Popcorn, Check. Coffee, Check. Bad Girl Attitude, Check. [Snide comments at the bottom.]

September 27, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, I’m ready.  Plus, it’s a rainy day so I’m totally ready for this pathetic replica of a “hearing.”

Please feel free to cuss Chuck Grassley here.



Son of a motherless goat Grassley and his damn bullyism.  That twit is so defensive. Nobody gets that defensive without trying to hide something.  He ended up yelling before the break and contending that Dr. Ford interrupted his precious ram-it-through timeline.

It seems like to me that it was dumber than dog dump to limit the questioning to five minutes and then turning over the Republican questioning to a prosecutor.  The Republican prosecutor isn’t able to build rhythm or a case.  Not that she could even if she had all day.

Heads Up below.


I guess they couldn’t find
an anatomically correct one.


Lindsey Graham can kiss my big blue butt.  For him to call her “a nice lady,” but that Kavanaugh wins by default because she can’t collaborate her case, is the most crazy, patronizing, and incorrect piece of crap I’ve seen in a long time.

Okay, somebody tell me who the hell wants this sneeringly angry, viciously attacking, hate-filled, self-victimized man on television to be a supreme court judge?  You know, he’d be a lot more believable if he wasn’t yelling and sobbing.

If Dr. Ford had testified by yelling, screaming, shooting dirty looks, and then breaking down into sobbing uncontrollable tears, she would have been called unbelievable and hysterical.  They are calling him defiant.  There you have it.


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0 Comments to “Popcorn, Check. Coffee, Check. Bad Girl Attitude, Check. [Snide comments at the bottom.]”

  1. This reminds me of the times Newt Gingrich said that carrying on an extramarital affair disqualified one for public office – then went off to visit his mistress.

  2. Don’t know enough cuss words to fit.

  3. That Other Jean says:

    Nope. Nopenopenope. I can’t take that much concentrated stupid. I’ll let Rachel Maddow tell me about it tonight.

  4. I guess I don’t understand as much about DeeCee politics as I need. How does an obvious backbencher like GrASSly spend sooooo many years on an important committee like Judiciary. Crap, maybe Senators and Representatives should have to run nationally like the Potus. Clearly Iowa isn’t any more capable of choosing a decent human being than is Texas. Maybe crowd-sourcing IS the way to go in this century.

  5. Have the TV on. Ford is testifying. I was also able to get a copy of her written testimony. For me, just reading it is enough for me to be doubly convinced that she is legit and Kav is a Kad beyond kadism.

  6. My wife keeps wondering why they won’t let the FBI do a proper investigation. After all, if nothing were there, it would clear everybody. Here’s my take on it: Grassley already knows what they’ll find. He and the rest of the NSGOP don’t want the rest of us to know it, too.

    They may actually think that putting Kavanaugh on the court will lock up their control of the government forevermore, and they might be right.

  7. Ford is doing amazingly well. She wields her education with great finesse, naming parts of the brain involved in memory. She has even found glitches in a document.

  8. I’m sure this is obvious to everyone here, this is nothing more than optics so the R’s can say we gave her shot and provide cover for them when they vote tomorrow to push the nomination forward. The Republican senators are all cowards, won’t even question her themselves.

  9. I too shall wait. At least til Velshi & Ruhle…

  10. Charles R Phillips says:

    Alec Balfour puckishness!

    Yes, an anagram. Can’t use some words here, so I got a program to rearrange them.

  11. Found this tidbit on the web
    The power to appoint Supreme Court justices belongs exclusively to the President of the United States, according to U.S. Constitution. Supreme Court nominees, after being selected by the president must be approved by a simple majority vote (51 votes) of the Senate.

    So here’s my take on it. These buttheads will hold their kanagaroo court and will somehow push this through so that they stay in the good keeping with Trump. Trumpkin will then say this is a travesty but blame the Dems hoping that will be enough to keep control of the Senate and maybe try to push this through. Then the Senate rejects Kslime because this will cost them in November. If the repugs lose the Senate the investigations that will ensue will be mind-boggling.

  12. This is an outclassed and arrogant General Trumpster and his 7th Kavalry GOPegiment confidently riding into the Little Big Ford.
    I’m looking forward to seeing every last one of them cut down and scalped.

    (Gen Custer graduated last ranking in the West Point Class of 1861. As an aside, I have photos of my youngest two kids at about age 13-15 standing under Custer’s statue in his hometown.

  13. Sandridge –
    You were in Monroe, MI?

    I have a SIL who lives there. She’s okay, but BIL is pretty much a racist POS, Great Lakes variety.

  14. an nyt twitter feed The whole world is watching

  15. Spent the morning in a TV-less doctor’s office for tests, then stopped at a supermarket to pick up a few things. Did I miss anything? 🙂

  16. Lunargent-
    Yes, we were visiting the area, Monroe, etc., have some kinfolk there and all around MI, Ont, and Que.
    Some ancestors (per Ancestry.com research) who first went to America in the 1700’s and later, eventually pioneered in SE MI around the 1820’s as us Anglos moved in and displaced the Am-Indians/First Peoples.
    Yeah, I know a few of the SE MI type RWNJ’s, scary peeps.

  17. Mari, out of curiosity when this hearing began I flipped the teevee channels (OTA only, no cable/sat for me).
    All the major networks (PBS, ABC, CBS, NBC) are covering this live wall-to-wall, except for the broadcast Fox channel (which during the day runs the same kind of craptv as the rest). I imagine all the major foreign networks worldwide have at least a subchannel glued on this too.

    I’m starting to think that 7th Kav is going down in flames pretty quick.
    Like I commented above, it looks like “an outclassed and arrogant General Trumpster and his 7th Kavalry GOPegiment (are) confidently riding into the Little Big Ford.” to me…ride on, mofos.

    I went to a private Catholic school (co-ed 1-12, not quite as ‘elite’ as H-A/GP) and didn’t see too much all that close to this East Coast preppie environment, but there were some wild times…

  18. Danged good pic. That ‘Women for Kav’ shirt guy looks like a posterchild for those “incel” types.
    (only looked up that one recently, yuck, what creeps; the ones that couldn’t get laid disguised as a brick on a construction site)

    Flipping channels a bit (usually on ABC), I haven’t heard a peep about how Merrick Garland was frozen out of even Senate interviews, let alone any hearings.
    Media chatter seems to be drifting towards a spectacular Kav flameout. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving SOB.

  19. Aggieland Liz says:

    Sandridge, you leave the most entertaining messages here! I’ll be laughing about those poor bricks for at least the rest of today! And thank you-humor is the only thing we’ve got to keep us sane.

  20. I just watched Dr. Ford’s testimony. She was wonderful. If you get a chance to catch it later, by all means do so. No way in hell would I watch Kavanaugh, although it might be interesting to see if he can squirm out of this one.

  21. looked like cruz and cornyn were competing to see who could disappear in their chair first

  22. good to hear the Ford’s attorneys are working pro bono — thought the line of questioning re who is paying for polygraph was, um, pathetic? silly? were they hoping to hear that Pelosi or Obama paid?

  23. What do people think about the article this morning that two guys have contacted committee saying that actually they were the guys to assault Ford?


  24. I hope these senators aides have been showing them the tweets that show this is being watched around the country/world and also those hundreds if not thousands of ‘why I did not report’ declarations — they’d be wise to clue them in about the mood of the country

  25. Graham thinks it is he said she said….so I believe him. Why? Cannot we take some time to ask for other accounts like Mark Judge. he does not want to testify, why is that I wonder. Someone might mention his book about life at school, something abut 100 kegs of beer is all I remember.

  26. Star – saw Lindsey g asked about that earlier – he was totally dismissive — said one guy was a total kook and they other simply not believable

  27. Aggieland Liz, tks, gots at least half a wit anyway..

    Hooboy, it’s started up with Kavanope, wifey does not look happy, at all.

  28. The Surly Professor says:

    A slight digression for C.R. Phillips: I’m awful at anagrams and so I also use a computer program. As soon as Trump started running, I ran him through one and here’s a few of the results that you might enjoy:

    old rant dump
    odd rant lump
    damp old runt
    dump darn lot (too bad can’t get “the” into this one)
    lt drano dump
    land rot dump
    damn turd pol
    lord damp nut
    mop land turd
    mold pan turd
    dun mold trap
    mr old nut pad
    dolt and rump

    Can probably get more amusing ones with more letters. Isn’t “Molest” Trump’s middle name?

  29. Can Ronan Farrow please take on what gives with Lindsey Graham? Paid off? Practicing to be AG? Dementia?

  30. kav is not making himself look like a potential Supreme — he’s coming off like a spoiled boy having a tantrum

  31. And, Ol’ Kav is doubling down. He is channeling his inner Clarence Thomas. Unlike Thomas, he’s going to have to face Kemala Harris. I can’t wait!

  32. Kav begins by screaming about DELAYS!
    Hey Rethugs, how about President Obama’s SCOTUS nominee, Merrick Garland? No delays with that, eh?

    This muthafockers hollow mendacious rage out of the gate is really rly pissing me off.
    Bring it ON, Kav!! You and all your klan are going down.

  33. I didn’t find that prosecutor to be particularly bad. In fact surprisingly acceptable. Wonder what the rest of you think.

  34. Buttermilk Sky says:

    I don’t know if this has come up but Oct. 1 is the beginning of the SCOTUS term. Grassy must have promised Mulch McConnell, who promised Donzo, their rightwing majority would be in place by then. Anybody know what cases are on the docket that makes this so damn important?

  35. (erroneously posted this on the other thread, rly belongs here):
    “Now Kav starts mentioning his own daughters and breaks down.
    This sonofabitch was the prime mover in Ken Starr’s relentless investigation of President Clinton’s sexual peccadilloes, real or imagined; didn’t give a damn about Chelsea, did he?
    He was the one responsible for the most salacious stuff being on the airwaves nearly 24/7. Kharma’s a bitch, Kav.
    My own youngest daughters were about the age of his own at that time. I had to flip the channel or try and answer their questions about that slime back then, thanks to his rabid RW ideology trying to take down a Democrat for his masters.”

  36. had to mute – couldn’t take the sniveling any longer — will turn sound back on when questioning begins

  37. facial tics are just awful — what’s with the tongue thing?

  38. @Buttermilk Sky #34
    Posted this on a different thread -Yesterday?
    My Bet – Directly to your question.
    Could the case spoken of in this link the reason that the thuglicans are pushing so hard for kavanaugh to be confirmed ASAP? Hatch, who sits on judiciary committee, has even submitted an amicus brief in support of “his” ideologues rewriting the constition by judicial fiat.


    Basically the case argues that if their are federal state overlaps of criminal activity that only one enitity could get a bite of the apple. ( why is it always an apple?) – ‘separate sovereigns.’
    The upshot would be that a federal pardon from demented donnie would also apply to any state charges. If this passes demented donnie could start a blizzard of pardons and the states ( i.e. New York) could not use state statutes to prosecute.
    Right now with a 4-4 court the odds of this radical rewrite of law is unlikely to pass but with another blind and obedient ideologue on the bench and demented donnies crew of crooks get their get out of jail free card.
    Hence the possible reason for the blind rush to get kavanaugh on the bench as the 5th obedient servant to demented donnie.

  39. is that literal ‘tongue-in-cheek’?

  40. As to who wants him in, that would be approximately 31% of the population — you know, the ones who want Trump to be above the law. Fortunately, the people who believe the Constitution comes first outnumber them.

    And the guy who thinks he can speak for women is obviously one of the 31 %, “The president deserves to do as he pleases! Unless he’s a Democrat. In which case we know he must be guilty of SOMETHING, right?”

  41. perhaps he’s thinking that he’s not lying because she was not DOCTOR Ford at the time

  42. Meanwhile nicole wallace, late liar for the twits regime, is showing her true colors by defending kavanaugh as a fellow member of the twits retinue dedicated to lies, injustice and the thuglican way of abuse.
    Listening to her wax nostalgicly for that moment when they brought the sewer into the white house.
    Wait until 2020 and how she explains how, regetably, one must vote for demented donnie to avenge the slight imposed upon her fellow alumni of the twits disaster.

  43. Hot damn! Ms. Lindsey is worked up, just threw his dainty pearls all over the room OMFG.
    But this irate sonofabitch took a completely different tack with Merrick Garland didn’t he. I’m getting tired of fake RW rage. Fock these bastards.

    What’s that German word for somebody that has a face that just cries out for a smashing fist? We gots a bunch of them here.

  44. Been checking in as I cannot stomach watching any of this on television. I’m on my way out at the invitation of my amazing niece to read to children at a women’s shelter where she works.

    On a day like this—I need to find peace.

  45. The Surly Professor –
    Lord DampNut is the one I see most often. But IMO, Damn Turd Pol is by far the best.

    I’m not watching the hearing, just following comments. But it sounds like instead of going to the Supreme Court, Kavanaugh should be going to court-ordered therapy, and probably rehab. The Boy Ain’t Right.

  46. Charles R Phillips says:

    The nominee is an angry child. Wouldn’t be surprised if he were a wife beater.

  47. What in heaven’s sake has happened to Lindsey??? Did McCain keep him that much in line…….?

  48. apparently lee can’t come up with an original thought

  49. Kavanaugh seems EXTREMELY nervous, reactive, and his face is a palette of tics, twists, twitches, and, amazingly, sobs. He’s like a windmill run by water, 3 bottles in a half-hour! His nose is running continuously…

  50. “We’d have stolen the whole country already if it weren’t for those meddling wimmen!”
