
April 08, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Aladamnbama Senator Jeff Sessions is saying that he doesn’t think that Donald Trump will pick him to be vice president.

sessionsI have no idea why not.  I mean, face it, there aren’t many people who could make Trump look sane and smart by comparison, but by gawd, Jeff Sessions is one of them.

Trump has faced a tremendous amount of opposition from within his own party, raising questions about whether he will be able to secure the 1,273 delegates necessary to be the nominee before the summer convention.

In recent weeks, he has been in contact with prominent Republican lawmakers including Sens. Orrin Hatch (Utah) and Tom Cotton (Ark.), which some have interpreted as an attempt to unify the party.

“I think highly of him, there’s no question about it,” Hatch said.

Oh wait, there’s two more!  I forgot about Republican Senators.

I gotta say something about Tom Cotton.  He gave me a headache earlier this week.  I was trying to figure this mess out:

“In 2012, they did elect President Obama, in part to nominate justices and judges, but in 2014 they elected me and a net nine new Republican Senators, in part, to say: ‘Stop. Stop to the Obama agenda.’”

Okay, so they elected Obama to nominate a justice and then elected you to stop him? Oh yeah, that was our thinking.

Son, even the least of your math problems with that reasoning, other than it makes no sense whatsodamnever, is that President Obama was elected by the whole country.  You were elected with 475,000 votes by people who can’t read in Arkansas.  President Obama was elected with 66 million votes.  Shut the hell up.


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0 Comments to “Jeff”

  1. Thank you JJ.

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    ” You were elected with 475,000 votes by people who can’t read in Arkansas. President Obama was elected with 66 million votes. Shut the hell up.”

    (mic drop)

  3. Tom Cotton should be in prison for treason!

  4. Bob Stoller says:

    Uh, do you mean “Jeff Sessions”? We in Dallas have our own idiot Republican Sessions, but he’s a congressman, not a senator, whose name is Pete.

  5. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    Thanks, Bob. My mistake.

  6. dbrexas, you said it! I’ve watched this guy from when he was a Congresscritter and there is something so seriously wrong with this dude that he should not be allowed out without a keeper. I would go so far as to say he is another malignant narcissist like tRump but without the highway flares.

  7. maryelle says:

    Looking sane and being sane are 2 quite different horses.
    Kaysick can look sane, but we all know there’s an off the wall wingnut rattling around in there and I can’t really think of any Rethuglican senator or congresscritter who actually is sane. The crazy oozes out sooner or later, ruining every darn thing in its path.

  8. bud malone says:

    The last paragraph is spot on.

  9. W. C. (Pete) Peterson says:

    The arrogance of the rich. Sums up the Republicans nicely.

  10. Rasty Bob says:

    Jeff is nowhere near the brightest bulb in the string. But that’s in Aladamnbama. So who knows?

  11. Linda Phipps says:

    “You were elected with 475,000 votes by people who can’t read in Arkansas. President Obama was elected with 66 million votes.” I agree, PKM, priceless and quotable, if I may with proper citation.

    I also agree with others here about that pencil necked dweeb Tom Cotton.

  12. Jesh a mighty slap in the face to Sarah ‘brawler in chief’ Palin.
    At least nominate her for Head of Word Security.

  13. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Linda Phipps, the quote was authored above by Miss Juanita Jean Herownself. If you love stats about the yammering ninnies of the loathsome, Rachel Maddow did a great segment on how the Loathsome Ted Crooze slithered into office with the sheerest of numbers in an obscure off-off season election.

  14. charles r. phillips says:

    I hate the current snacilbupeR with a passion. If the pits of Hell opened up under the snacilbupeR convention in Cleveland, my only hope is that some innocent arena employee doesn’t get pulled down by mistake.

  15. dbrexas, I totally agree that Tom Cotton should be in jail for treason. He is a total mental case for sure, as well as being a traitor to our country.

  16. Arkansas?

  17. maryelle says:

    Senator Sessions is a ringer for Arte Johnson, from the old Laugh-in Show. All he needs is a Nazi helmet, a cigarette, and and some weeds to hide in.

  18. @maryelle

    Or perhaps some weed to hide in the stallheim.

  19. He, along with many others, is giving me a rash.

  20. Obama did not nominate any SCOTUS Justices between the 2012 and 2014 election. I am not going to waste my time finding out whom he nominated to lesser courts that would have so horrified the voting public, after his first four years of nominations. It’s much easier and more logical to conclude that Tom Cotton has his head where the monkey put the nuts.

  21. Corinne Sabo says:

    Considering what Sessions did in Alabama when he was Attorney General, he & Dumpf are birds of a feather.

  22. So much of who Cruz is (since he doesn’t actually seem to be much by himself) is simply a reflection of those who will suffer his “friendship.” Truly the very bottom of our social barrel.
