MAGA? No, MABN. Make America Bankrupt Now

September 09, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Trade War Based On Lies

Non-Trumpists know that Trump is a complete disaster, morally bankrupt, narcissistic, and a tyrant.  Sycophants ignore all that and worst of all, support his trade and economic policies which are a disaster for businesses large and small, especially farmers.  His trade war with the world, especially China, is destroying US markets at a scale virtually never seen in modern US history.  Farmers are feeling much of the pain inflicted on US business with their revenue from exports to China dropping by more than half, from $19.5 billion to $9.2 billion in 2018.  Farm bankruptcies have increased 13% since 2018 alone.  The US lobster industry has been virtually destroyed with Canada taking almost all of US Chinese export market share, generating a boom to its lobster fisherman.  US exports are down 84% since Trump imposed the tariffs.

Trump’s idiotic trade was is doing irreparable damage to US export markets all while he sycophants in red MAGA hats scream about scary dark skinned people and cheer on tax cuts for billionaires while being unable to pay their electric bill.  The brainwashing is complete, but it seems that farmers are waking up to a cold grey dawn of reality.

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0 Comments to “MAGA? No, MABN. Make America Bankrupt Now”

  1. the farmers knew what was coming and have been trying to take charge of their own fates ever since. Brave. Very brave. Especially if you have ever seen a canary try to fight off an 800 pound gorilla.

  2. Has anyone seen a tariff check from the Bank of China yet, that Trump says, claims, alledges have been sent to US the people?

  3. I used to wonder how places like North Korea keep their people under control and thinking that their way is the best way.

    I wonder no more. Between the US and the UK, both being led down the garden path, it’s obvious that all the government has to do is give the people someone to hate and/or fear.

    It’s very sad.

  4. @KanaW: Yes, nothing like a state-controlled media and a scapegoat to keep the support of one’s supporters. Plus, there’s always a sunk-cost aspect as well: it’s often hard to admit that the Nigerian prince isn’t sending you any money.

    Hopefully, enough people have seen through Don’s con to push the Republicans out of office.

  5. Linda Phipps says:

    Let’s not characterize the run of the mill cult as having to struggle with paying their normal bills. I believe they are outnumbered by folk who are well able to do that and afford their extended cab pickups, boats, ATV’s, color TV’s, Vegas holidays and much more including the wherewithal to drive to rallies where they can bray to their content. Maybe not a great insurance package when some terrible calamity befall them …

  6. I think they’ve been waking up for a while now.

    A couple of years ago, I met a woman at my hair salon [sorry, JJ — yours is just too far to commute to.]

    She was in Florida to sell her family’s winter home. She and her husband had owned four farms in Nebraska — passed down in their families for generations. They were doing drastic belt-tightening — selling two of the farms along with their vacation property — and she was loudly blaming Trump.

    I’m betting that both she and her husband had voted for him — and she was already ruing their choice. And this was back in 2017, iirc.

  7. If you voted for Trump and then went broke, call me. I’d like to help. I’d like to help drawing a crowd so we can all laugh at you.

  8. My lively bright blue town is in the middle of rural red (even blue states have those embarrassing areas). There was a bright red-on-white TRUMP sign, maybe 8 feet long and over a foot high, on the lawn of the last house before the town line. Sometime in early summer the whole sign was painted over with white paint. Now it’s gone. Here’s hoping that’s happening a lot.

  9. Grandma Ada says:

    It’s not just individual farmers. Big corporate farms and having to rethink crop strategies. There’s a large one from Canada who operates big greenhouses all over west Texas – they’re switching from fruit/vegetables to hemp. So, expect fresh grocery bills to go up!

  10. America has become a coast to coast Trump Atlantic City Casino. People gambled when they voted for him and then either lost money playing the slots, or if they momentarily won, the House went bankrupt before the winners winning could cash in their chips.

  11. Rick @10,
    Shows how stupid any gambler is. Walking into a casino, dog track, whatever, where the ‘house’ is guaranteed 15%+ off the top is a losing proposition any way you slice it.
    Betting Rethug, your odds are even worse, far worse. Just look at all the financial-type charts and studies comparing Democratic vs. Repub administrations. Things are always better with a Dem, going back many decades.

  12. Screw them all, farmers, ranchers, coal miners, any group that unwaveringly support SOBOTUS.
    Comrade Donnei is ladling out $28 Billion in farm bailout money [taxpayer money] with out a whimper.
    Can y’all imagine ANY President or Party providing a fraction of that amount to working people affected by adverse economic factors? As so many have been, by stuff like SHAFTA, etc. Me neither.

  13. “I’m betting that both she and her husband had voted for him — and she was already ruing their choice. And this was back in 2017, iirc.”

    they’ll vote for him in 2020, because “reasons”. these are not bright people, if they voted for him in 2016. they are venal and craven.

  14. OT – Trump fires hardline National security advisor.

    It was that damn soup strainer on his face. But hey, we wish him well in his next temp position going forward.

    “I informed John Bolton last night that his services are no longer needed at the White House. I disagreed strongly with many of his suggestions, as did others in the Administration,” Trump tweeted, adding that he would name a replacement next week.

    Bolton, a leading foreign policy hawk who was Trump’s third national security adviser, was widely known to have pressed the president for a harder line on issues such as North Korea.

    Bolton, also a chief architect of Trump’s strong stance on Iran, had advocated a tougher approach on Russia and Afghanistan.
    Bolton, who took up the post in April 2018, replacing H.R. McMaster, had sometimes been at odds with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, one of Trump’s main loyalists.
