Friday Toons

April 08, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized



















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0 Comments to “Friday Toons”

  1. maryelle says:

    “…Feeling the Hill?” Great ‘toon!

  2. Zyxomma says:

    The Friday Toons used to make me smile. Now, they’re just a reminder of how dysfunctional the US has become. It’s more than just Obama Derangement Syndrome. I’m a Sanders supporter, but his fanboys have gotten scary.

    Register and VOTE. Help your friends, colleagues, family, neighbors, congregants, and everyone else you know to register and vote. Help in any way you can. IMHO, anyone who “sits this one out” is part of the problem. VOTE.

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    shaking it off .. shaking it off .. shaking it off … scary … for a moment almost had a slight feeling of pity for Ted Cruz. “Wisconsin dislikes me less” between that and some of the ‘endorsements,’ he should be feeling the rejection.

  4. Hahahahahahahaha! Oh, I was just looking at The Wall.

    I liked the Hill and the Bern too. I’d be happy with either as the nominee and next president. Bernie did look bad in the NY Post interview. No idea how he was going to carry out his financial plans. That is concerning. C’mon Bernie. Study up!

  5. Debbo, I’ve noticed that, too, about Bernie. As a sitting Senator he must know that it is the House and Senate who carry out legislation that would put financial plans into operation. Or not, as in legislation dying in committee.

  6. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Debbo and maggie, the media is not to be trusted. Bernie’s explanation, after “I don’t know” and the question proceeding that answer are the crux. But all that is being played is the sound byte. I’ll look for the full transcript to share.

  7. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    I read the entire thing again. The audio had the “I don’t know” but it didn’t ‘pop’ in the transcript.

    But when Sanders was asked and pushed to explain how exactly he would break up big banks, his answer was basic. He suggested that he was unsure as to whether or not the Federal Reserve had the full power to do such a thing, but that under Dodd-Frank Act, the POTUS does have such powers. *

    *(this is the section of the interview that should correlate with the audio in question)

  8. a Bernie Sis says:

    Actually, people who understand economics think the Sanders’ interview was accurate. Breaking up instead of bailing out the banks that are too big to fail is a new concept so it is understandable that the media and the general public don’t quite grasp Sanders’ responses.

    Here are some respected economists who think Sanders did well in the interview:

    Also, Robert Reich, professor of economics at UC Berkley and former Secretary of Labor says Sanders’ knew what he was talking about.

    Finally, in 2011, Sanders voted against the Panama Trade Pact an said that part of his opposition was based upon the fact that Panama would allow the wealthy and corporations to avoid paying taxes. Five years latter we have the Panama Papers scandal. So I think Sanders has an excellent grasp of economics and how things work. Secretary Clinton was a huge supporter of the Panama Trade Pact.

    Call Sanders a pie in the sky thinker if you wish; I call Sanders pretty prescient and, as a lifelong Democrat I admire his plan to make the wealthy and the corporations pay their fair share of the taxes.

  9. PKM, I have read all that previously and Bernie comes off as unsure and tentative to me. I guess I’m looking for a more solid and definite plan. Hillary has that. On the other hand, Bernie is more of a peacenik, and I really like that.

    As I said, I believe the country will be in good hands with either of them. Maybe we need Hillnie or Bernlary as president.

  10. Bernie’s answers turn out to be correct. Hillary was wrong.

  11. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Being a nice guy, Bernie spoke slowly so the media and economists could follow his discourse. Then some of the slow witted economists attack his tone? Okay. In this instance, I choose the Einstellung effect, what I read with my own eyes over the economists who ‘missed’ Dubya driving the economy over a cliff.

    Debbo, agreed. We are lucky this election cycle that we don’t have the ‘choices’ facing the snacililbupeR. Imagine, Donnie Drumpf or this:
