explains the repugnantican party of Tennessee (and other places). Outrageous. Mr Jones was doomed from the start, but I hope he and Tennessee Democrats keep up the pressure on all fronts.

  13. Nica Brian says:

    I think the Tennessee Legislature missed seeing the 2013 State of the Union and how to gracefully move on from disruptions and not look like overreacting bigots.

    Look like? Excuse me. It’s Tennegoddamssee.
