Poor Coal

September 07, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Cecil Roberts, the president of United Mine Workers of America, said that the coal industry is not “back,” despite President Trump’s claims, CNN reports.

Said Roberts: “Coal’s not back. Nobody saved the coal industry.”

He added that coal-fired plants are closing all over the country, calling it a “harsh reality.”

Yeah, also gone are stream locomotives, horse drawn carriages, telegraph machines, and iron lungs to treat polio.  Nobody saved them either.


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0 Comments to “Poor Coal”

  1. Grandma Ada says:

    Hillary told them so in 2016 and they voted for Trump. She would have upheld social services needs but now they have exactly what Trump cares about – nothing!

  2. Finally. We have clean coal. When it’s left in the ground.

  3. Any of this sound familiar?

    The Remainer, a powerful, confident and well-connected man, went first. He presented a baffling, limited, sterile case: Britain had a thriving and critical car industry, which would see its profit margins wiped out by tariffs if Brexit went ahead.

    Mr. Cummings, a spindly, socially diffident, unsmiling figure, spoke next. He was emphatic, evocative. He talked about pride, independence, nationhood, sovereignty, dignity, making our own laws and decisions.

    I detested Brexit and all it stood for, but I was captivated. Mr. Cummings was making it sound like the noble path. I came home anxious and uneasy. Remainers were way ahead in the polls, but would they come up with something effective to combat the deep emotions that Mr. Cummings’s campaign was tapping into?

    New York Times Opion section: The ‘Political Anarchist’ Behind Britain’s Chaos

  4. I read somewhere that Dems (I think under Clinton) put in re-training programs for old coal country areas – to enable the citizens to get jobs in this century. They were widely refused, because Republican politicians kept telling them they would bring back their coal jobs. So they kept voting red, kept living on welfare, and waiting for their old jobs. The jobs never came back and now the GOP wants to cut food stamps and welfare. You can’t fix stupid.

  5. They may just be more willing to get that training now, assuming they are healthy enough to. Tough life for those guys.

  6. The way Texas has been going down the anti-vaccination trail, don’t throw away those iron lungs just yet.

  7. I don’t know of a single buggy whip manufacturer who destroyed the land and polluted the water in perpetuity.

  8. charles phillips says:

    Harsh reality? No, a harsh reality is destroying civilization for the sake of a profit.

    When all the coal-heads have destroyed the environment and the climate, what will they do, eat coal? Drink oil? Breath methane?

  9. Coal in the ground is great; it cleans the water.

  10. jack smith says:

    theres a prius which is s hybred elec car. running around,NoDak,(north dakota)(coal rules here in its power plants)this prius has a back window size poster,it says,,,
    “this car runs on coal”…..er,kinda does make ya think about where its elecrtic is generated and fed into.. we have wind too, but,,i know a control room suppervisor at a major power plant,he said,,,,,even when the wind towers are engaged,we are still burning the same amount of coal….
    just to pass this on,, the generated power,,is in cycles. 60hz. and that means wind is not,it needs to be fed into the generated system,to become cycle of 60hz,or,be stable.im not defending the system,merely passing on real life..
    were swimming in natural gas up here,with no use for it.but the electric co-op,touchstone,is dragging its feet to atleast change to a more moderate cleaner fuel.touchstone is on public market.
    i live next to the pit,and see the facts of this digging for its coal, 100 feet down through solid clay to get 20 feet of coal,lignite,dirty,wet,full of carcegens. i had a temp job fueling the equipment that digs and haul the coal,10,000 gallons a day of red diesel. added to the burp…

  11. Sam in Superior says:

    I’m sure Trump will find a way to claim this is all Obama’s fault. Coal is gone and not a minute too soon. These workers will find Trump has hurt them immeasurably by giving out false hope and delaying retraining.

  12. @AK Lynne @5 – it’s too late now – the Repugs have been cutting those training programs. The GOP screws them coming and going – and yet the chowderheads keep voting for them.

  13. I don’t think the workers are the problem. It’s the owners who are most desperate since the workers can be retrained for other jobs. But when the coal industry is truly finished that cancels the worth of the owners…

  14. Pretty sure the electricity in hybrid cars is generated by regenerative braking and by the gas engine. Goes to show that not all Prius owners are uber-educated elites.

  15. And they just couldn’t see this coming? Can’t buy that. Plus a lot of the goal mines in this country are now owned by Russians.

  16. Also read that West Virginia’s coal was pretty much depleted. How can the morons think their coal jobs are coming back IF THERE IS NO COAL??? How do these people tie their shoes? How do they remember to breathe?

  17. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Without coal what will the Republicans put in their stockings at Christmas?

  18. Here in Texas we have a longstanding, kinda quaint practice of electing to office those candidates who are pretty or handsome, an as candidates can lie effectively. It doesn’t matter to so, so many voters what the candidates say, so long as they meet the above criteria. As a result, candidates make outrageous promises, lying through their toothy smiles, and the moron voters vote for them. Repuglicans have perfected the practice. They could elect someone who advocates a return to slavery if the candidate just meets the above criteria. One of the side effects of electing a government based on this criteria, is that the lying candidates are frequently stupid, and the voters know it and identify with that characteristic of the candidate. As a result, we get to see some pretty funny stuff every now and then. We had a County Commissioner in Bastrop County a few years back who demanded of a newspaper reporter that the reporter stop quoting the Commissioner because it was making the Commissioner look stupid.

  19. Show how mentally deranged demented donnie’s supporters are.
    A group of coal miners have been blockadeing a coal train because it is the last shipment from a mine recently closed with out paying the miners nor obeying a state law requiring a 30 day notice to close.
    So the miners are blockadeing the train in an attempt to get back wages.
    At the same time these fools have repeatedly maintained that they are not involved in a political action and still support demented donnies agenda of making them nothing more then peons. Making a point repeatedly that their actions should in no way reflect upon the thuglican agenda and their tin god syphilltic don.
    To add to irony these delusional fools, who are vocal in support to their doddering don, and the location of the mine and the blockade are in Harlan County.
    Some of these miners getting cheated claim to be from families that have been coal miners there for 3 generations or more.
    Obviously they never even listen to their own family history.
    This seems to be to be prima facia proof that mining is dangerous to mental capacity and a destroyer of reason.

  20. Link to story about coal blockade
    Sorry I forgot it in first post.

  21. My standard reply:

    “I’m so sorry. I tried to help but you voted Republican.”
