Please Feel Free To Chat Away

November 05, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


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0 Comments to “Please Feel Free To Chat Away”

  1. I know your health care plan….Get sick..then die or go bankrupt!!

  2. After January 20th, give Trump some blank paper and a box of Sharpies. Red ones too, so he can sketch little Coronaviruses.

  3. Karen in New Mexico says:

    Rick @2 – he will need something to do in jail.

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    Brain Kemp better find a set of dead phones to wear answering his next call from Donnie. Biden/Harris are now in a virtual tie in GA with the Orange Mandemic. < .2% and closing. Just a few more precincts around Atlanta and …

    wtf … NV vote counting stalled shortly after it began this morning with Biden/Harris gaining on their lead. No rumors. Nothing. More results were suppose to be released 12 PST.

  5. slipstream says:

    Yep: millions of doses of vaccine to be released October 30. Wasn’t that special?

  6. Harry Eagar says:

    My cousin the conduit to all things Trump says the best plan would be a free market in medicine. When I asked if that was Trump’s plan she said no but Trump had a great plan.

    When I asked what it was she assured me in was in operation.

    It’s a cult.

  7. OT ’..But the fool on the hill sees the sun going down and the eyes in his head see the world spinning round. And nobody seems to like him. They can tell what he wants to do…’ ~ The Beatles

    Its 5 pm !
    Headline: Why the Supreme Court probably won’t help Trump’s reelection fate

    Edit: The court gave existing parties on both sides until 5 p.m. Thursday to respond. A precursor to Trump‘s asking the high court for relief in Pennsylvania, i.e., a halt to further vote counting, but so far no request to the justices to do that has come.

    Edit: Yet even if Trump somehow were able to succeed in stopping the state from finishing its vote count, the state’s 20 electoral votes would not be enough to put him over the top in the Electoral College.

    full article:

  8. Watching him flail away it seems a fitting end to this presidency, which was spawned with a fraud about Mexicans and rapists flooding over the border, to founder in a flush of similar hyperbole about voter fraud.

  9. “Unless I’m wrong, and I’m never wrong”*, his healthcare plan has been 2 weeks away for something like 4 years now.
    *Prince Humperdinck

  10. john in denver says:

    Seems like the vote counters in several Georgia counties are wimps, quitting work well before midnight oil is required. Margin of 1775 votes statewide. More updates tomorrow.

    Ah, but
    “All remaining 4,200 uncounted mail-in ballots and provisional ballots cast in Clayton County, Georgia, will most likely be released by midnight, the director of the county’s board of elections, Shauna Dozier, told CNN tonight.”
    Earlier: “If Biden continues to win votes at 86% or above, Clayton County alone could put Trump’s path to the presidency in serious peril,”

  11. Karen @3 – I’m sure he’s been calling Putin to find out how to get a law passed to protect former Presidents from prosecution. I’ll bet he’s got a plan to release an executive order to that effect.

  12. The Surly Professor says:

    I gotta point out: that cartoonist did a great job with the side-eye that Jill Biden is giving the Tangerine Wankmaggot.
