Please ‘Splain

December 18, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

There’s many things in this world that I don’t understand. Many. As far as I’m concerned teevee is a miracle and there is no understanding it.  You just turn it on and thank smart people.

So, I’m looking for some smart people to ‘splain to me this: Michael Flynn is a genuine Bond villain. All the man needs a white cat and a guy with a bowler hat.  Unless, of course, there’s a plot twist and Michael Flynn is not the villain, but (whisper) his son is, and Flynn is like Solo coming to terms with Kylo Ren.

Okay, okay, see I don’t get it. How come Flynn, who is like mega dangerous and admits to lying to the FBI, walks away free and Martha Stewart goes to jail. It’s a crazy world, y’all. Somethin’ ain’t right here.

Does anybody have a handle on this thing?


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0 Comments to “Please ‘Splain”

  1. From CNN: “Flynn has cooperated extensively with special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation and at least one other Justice Department probe. That cooperation led other “related firsthand witnesses to be forthcoming with (Mueller) and cooperate,” prosecutors said. They recommended Flynn receive no jail time.”

    Translation: Flynn sang like a canary.

  2. There are rumors that he wore a wire…

    While I loathe the idea of him getting off “Scott Free”, there is a real possibility that he will be a complete pariah when the details of his cooperation come out.

    But, yeah, he must have sung long and loud and in great detail.

  3. Of course, so did Cohen. Who knows what goes on behind closed doors. It’s above my pay grade.

  4. publius bolonius says:

    Ugh! Perjury trap? A process whereby a miscreant lies themselves into a corner and while attempting to lie themselves out accidentally tells the truth. Bam! Every trap starts with a lie. Trapper and trappee are the same miscreant! Anything else is pure BS. End of.

  5. Flynn just may write a book, that is, if he stays in this country! I can just imagine all the other books that will be written about him and all the singing canaries. You bet he sang. It looks like he was surrounded as the used to say “by hungry natives”.

  6. AKL: Cohen sang like a canary to Mueller’s SCO, but did not cooperate (much) with the SDNY prosecutors. The former were looking into Trump’s mis- and malfeasances, the latter into Cohen’s in-laws and family (financial) history.

    The usual rule is that to get a get-out-of-jail-free card, you have to cooperate about everything. Cohen didn’t, and so he got a nice letter from SCO, but not such a nice letter from SDNY, which asked for a 4-5 year sentence.

  7. …with just a hint of white male/white collar privilege.

  8. Almost from the beginning, it seemed that the Mueller probe was looking squarely into the participation of Flynn’s son. His complete cooperation was the price of keeping his boy out of jail.

    Martha Stewart did have anybody to throw under the bus and she was unrepentant about her lies to the Feds. She did he 5 months in the sneezer standing on her head and still managed to recover her reputation. Her crimes were related to simple greed. Flynn’s flirted with treason.

  9. Martha was female so that makes her really guilty of many things…no trial needed! LOCK HER UP!!!
    Flynn is a while male rePUKEian..that makes him good in gawd’s sight, PRAISE BE!!

  10. Linda Phipps says:

    Perhaps Flynn could take up knitting as a new career choice.

  11. I hope that whatever Flynn told Mueller is more than enough to impeach/convict/jail Trump and lock up all who were his accomplices.

    As for Flynn, he is an effin’ traitor IMO. LOCK HIM UP!

  12. If Flynn gets off Scott Free because he spilled the beans, these have got to be some bigly fantastic beans. Some of the greatest beans on Earth.

    My expectations could not be higher.

  13. Jane & PKM says:

    Flynn’s sentencing delayed. Comments/questions from Judge Sullivan seem to indicate he too thinks Flynn was offered too sweet a deal. Judge Sullivan has seen the redacted portions and asked why Flynn was not charged with his two co-conspirators in the Turkey kidnapping/rendition conspiracy. Basically he suggested that Flynn delay his sentencing until he’s done cooperating in this matter. Possibly other matters. But it does seem His Honor is not and will not be happy until “the sum” of Flynn’s cooperation approaches the totality of his crimes.

  14. Because, like in the case of betrayous, the powers that be can sympathize with some one selling out for money, power and sex. What they can NOT understand is revealing information for the public good.
    That is the reason betrayous is walking around with his security clearence returned to him while Snowden is in exile in moscow.
    Betrayous, like flynn, betrayed secrets for the possibility of a bigger payday on his book plus a little piece on the side to distract him from his good christian marriage.
    Flynn betrayed the country for a chance at greater power and a bigger paycheck.

  15. It’s actually quite simple, JJ.

    Flynn: man, military, but mostly man.

    Martha Stewart: woman, uppity woman who made money on Wall Street and ran a successful company, but mostly woman.


  16. bear in mind, both Trump & Flynn were/are involved with some very……unsavory people. while Flynn may stay out of jail, he may also have a very short life expectancy, so there is that.

  17. It was refreshing to hear that judge go off on Flynn for “selling his country out”. Flynn’s arrogance is monumental and the clips of his diatribe against Hillary at the Rethug convention alone, should get him jail time, knowing what we now know about his cozy relationship with Erdogan and Putin.
