Pence’s Best Interests
Last night, after the release of the hostages, Mike Pence said something out loud. He said it’s time for Mueller to end his investigation.
“In the interests of the country, I think it’s time to wrap it up.” Pence told NBC News following the release of three Americans held by North Korea.
Translated into whatever the hell language men who call their wives Mother speak, that means, “I cannot freekin’ wait to be president!”
The vice president was pressed on the news about millions of dollars in payments from companies to Trump’s personal attorney Michael Cohen. Pence said that was a “private matter” and “something I don’t have any knowledge about.”
No, no it’s not a private matter. And Pence full damn well knew about it because Trump would have bragged to him about it.
Somebody tell Mike we’re not total idiots. That would be his friends on the religious right.
By the way, today George Will has some prime comments about Pence, which end with this.
Trump is what he is, a floundering, inarticulate jumble of gnawing insecurities and not-at-all compensating vanities, which is pathetic. Pence is what he has chosen to be, which is horrifying.
Will calls Pence the worst person in government. He may be right.