Poor Wayne LaPierre

August 15, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Dana Milbank writes the most heartwarming (tongue in cheek) story about Wayne LaPierre needing a new house.

After the Sandy Hook massacre in 2012, he and his wife bravely waited out the uproar on the pink-sand beaches of the Bahamas, part of $542,000 in private jet trips and personal items the NRA bought for him. And now, thanks to some delightful reporting by my Washington Post colleagues Carol D. Leonnig and Beth Reinhard, we know that last year’s Parkland massacre left LaPierre so fearful for his personal safety that he tried to have the NRA buy him a $6 million Frenchchateau-style mansion with nine bathrooms in a gated Dallas – area golf course community.

He told associates that he was worried about his safety and thought his Virginia home was too easy for potential attackers to find.

Oh, I know the feeling, Wayne – with all those damn guns out there not even your own personal armory can make you safe.

Some will see the hypocrisy in LaPierre trying to get the NRA to buy him a mansion in a gated community when the NRA, at the time of the attempted acquisition that LaPierre feels unsafe because of the very gun culture his policies have created.

Some?  Just some?

Hey, I suspect that ole Wayne needs some creature comforts in this lifetime because the devil is stoking up the flames of hell for his arrival.

Thanks to Kary for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Poor Wayne LaPierre”

  1. “… my cold, dead hands.” Careful with the defiant posing Wayne. Poking a gun at the Devil did not go well for Charlton as I recall.

  2. With guards being paid…what? $12 an hour? They just might the open the gate to the underpaid, angry rabble. I think Waynie better get a clue and be really nice to people. He’s not that safe behind his big big chain link fence. jmo.

  3. Wyatt_Earl says:

    Republicans are just afraid.

    They’re afraid of Blacks, Muslims, Mexicans, and probably Eskimoes.

    They’re afraid of better health care if it means change.

    They’re afraid of the electricity going away if the power comes from the sun or wind.

    They’re afraid of, hell, everything.

  4. Fred Farklestone says:

    How about a little humor this Friday morning?

    Jim Carrey as Charlton Hestion!


  5. Jane & PKM says:

    Fred Farklestone@4. Thank you, that is my all-time favorite performance by Jim Carrey. Classic.

  6. Jane & PKM says:

    Ollie North was such a disappointment, when he didn’t go all Iran-Contra on Wayne. Where’s a bad boy ‘patriot’ with a gun when you need one?

  7. thatotherjean says:

    @Wyatt_Earl: Spot on! I think it comes from seeing life as a zero-sum game. If someone wins, someone else has to lose. If I’m winning, fine–I’ll fight you tooth and nail not to change anything. If I’m not winning, you must be, and I’m free to try to take it away from you, however I can. There’s no such thing as “enough for everybody” or “share the wealth.”

  8. $6 million French chateau-style mansion with nine bathrooms in a gated Dallas–area golf course community

    {snort} The word “tacky” comes to mind.

  9. thatotherjean says:

    @ nefer: Even if by some miracle the “French chateau-style mansion with nine bathrooms” is not tacky, which it probably is, it also brings to mind the words “wretched excess.”

  10. Buttermilk Sky says:

    He needs nine bathrooms to wash off all the blood? Even a Silkwood shower won’t do that.

  11. Grandma Ada says:

    You’re right thatotherjean! I read the WaPo article a few days before Milbanks opinion piece; it was a full page with pictures. Us normal folk would pay to tour it if it was in France!

    On another note, WaPo says today that Epstein’s hydroid bone was broken which might indicate homocide instead of suicide . . .

  12. publius bolonius says:

    True dat! The sky is always falling in Republicanland.

  13. Humpty Dumpty built a wall, and now he’s afraid he’ll fall off it? Boo hoo.

  14. georgie-porgie says:

    Fred Farklestone, thanks so much for giving us that link. Love, love, love it! Hadn’t seen it in forever, but it only seems to have gotten better with time. Now I wish he would do one on The Mango Menace – there’s so much for him to work with there.

    Gee, can’t wait till he buys Greenland. He has such a great investment background, only six bankruptcies… Wish we could declare him an illegitimate president from an illegitimate election, and everything he has done would be magically undone. Especially those 2 Supreme Court justices…

  15. Aw, poor widdel Waynie the Whiner! He felt so unsafe in D.C. that he moved the entire organization out to Fairfax County in Virginia. Now he wants a palace cum fortification cuz him is still scairt? Wayne, boo-boo, blow it out your expensive you know what!
