Praise the Lord – the Last Day!

November 08, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Unexpectedly, the ballot board has run far behind our usual speed because the guy trying to disqualify every voter over the age of 65 because their signatures don’t match exactly has slowed down even more.  You could use this guy to time epochs.

So, what was supposed to be 99% completed by Friday has become a mad dash for the finish line at 7:00 tonight.  We worked late last night and I have to be back today and we will probably work all day.  I miss you guys but am thrilled that DaChipster has kept you entertained.

I’m going to leave this thread open for chit-chat today.  See ya tonight!


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0 Comments to “Praise the Lord – the Last Day!”

  1. So grateful you are there. I worry how many other boards don’t have a Juanita Jean to fight for our right to vote.

  2. YEAH!!!

    I VOTED!!!

    Now to wait…

    Morning 😉

  3. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    You’re a saint. Or a saintess. Thank you!

  4. JAKvirginia says:

    I say we chip in and buy her a taco! Maybe two!! And an ice cold beer!!! How about it y’all?

    Hugs to you, Susan and Bubba. And all you gall-darned fantastic Texas Democrats!!

  5. Going to vote now, waited for it to get above freezing in case we have to wait in line.

  6. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    I understand the signature problem, Mrs. B. The day before we did the early vote, my thumb met with a cinder block. So the signature I gave them on the clipboard that day didn’t match too well with the one on the voter registration. Then again, standing with a clipboard versus sitting comfortably makes a huge difference with my lousy penmanship. How lousy is my penmanship? Ask Hazel. To my enclosed note she probably said “thank God this guy sent cash; no bank would accept a check from him.” Lucky for me our poll people were most helpful. They did everything legally possible to convince the machine that it really was me standing there and let me vote.

    Sad little snacilbupeR, not wanting everyone to vote is so undemocratic. Karma will bite him hard when he least expects it.

    😀 Give Hilz 6 Senate seats tonight, so I can go to bed happy tonight!

  7. e platypus onion says:

    Has Drumpf cancelled the vote and declared hisself winner, yet? Wait for it…..

  8. In AZ now according to local news: PHX is having problems at some polling places with voting machines. During the primaries, the voting authorities decided to decease the number of polling places by 60%. Sh!t that makes one go hmmmm…

  9. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    *** Please don’t open, Mama. Also probably not safe for work, or working at home if you have small children in the room ***

    Samantha Bee explains Hilz. Should be required viewing for all snacilbupeR who don’t “get” Hilz or history. Sam Bee GsOTV in her own inimitable way.

  10. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Papa: We need federal voting laws that require an *increase* in polling places and machines at them. This whole “let’s just close the polls where we don’t like the color of the voters” thing has to go. (And no thanks to you, SCOTUS GOPpers, for claiming that racism was no more.)

  11. My sig is literally just a scrawl after the first initial. JJ doesn’t mention if the slowpoke was asked to verify his own signature.

  12. Oh, and my new home State, CO, does early voting, by mail! I voted last week so I haven’t had to listen to any of the campaign nonsense since then.

  13. 1smartcanerican says:

    I am thankful that my state, WA, has mail in ballots only. The four ballots from my home have been verified and approved, although there was a delay on the signature on one. It eventually was also accepted. No lines, no fuss. I also love being able to verify that my vote will be counted.

  14. M in El Paso says:

    Polite Kool Marxist — Thank you for posting the link to Samantha Bee’s rant. Makes me love Hillary in a whole new way.

  15. Voted this morning. My wife, first-time hispanic presidential voter wanted to vote early. Told her we’d have no problem in our little rural township as there’s never been a line. Line went past the fire trucks. Town clerk said hi and asked why we didn’t vote early like we did last election. I got an elbow for that one.

    Next time we vote early.

  16. e platypus onion says:

    I done voted to save iowa for the Union. Not straight Dems,but, there are three iowa Soopreme Court Justices up for retention, appointed by Guv Braindead and who chose not to overturn iowa’s first in the nation SSM law. I voted for all three- even though party affiliations weren’t listed.

    I saved my state. You save yours for Madame Potus.

  17. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    @KellyannePolls please give Donnie his phone. Missing his short fingered vulgarian updates.

    Wonder how Donnie liked these losers:

    Any men thinking about voting Donnie behind your wife’s back. Don’t. Here’s what she’s thinking and what your life will be like if he wins. ***satire warning*** for this Hilz “ad.”

  18. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Stephen Colbert twits twitterless Donnie.

    *** may not be Mama, work or child safe***

  19. Larry from Coloardo says:

    As one who has been an election judge in Colorado 8 to 10 times, I don’t understand the signature problem. Here, a machine verifies the signatures. Only if the machine can’t verify, does a human look at them. So is the old fart the one who looks at what the machine kicks out, or is Texas so primitive that an official looks at every mail in ballot?

  20. Since the polling staff is half Dem and half GOP, your judges silliness must be hacking off all the workers who want to just get done after a 14 hour day of dealing with the public, often times a not very nice public.

  21. e platypus onion says:

    Drumpf has filed suit in Nevada challenging all Hispanic vote.

  22. e platypus onion says:

    Remember-remember member, remember remember member?
