
November 07, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

When all the votes are counted, it will be a landslide.  I can breathe again.  I know you can, too.



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0 Comments to “Phew”

  1. Secret Service: “You tell him. Uh, nooo… you tell him.
    Let’s just let him enjoy his golf game. Hey, he’s looking at us!
    Ouch! That putt was a definite shriveldick… guess he knows now.”

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Apt. Donnie in a sling shot held by Lady Liberty and about to land in the capable hands of Lady Leticia James, Attorney General for the state of New York.

  3. He won! 273!! YIPPEE!

  4. Networks declare Biden and Harris elected! Kevin M Kruse said it best:
    “If you worked for this moment — canvassing, phone banking, writing letters, getting out the vote — you helped make this happen.
    You own this result. Remember that, and stay invested in it.”

    Everyone in the JJ community to helped to make this happen. I’m so grateful to all of you.

  5. Our four year long national nightmare is over.

  6. In the words of my grandma “ Praise Jesus!”

    My thoughts. “ stay vigilant “

  7. In MY humble opinion, we all owe everlasting gratitude to Dr. Emily England Clyburn. The nation and the world would do well to heed her words:
    “ In his 2014 memoir, James Clyburn recalled a note his wife taped to their mirror after he won the primary for a seat in the state legislature, which he later referred back to after losing in the general election: “When you win, brag gently. When you lose, weep softly.” ”

  8. Texas Expat in CA says:

    Well, it’s hardly a landslide, but I’ll take it! Now we all have a LOT of work to do.

  9. Will Trump land in Rikers, Sing Sing, or Leavenworth? So much suspense!

    On a side note – invest in popcorn futures!

  10. There will be hateful sore-loser tweets from Trump. He and his minions can still do a lot of damage before Biden is sworn in.

  11. OK I said it under previous post too, but one more time:
    Where is my champagne? Oh it,s just 9AM? Who cares!
    I,m originally from Europe anyway, we can have champagne even with breakfast.
    My God. What a relief.
    WHAT a relief.
    Makes me cry.

  12. The Surly Professor says:

    Now for the joyous season. First, we get to see white house suck-ups elbowing each other and saying “you got tell him he’s lost”. Conveniently Mark Meadows has come down with some “flu-like” disease, just in time to not be the one to do that.

    Secondly, the wave of resumes and job apps flooding out from the White House as second and third tier accolytes try to get out while the getting is good. Fox can only hire so many of them, however.

    Thirdly, the look of terror is already in the eyes of the Three Stooges (Ivanka, Dumb, and Dumber). Suddenly they’re gonna realize that their alleged friends are not returning calls, and jumping up and down screaming “total war” is not going to do more than get more Boogaloos and Proud Boys arrested.

    It’s all I wanted for Christmas.

  13. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Lady Liberty, let him rip, now.
    He’ll never concede, but for maybe the first time in his life, he’s been told “you’re fired.” Donnie, go off to Mar-a-la la-go land until the US marshals come for you. And take your family with you.

  14. Grandma Ada says:

    Thank goodness! I can get a good night sleep tonight dreaming of his majesty out of the White House. And also, Madame Vice President – that sounds good!

  15. Papa @10 – yes they sure can, and will, but there would have been A LOT more damage if trump would have stayed in WH for 2nd term. (I,m a “glass half full” person 🙂

  16. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I’m envisioning a long line at Liberty Island of Trumpf administration cabinet members, advisors and hangers on waiting for the great lady to send them off, too. Start with Barrf and take Pence, too.

  17. Elizabeth2 says:

    I didn’t realize I had been clenching my teeth for weeks until they unclenched a little while ago. Going to take a couple of days to celebrate, then back to work. There’s still a lot to be done.

  18. FrauFree @ 15,


    Steve from Beaverton @ 13,

    Melania is already packing her bags. She’ll leave before Trump does.

  19. Buttermilk Sky says:

    It’s a beautiful day, but Hillary’s “basket of deplorables” (or as I call them, bucket of chum) has grown by seven million. 70 million Americans wanted four more years of this. What do we do about them?

    Sorry to harsh your buzz. I need to write my senator and ask him if he’s learned to pronounce “Kamala” yet.

  20. van heldorf says:

    IMO, it is nice to hoopla now but the real danger continues under mcconnel. A good deal of talent and money needs to go into a major plan to neuter him starting now. DNC-DC insiders need to get those who know KY and then keep out of the way as they are not the best qualified to evaluate and implement a kick a$$ and take names action. Not recommended – adopting the unethical, illegal, tactics of the repubs.

  21. How perfect that OrangeMan is being slingshot from a surgical mask.

    Relief for now, but gotta make it to January 20. What chaos and mischief will he sow? Or will he leave the country in the dark of night?

    There are two GA Senate run off elections on January 5th. Stacey Abrams and her organization will be busy getting out the vote. While general election results seem to indicate that Warnock and Ossoff will not win, it all depends on who shows up to vote.

    I heard someone on the TV machine say that Joe should announce his cabinet picks ahead of the EV certification to show he’s moving forward. McConnell may be forced (blackmailed, there’s criming going on in that family) to acquiesce to Biden…….. Ok, who am I kidding. But we can hope.

  22. Buttermilk Sky says:
    I need to write my senator and ask him if he’s learned to pronounce “Kamala” yet.

    If some Senators, Representatives, or TV broadcasters can’t remember how to pronounce Kamala, I’m sure she can remind them the alternative, Madam Vice President, is perfectly acceptable. For the slow learners in the crowd.

  23. john in denver says:

    Biden is so much better an alternative. 75 days until Inauguration Day.

    Harris is so much better an alternative to Pence.

    And can I recommend we all celebrate the idea of “Second Spouse Doug”?

  24. Thank you JJ and all who helped bring about this historic victory! I agree with those who said there is still much to be done. My plan is to celebrate this weekend and then get back to work. I need to figure out what I can squeeze out of the budget to donate to the Georgia run-off races. McConnell needs to be neutered. It would be great if we could get the Fairness Doctrine passed again. That would be a good step towards regaining sanity in the red areas. What else?

  25. “Ding. Dong. The witch is dead.”

  26. @Jo

    I have a pocket knife somewhere around here with a gelding blade.

  27. Thank you all for the ‘4 more year’ gift of life!
    Goodby/good riddance White House, hello Riker’s Island!

  28. Harry Eagar says:

    A president without a Congress is like a fish without a bicycle.

  29. Van heldorf, my sentiments exactly. I don’t know how to make it happen, But McConnell, has to be neutralized our kids going to be at least 2 years of the same cap he pulled with Obama. I can’t do much to help in Georgia except to send a few bucks and urge my son to get to the polls, but I hear the Lincoln project is with us, and I’m hoping karma is, too…

  30. I found out what kind of people the Trumpies are at least the ones in my neighborhood at least some of them. I’ve been putting Democratic signs in my yard for 20 years and last night was the first time I’ve had them vandalized.

  31. ~ Peach State Possibility

    Live Updates: Who Will Win Control of the Senate?
    Democratic hopes of taking back the chamber are dwindling — but the outcome may not be decided until January

    Edit: As 2020 election results roll in, control of the Senate remains in the balance — and everything may all come down to Georgia.

    The math is not complicated. In the current Senate, Republicans hold a three-seat advantage, 53-47. If Biden wins the presidency, as appears increasingly likely, Vice President Kamala Harris would sit as the Senate’s tie-breaker, and Democrats would need a net gain of three seats to control the chamber.

    full article:

  32. Elizabeth Moon says:

    He’s fired, he’s fired, he’s fired by gum
    He’s fired by gum, he’s fired by gum
    He’s fired, he’s fired, he’s fired by gum
    Is the song that we’re all gaily singing

    It’s still three hard months, but then he’ll be gone
    We’ll hose the place out, then dance on the lawn
    There’s a whole lot of work, and no time to yawn
    But we’ll grin a lot while we are singing

    Away, away, with Trump (fist bump)
    With Trump (fist bump)
    With Trump (fist bump)
    Away, away, with Trump (fist bump)
    Is the song that we’re all gaily singing.

    (more verses may emerge; anyone can play)

  33. My senator Jeff Merkley (just re-elected by almost 20 points) can be fairly measured but has been really celebrating today as well as stating what needs to happen going forward. He is a policy wonk, after all. Here’s his Facebook post today:

    “The American people have rendered their judgment: Donald Trump, you’re fired!

    “The American people voted for decency and progress. They voted for science and a president that will work to control the virus, not give up. They voted for a government that will deliver on housing, health care, climate chaos, voting rights, and racial justice.

    “President Trump failed our nation in many ways. He failed to lead a national response to COVID-19. He failed to build a better health care system, promising but failing to end the gouging of Americans on drug prices while working to destroy insurance for 20 million Americans. He failed us by promoting hate and racism, dividing rather than uniting Americans. Trump failed our country on the most basic test of human decency, by ripping children out of their parents’ arms. And he failed us by assaulting the checks and balances of our Constitution, the rule of law, and the integrity of our elections.
    Trump’s failures have left us with many challenges. Together, as a nation, we must work with great urgency to change course and create a better future for working families. I look forward to working with President-elect Biden and his administration to put America back on track. Let’s get to work!”

  34. YEEHAW!
    Breathing better now.
    I enjoyed all the great comments!

  35. WA Skeptic says:

    I say we let Donnie and his bunch slip out the back door (after first checking their pockets for silverware, etc) and high-tail it for whichever country will let them set up, and get on with the task of putting our ravaged country back together.

  36. Today is my birthday birthday birthday, and I am so happy happy happy!!! I got just what I wanted for a present…er, president.

  37. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Wonder if Melania is wearing her “see if I care” jacket now?

  38. The Surly Professor says:

    Buttermilk Sky, and Rick @22: it will be even easier for your Senator. Since the V-P is also president of the Senate, he can just say “Madame President”. Then he doesn’t have to get his brain in a knot trying to pronounce “vice”.

    And since I am a nasty, evil-minded, and childish little person: wouldn’t it be great if the other senators started mis-pronouncing his name as well? “I’d like to respond to the honorable Senator Perdition, or Perp-doo, or however he pronounces it ….”

    A big thanks to everyone here at the Saloon, I mean, Salon. Especially to the proprieter of the joint, pointing us at targets of electoral opportunity. And letting those of us surrounded by Trumpoids and their ilk know that there’s still some sane folks around, plus giving us a place to blow off steam.

    i’ll especially thank Nancy Yates for telling me about Tarrant Together. Amazingly, Biden won Tarrant County by 1365 votes, and I’m willing to lay credit for it to the young women of that organization:

    Now let’s get ready for 2022, and not let the troglodytes grab things back like they did in 2010!

  39. Biden may get an electoral college win of 306-232 if he wins four of the five remaining key states by less than one point. Please remember that Trump called that exact same outcome in 2016 a “landslide”– while LOSING, not WINNING, the popular vote by 3-4 million votes, as Biden is doing.

  40. Steve from Beaverton says:

    If the shoe was on the other foot for repugnanticans in this election ie, Trumpf had narrowly won several swing states, they’d be all fired up for Biden to concede. HRC graciously conceded to the orange one in 2016 the next day. But no, the Lindsey Graham’s, Ted Cruz’s, Kevin McCarthy’s (and many others) just want to continue to divide the country for as long as they can. That’s why they’re repugnant and the party of hypocrisy.

  41. Terry from Peculiar MO says:

    Madam Vice President… is the sound of multiple victories. And I’m betting my last bag of popcorn she will NOT be a background prop like spineless Mike.

  42. I wonder who Governor Newsom will appoint to Kamala’s Senate seat. CA has an embarrassment of riches to choose from.

    AK Lynne #36: Does Al Gross have any chance of beating Dan Sullivan in the Senate race?

    Kate McKinnon is killing as Rudy Guiliani tonight.

  43. Linda Phipps says:

    Next order of business after reauthorizing DACA, renewing membership of the WHO, and rejoining the Paris Climate Accord, reviving the Iran Peace Agreement, please detail some grounds keepers to rip out the bland plants and stiletto friendly side walk in the former Rose Garden.

  44. Linda Phipps says:

    S/B the Iran nuclear deal. We know the list is very long.
