Please Feel Free to Share

July 17, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Long time customer Deb sent this —

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0 Comments to “Please Feel Free to Share”

  1. .. and we’re spared the flight suit.

  2. Wonderful! When I heard the other day that Darth Vador spoke at a fundraiser (I think) and said only Mittens could handle another major terrorist attack, I just about fell out. But then I remembered that these guys are either living on another planet, or more likely, are saying things on purpose to cover up the crimes they committed. History will not be kind…

  3. I definitely laughed out loud when I saw this picture!! Romney’s bunch trying to convince folks that ole Mitt retired retroactively is such a mind-boggling joke … how the heck does one do that? Yeah, beats me, too!! The ignorance, the lies, the dirty little secrets … running rampant in the good ole U.S.A.

  4. jeanie powell says:

    Love it! Pasted it right up front on my Facebook!!

  5. MCPO RET says:

    Spent 31 years in the Navy, seven cruises on aircraft carriers and three with the Gator Navy.
    Never so sad as when I saw GWB sitting in the copilots seat of that S-3 landing aboard a real fighting ship. She had accomplished her mission, he never did.

  6. Sgt Mike in Commerce says:

    @MCPO RET: I had to keep repeating to myself He is the CiC He is the CiC. At the same time, I hoped my sainted father, USMC 12/1941-12/1969, SgtMaj, could not see that display from whatever high ground he had taken in the beyond. He would have, as someone here so eloquently said, had a soul ache.

  7. Corinne Sabo says:

    NO sock in the jock!

  8. MCPO RET says:

    Many people have made a big deal about the bulge in GW’s flight suit. What they don’t understand is that the “G” suit function of the suit pushes all foriegn matter to that part of the suit.
    I imagine there was a lot of matter on that first carrier landing for the prez.

  9. Litlhorn says:

    Yep, Just posted to my FB, the flood of Repug”Victims” of my obvious hatred and bullying of them should commence shortly.

  10. I went to my Facebook page to paste this picture and a friend had already done it. love it when things start coming together
