President for Workers – Who Screws Over Workers

January 12, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Trump, Uncategorized

Trump beat all odds two years ago, winning the presidency by appealing to the working class, who fell for his schtick of being a man of the people, never mind the fact that he was a spray painted reality television star whose cheesy branding included gold plated everything and a nude model from Slovenia to whom he was married.  The irony in his common man appeal is that he has a decades-long record of screwing the common man by not paying his bills and being “litigator in chief”, using the courts as a weapon to fend off legitimate bill collectors.

USA Today has published a report that documents a pattern of unreasonably withheld payments by the Trump Organization, driving many contractors into financial distress and even bankruptcy.  This behavior goes all the way back to the 1980s, and continued even after Trump started taking billions from Russian oligarchs. Trump has been the subject of over 3,500 lawsuits, many of which are over unpaid or underpaid contractors.

This report rings very true to me since I have a friend who told me a story two years ago that he had done work for the Trump Organization over a decade before, running up a $40,000 bill.  Trump refused to pay.  After months of arguing, one of his lackeys told my friend that if he wanted any money, he’d have to sue, so he gave up.  Months later, Trump’s people had the gall to call him for another job, telling him that if he’d do this next job, they’d pay him for the first.  My friend wisely told them to go to hell.

Not paying bills, especially to individual contractors, is the worst of the worst.  Trump has demonstrated for decades that he is just that.

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0 Comments to “President for Workers – Who Screws Over Workers”

  1. There is a lot of fault in the courts for not awarding heavy duty legal fees when he files frivolous contests. He profits by getting away with it.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    The Drumpf Crime Family has a decades old history of rotten labor practices and stiffing contractors. We are not learning much of anything new about Donnie, nor are his ties with Putin, fondness for authoritarian dictators and his self dealings against our interests of any surprise. All those dismal snacilbupeR in Congress who failed to place checks and balances on this demented crook need to join him in the steel slat hotel.

  3. I have been hearing first-hand accounts on tv from people suffering from this. When asked, often they say they voted for tRump. Sorta difficult to feel sorry for them, at this point. They thought he would just hurt brown people. No, suckers, he really didn’t give a damn about you, either.

  4. Not only did the Co-conspirator stiff contractors, but he committed outright fraud, bilking people out of thousands through that ridiculous Trump University. He should have gotten jail time for that, instead he paid a fine. Because he got away with crime after crime, he was able to weasel his way into the White House and corrupt our government. The New York judicial system has a lot to answer for.

  5. Lying, stealing, adultry.
    Yep, a POTUS evangelicals can love.

  6. WA Skeptic says:

    A major airport has closed due to no TSA agents.

    An ammosexual was carrying a pistol as well as loaded weapons onto an airplane and resisted arrest when challenged.

    I’m afraid to think what’s next.

    Time for the 25th Amendment solution.

  7. That headline could apply to any Rthug president. Reagan fired me.

  8. Kate Dungan says:

    HEB is taking donations for local people who worked for the government, so they could have food. One of the checkers said business was off…because of the shutdown. Because of that, she was worried about getting laid off…because of the shutdown. Then she told me about her brother who worked for the government, and his wife and their new born and how worried he was about food and shelter and not getting paid…..because of the shutdown. Yesterday, my husband got a call from the college he teaches at; they were having to cancel courses because the Pell Grants didn’t come through and people couldn’t take classes…because of the shutdown.

    You may feel that Trump’s idotic behavior isn’t going to bother or affect you in any way…but you’d be wrong. Chances are, it’s already touched someone you know or love…a family member, a good neighbor, a member of your church. The *Shutdown* is boomeranging all over the place and there’s no telling who it will damage…and it might be you!

  9. I am sick about reading delusional articles with the premise that so called “mainstream” thuglicans might try to reign in demented donnie.
    Can’t be more mainstream then the senate majority leader or speaker of the House and they are dedicaited dyed in the wool drumpf supporters.
    The “mainstream” thuglicans are demented donnies base.
    Thuglicans that are otsiders are issueing a clarion call to return the thuglican party to partial sanity.
    Be honest ever since tricky disk with accelerent of addled ronnie the thuglican party was racing for the the edge of sanity, decency, honesty and humanity with the instincts of lemmings it is only with demented donnie that their loss of humanity, reason or decency has come out to full view.
    Their has not be an honest thuglican since the eisenhower administration nor one who could be dealt with since ev dirksen.

  10. Liess #1

    Justice for the common man mean he gets jail or prison. But if you’re filthy rich, there are lawyers who can get you off with a hand slap for the worst crimes.

  11. @WA Skeptic #6

    When more major airports close, it will get really hard for the GOP to ignore the economic consequences and just maybe, they’ll get off their butts to deal with the mess. In the meantime those who are immediately affected by the shutdown suffer.
    The only upside to that is perhaps people will remember who was responsible for the shut down and who elected officials did nothing to stop Trump.

  12. aaack!
    subtract “who” from last sentence.

  13. Let me try this again. Undone by lack of coffee. Sorry

    Should read:

    “The only upside to that is perhaps people will remember who was responsible for the shut down and the elected officials who did nothing to stop Trump.

  14. I remember years ago a much younger friend of mine feeling sorry for the publicized financial woes of the young up and coming Trump. She thought the government should step in and help him. I simply looked at the mess he was in and how he got there and told her, OK, but no money. Maybe give him a far western state and tell him to do the right thing and bring it to a golden glowing point, thereby vanishing his previous bad judgement and lack of management skills. When she asked which state, I facetiously suggested Idaho.

  15. Frank McCormick says:

    And the USA Today article, originally published in 2016, is the best illustration of our ongoing problem. We knew all of the current “scoops” by the print media BEFORE he was elected, but all was glossed over for Hillary’s Emails.

    It makes me wonder just how Russian collusion goes…
