Picking Tom’s Jury

October 25, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Juanita Jean Herownself is proud to announce that this week Tom DeLay is gainfully employed.

His job title?  Defendant.

When you read this story in the Austin-American Statesman, you will come to understand how Tom DeLay’s indictment was the work of a good and loving God.  Not that many coincidences can happen in the natural universe.

“Tom took down his website last week, and his charity for foster children has gone to seed, with only one family still living there.  Seven houses are sitting empty and the fancy landscaping has been mowed down.  We kept hoping he’d spiffy the place up before trial but I guess none of the potential jurors live around here so there’s no one he needs to impress.”

Juanita wanted to go to the trial, but there’s way too much to do here before November 2nd to counteract the sleazy things that Tom did.

“I know he’s going to argue that what he did in 2002 is legal now,” she says.  “Yeah, it’s legal now because he got all his buddies elected by cheating and they changed the law to benefit themselves.  It’s kinda like the guy who killed both his parents and then throws himself on the mercy of the court because he’s an orphan.”

“He’s gonna have a fun time trying to argue that he cheated to get elected so he could make cheating legal.  Honey, he has the best lawyer in the United States and he’s going to need it.”

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