Hell of a Friday Night News Dump

January 11, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Customers are starting to post on the Toons page over whether or not Trump is a Baptized Communist.

Sorry I’m posting from my phone but I wanted you to have a place to talk.

Here it is.


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0 Comments to “Hell of a Friday Night News Dump”

  1. When it’s determined that Trump is and has been under the control of Russia, can all of his actions be reversed? Can the Supreme Court Justices be removed? Are all executive orders reversed? Are all appointees ‘unappointed’? Can everything Trump has done just be erased? Can I lock his jail cell door?

  2. Heard some of the conversation from a panel on teevee, listing suspicious activity by the Weaselheaded F**knuggett.
    Asking Russia for Hillary’s emails and then they deliver.
    Hiring a guy with deep ties to Russia as his campaign manager, and so many other things, the first smartass thing outta my mouth was, Well when you say it like THAT…..

  3. Occams Razor: The simplest explanation is always right: Trump had extensive Russian ties before he ran – he’d filed for bankruptcy 6 times and no reputable banker would lend to him. That was when Russia stepped in and saved his business. When he ran, the Russians offered to help, and he accepted. He’s been a tool since the 80’s and Putin has been playing him from the start.

    Remember that immediately after Trump fired Comey, he drove out or fired every other senior FBI leader in a position to know what was going on with the investigation, even the ones most people had never heard of.

    “Counterintelligence investigators had to consider whether the president’s own actions constituted a possible threat to national security.”

    So, pretty much, if you fire the head of the FBI for refusing to drop an inquiry into your National Security Advisor (who was on Putin’s payroll), and then celebrate the firing with Putin’s pals in the Oval Office whilst handing them classified Israeli Intelligence on a silver platter – it turns out that the FBI might just question your motivation, particularly if you do an interview on National TV admitting that you did it to take the heat off of you.

    I know, go figure.

  4. fierywoman says:

    Didn’t Manafort offer to work as his campaign manager for free? I remember when it was announced during the campaign, I saw a wall of red flags.

  5. So here we are considering criminal acts of the president with an unqualified huckster as acting AG, and no one seems to care, a new AG appointment on deck who was resurrected from the mausoleum of hacks and ideologues for the exclusive reason to start making the pardons rain down just as he did for perjurer poppa, an increasingly ideological dishonest judiciary dedicated to protecting their dear leader and a senate full of sycophants who are willing to ignore illegalities just for the right to beg to kiss demented donnies okole.

    hardly a promising situation.

  6. I don’t know if you took the name of this article from my comment on the Friday Night Toon article (This is a helluva Friday night news dump from the New York Times), but I’m happy I was able to add to your content, Ms. Juanita.

    If it wasn’t me, I’ll just pretend it was me.

  7. Deb:
    When you say it like THAT, it sounds bad.

  8. WA Skeptic says:

    Well, bang my head…who’d a thunk it? Just because he’s done everything possible to destroy our country, and Ol’ Vlad the Destroyer just sits there and smiles…

  9. Fierywoman,
    Trump only accepts 1.00 for his corrupt services to the US. He donates the 399,000.00 to different charities.
    That bothered me bigly.

    He is a crook and a liar. Always has been, always will be.

  10. That Other Jean says:

    @Diane: Has Trump actually donated anything to anybody? Of course, if he has, he gets to take a tax deduction for his charitable contribution. Or did that get eliminated in his tax cut for the ultra-rich? Since it would benefit him to leave it alone, maybe not.

    From some time before he was elected, Trump’s administration has been a sea of red flags. He owes all that he has left to Russia–and I’m sure they’re getting paid back, one way or another.

  11. For all I’ve seen and read, Rump is a communist and a crook. How many others in both houses are either enablers or subscribe to communism themselves?

    My dear late hubby believed that the only good communist was dead one, not that I suggest this as a solution.

  12. His allegiance to Putin conflicts with the Republican values of greed and intolerance. On the other hand, he may be uniting America, but only against him.

  13. Jane & PKM says:

    Stating the obvious, “Donnie has to go.” There have already been a number of people indicted and ready for prison ahead of his wake. Javanka and Dimwit Mint Jr are obvious candidates for the ride-along session of Donnie’s great adventure. But things don’t happen in a vacuum, there are no coincidences, and there’s a heap of evidence that indicates Pence, McConnell, Nunes and Ryan deserve to have their time in the barrel.

    Vote them out in 2020? (2022 for McConnell) fuhgeddaboudit … 2019 the year of the Cons being removed from office like a pussy posse raid in Las Vegas.

  14. It has been clear from the start that DJT is compromised, whether he’s an active agent or not. He has done dozens if not hundreds of things that have benefited Russia and Russian interests over those of the United States. At this point, I don’t think it matters whether he’s doing it from the goodness of his heart or because the Russians are holding his ‘nads in a jar: he is clearly and deliberately serving Russian interests.

    (1) Asking Russia to attack Hilary.
    (2) Undermining Ukraine with the GOP plank changes.
    (3) Firing Comey.
    (4) Attempting to end the DOJ investigation into Russian influence.
    (5) Inviting Lavrov & Kislyak to the white house, and compromising Israeli intelligence to them.
    (6) Alienating Germany and sowing discord at NATO.
    (7) Attempting to reverse or prevent Russian sanctions.

    And these don’t begin to touch on the things we strongly suspect, and miscellaneous criminal activity, e.g., his direction of Flynn, negotiations with Veselnetskaya, obstruction of justice, Chinese activities, campaign violations, payoffs to women, etc., etc..

    Trump needed to go from day -1.

  15. Diane Duffy-Patyjewicz says:

    The Other Jean,

    Yes he has. Looked it up. Just like Trump to use the presidency to look magnanimous.
    Of course he lied for years and abused his own charity, but yes he could not work for free and accepts $ 1.00 / year for his services.
    Personally, I think the US is getting ripped off.

  16. Ted, I’m not sure why you think Putin is against greed and intolerance.

  17. And now the Great Shutdown. I have a feeling that crowds will be marching on D.C. and not for the usual reasons during January. I have friends on the fed payroll, people who have worked for the government for years. They are approaching retirement time and have all their digits crossed that their pensions will still be existence or if the Golden Grifter uses them for his own purposes. I kid you not! If he feels he can go into the Military Construction Fund (Army Corps of Engineers – flood control stuff et al.) what is to stop him from going any where else for that money? And claiming his absolute right to do so!

  18. Lunargent says:

    Papa @ 11 –

    The one thing that Trump are Putin are most assuredly not is Communists.

    To the contrary, they’re two of the most toxic Capitalist Kleptocrats on the planet. They think of nothing but aggrandizing everything they possibly can to themselves.

    Flawed as it is in practice, Communist economic theory is diametrically opposed to their hoarding.

  19. Charles R Phillips says:

    I wonder how long before the Coast Guard runs out of money for food and fuel to conduct their missions?

  20. Lunargent#18,

    Putin was a KGB spy and intelligence agent for Russia. Capitalist kleptocracy is a few shades darker, but also as damaging as communism. Neither last long-term as forms of government.

  21. What is amazing is that putin is following lenin’s maxim that capitalist would sell out their countries and sell the USSR the tools to destroy themselves with exclusive focus on short term profits.
    In our case we even sold him the presidentcy.

  22. Charles Phillips:

    While I was on active duty in the Coast Guard in 1981, there was a CO who would not take his ship in patrol because the Reagan budget was not enough to buy toilet paper sufficient for the duration of the patrol.

    Trump is worse.

  23. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    this site is run by lawyers and professors of law…their breakdown of the “russia thing” particularly after the Friday news dump re FBI investigation…is a doozy

  24. Gypsyaunt says:

    Congratulations to your son! I hope he bankrupts Alex Jones.

  25. Was anyone really surprised at this”news”? The Co-conspirator
    has been so obvious about his servitude to the Kremlin. The pro-Russia changes in the Republican platform, the firing of Comey, the meeting with the Russians in the Oval Office, the Trump Tower meeting with the Russians, the attempts to lift sanctions on Russians, the lies about Trump advisers meeting with Russians, taking our troops out of Syria, Helsinki etc.
    Hopefully, the FBI and Mueller reach the obvious conclusion and indict the traitor.

  26. A random question.
    Which is the biggest cohort in US society?
    Those who have been victim to “natural” ( since the Deep water Horizon, and its ilk, is technically in this classification I note it with an asterix just like Roger Maris) disasters? Or victims of terrorist activities ( not including economic terrorism of the banks) or just plain criminal activity?
    Obviously not including political malpractice or fraudulent activities.
    Where is are focus aimed at?
    Not sure if cognitive dissonance, profiteering or just plain political dishonesty ( truly foul) drives the narrative.
    And the budget.
