Pissing Off The Prudes

September 11, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

After much research and the miracle of modern journalism, I have discovered that this story is true.

In New Hampshire a woman went to vote in the primary on Tuesday wearing a teeshirt that said, “McCain Hero, Trump Zero.”  I don’t know this for a fact, but I think she was trying to start something.  I mean, it kinda seems that way. And, holy cow, did she ever.

The election clerk told her that she could not wear that shirt in  a voting center.  The woman pointed out that another voter was wearing a large American flag on her shirt, the appropriated symbol of the lying, cheating, killing, stealing, sexually perverted, nasty political party.  Well, she didn’t say that.  I did.

Well, let the weirding begin:

Scafidi said at that point, the woman asked him if he wanted her to take her shirt off, despite not wearing anything underneath.

“I said, I’d rather she not,” Scafidi said. “But she took it off so fast, no one had time to react so the whole place just went, ‘woah,’ and she walked away, and I let her vote. She could’ve just gone into the hallway and turned it inside-out.”

She voted and put her shirt back on as she left the booth.  Let’s hear it for Lady Godiva of Extner, New Hampshire!  She got her very cool teeshirt saying in newspapers across the country.

In all good fun, the poll workers just let it be.

Scafidi said as bizarre as the incident was in the moment, poll workers mostly laughed it off and continued about their day after she left the polling location.

“If she felt it was her right, more power to her,” Scafidi said. “We all laughed about it as things were winding down, so I don’t know if it was a set-up, but I’ve never experienced anything like that.

Everybody stand up and do a thumbs up toward New Hampshire.

Thanks to el Lagarto for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Pissing Off The Prudes”

  1. panthercityhorn says:

    How many cellphone pictures have been posted? Asking for a friend.

  2. It’s Exeter, NH. (Not Extner)

    In support, I bought the Anthony Fauci version of the shirt. Though in MA, when you vote by mail, nobody cares what you wear.

  3. Been to NH. Very, very photogenic country. And the people don’t take you know what from anybody, including election officers.

    Here’s sumthin to think about. Wht if a guy had walked in wearing a pair of pants that were blantantly political?

  4. All in all, it’s a good thing those poll workers had a sense of humor.

  5. Ok…Ok… Here in Oregon we vote by mail, often in the morning, often various states of undressed while drinking that cup of Joe (see what I did). While standing in line watching a woman voting topless might be invigorating, sitting on the sofa voting while barely (?) dressed is its own reward. I do not shrink from my responsibilities…

  6. Harry Eagar says:

    Let me take the poll worker’s side. In every state I’ve voted in (4) you cannot bring campaign material in (usually within 50 feet). So no shirt. A US flag (unless it has campaign stuff overprinted) is not campaign material.

    The voter was looking for trouble and picked a public-spirited citizen , not some trump freak.

    This kind of stunt just makes it harder to recruit poll workers.

  7. Buttermilk Sky says:

    I wonder if anyone would do that in the general election. November in New Hampshire can be kind of frosty.

  8. Harry@6:
    Au contraire. This is the kinda story that.draws lots of guys “eager” to do their civic duty.
    See what I did there?

  9. Linda Phipps says:

    Maggie, in answer to your question: if he took off his pants, many people would laugh their heads off.

  10. She could get a Cabinet position in the WH, if
    Rump likes the way she looked.

  11. New Hampshire is the Live Free or Die state.
    It’s only right they include Live Free and Vote in the bargain.

  12. The best thing to have suggested would be to retire to a secluded area, and turned the shirt inside out. With no loss of place at the head of the line.

    That or the poll person could’ve volunteered their clothes as a coverup.

  13. I am sure there was a lot worse in the reverse direction but being trumpig MAGA dudes they would not object to it….hypocrites! Also there was nothing nasty on the T-shirt, so the election clerk was a dimwitted jerk!!!

  14. Old Far @ 12:
    Where’s the fun in that?
    Anyone who’s voted in person before knows the rule about no political statements in polling places. Bank on it, she had every intention of doing exactly what she did — and she got her t-shirt in the news. That was her plan all along.

    And why should Trump be the only one who’s allowed to flaunt the rules?

  15. Language Police Alert!! – Donnie doesn’t flaunt the law, he flouts it, the lady in question was flaunting her ta-tas. And I say, more power to her.

    And Harry, I’ve worked the polls in Virginia many times, there were folks old enough to have voted in many elections who needed to be reminded not to wear campaign stuff.

  16. I want to buy that lady a steak dinner!

  17. Harry Eagar says:

    It’s been a long time since I’ve voted in Virginia. In those days you could buy votes openly on the Southside for $5 or a pint of hooch.

  18. Rick, my NH colleague says it’s “Live, freeze and die”

  19. Oh, New Hampshire, you wonderful, crazy state.

    Sincerely, your neighbor in MA who SHOULD have been at your wonderful Highland Games this month if the Prez hadn’t been such a heinous moron.
