Pardon By Tweet

November 25, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Michael Flynn, who is a traitor to his country, just got tweet freed.



The evidence mounts that Trump is giving pardons to those who did not testify against him.


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0 Comments to “Pardon By Tweet”

  1. Sam in Superior says:

    Here’s hoping Flynn becomes a pariah among vets. We’re going to see s buttload of these in the next weeks; this will sadly be one of the less-outrageous ones by comparison.

  2. The pardoned Thanksgiving turkey did more to deserve it.

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    Of all the egregious and corrupt acts committed by the Toddler-in-Thief* this one has stunk from the beginning. Seriously. “Lying to the FBI” was the essence of the charges brought against Flynn. That sorry excuse among some very sorry excuses who have “worn the uniform” Flynn has been a protected species from the beginning. Not to mention Flynn the lighter blighter Michael G getting off completely because daddy-0 Michael T pled to the lying charges. And he keeps his pension?

    From now to January 20th will be insanity as the operation warp drive, while Covid-19 will be in reprieve mode as far as Donnie is concerned.

  4. Accepting a pardon includes an admission of guilt, and also means the Fifth Amendment does not apply to figure replies under oath in regards to questions involving the crime for which the pardon was given.

    So, continue to investigate Individual 1, as he is named in another case. Hail Flynn into court and ask him some questions.

  5. Harry Eagar says:

    I believe he could still be prosecuted for, among other things, being an unregistered agent of a foreign state.

    I am not a fan of that statute ,which goes back to the national security state mania of the Truman era but fair is fair. Others have typically done several years for the crime, it is well-known and for Flynn it’s an open-and-shut case.(I am aware he claims to have been paid by a private Turkish citizen but that is a transparent falsehood.)

  6. Opinionated Hussy says:

    So Drumpf pardoned TWO turkeys for Thanksgiving, I see. Please, Lord, get him out of the White House NOW….don’t wait until January.

  7. Grandma Ada says:

    I’m not a lawyer, so I’d like to know if it’s legal for his majesty to pardon someone who in in a criminal conspiracy with him. It seems morally wrong, but morals and laws aren’t necessarily the same.

  8. Don’t pardons have to be done on a form that requires specification of the charges that he’s pardoned from?

  9. Steve from Beaverton says:

    As was mentioned, a pardon also is an admission of guilt. I was listening to a number of attorney commenters on MSNBC and have yet to hear if and how Trumpf could pardon himself. There’s been a lot of speculation that he might try to which would mean he’s guilty of a federal crime that he’s not yet been charged. If that’s the case, billie Barrf would probably be the one that would know what he’s hiding or feeling guilty about.
    Just imagine a former president pardons himself then announces he’s running again in 2024. I read recently where a politician won an election in Arkansas, and the state Supreme Court ruled he could not be legally elected because he had been pardoned for a past crime.

  10. Jonathon Hubbert says:

    Don’t sweat the small stuff.
    Pardons are small stuff.
    Pardons means ” … no availability of 5th Amendment protection … “.
    Convene a Grand Jury; in February; get testimony about all the enablers & their daring escapades to fool the people.

  11. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Traitors pardon traitors, eh?

  12. Word is Trump will be changing gears from MAGA To MEGA-pardons over the coming weeks.

    If he hired “all the best people” why do so many of them need pardons?

  13. Wondering how 18 U.S. Code § 4 – Misprision of felony might apply here.

    “Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.”

  14. Deb @13, how the law might apply in the instance of this maladministration is probably already answered when Billy Blob Barr wasn’t prosecuted in the GHWB administration and freaking Oliver North wasn’t strung up around Reagan’s dirty throat.

    Or, I could hopefully be wrong. And, maybe, just maybe Donnie has stretched the rule of law so thin there will be an appetite finally to enforce it. TBD Don’t know if I’m cautiously optimistic or naive. Yet.

  15. We all knew he was going to do it, but it still pissed me off. Was the judge going to rule soon? Remember that Flynn conspired with Russia about sanctions (and whatever else) but they lowered his charges to lying to the FBI because he was cooperating with Mueller. Until he wasn’t and tried to take backsies on his guilty pleas. Plus he and his son took money from Turkey without registering as foreign agents and plotted to kidnap a Turkish cleric in PA and send him back to Turkey to face his rival Erdogan (to be killed most likely).

    OrangeDouche will undoubtedly continue to pardon all the criminals who protected him by not blabbing about his crimes.

    But here’s how we can get some semblance of satisfaction: all of those pardoned should have their crimes blasted to the public over and over until everyone knows what the douchebags did (because it’s easy to forget or not know at all), and why they did not deserve to be pardoned. And make sure it’s clear that Douchebag Donnie pardoned them because they knew of *his* crimes.

    “I want you to do me a favor, though.” redux, ad infinitum

  16. If Combover Crime Lord’s giving pardons only to those who didn’t testify against him, that means Rick Gates is SOL. Some folks I follow on Twitter claim that he’s asking for one.

  17. thatotherjean says:

    I have no doubt that Trump gave Flynn a pardon for not spilling the beans about him. If it were not so, Flynn would be in prison, where he belongs. Trump’s relationships are all transactional.

  18. The Surly Professor says:

    Jonathon Hubbert @ 10 is right: once the pardon is accepted, they lose 5-th amendment protection for those crimes and can be compelled to testify about the crime and any co-conspirators involved. i suspect Biden will try to avoid that – he still believes he can “work together” with the Republicans. Which means foreign agent violations, misprision and malfeasance are all unlikely to be pursued by a Biden administration.

    Still, all it takes is one grand jury …

  19. john in denver says:

    I’m hoping the actual language of the pardon is publicized, not just the tweet. I wanna know what Congress or an honest Inspector General can ask Flynn about, without worrying about the 5th.

    Also wondering where Flynn is going to wind up. I know he COULD survive on the military retirement pay of a 3-star general, but bet he thinks he can do better. Need to be able to boo, hiss, and boycott any corporation that puts him on a board.

  20. So Flynn gets pardoned for lying, but no longer is immune from prosecution if he’s subpoenaed and lies again. I kinda like that ….

  21. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Tangential to this, but important: the discussion elsewhere of whether Trump should be indicted for the crimes he has committed while in office. I am strongly in favor of this (and I strongly oppose the Justice Department’s reasoning in the past when they decided that a sitting President should not (or could not) be indicted no matter his crimes.) Laws not enforced, or enforced on only some of the guilty, are not actually laws but preferences, suggestions. No one should be held as above the law. It’s not about revenge: it’s about the law.

    As the situation in Michigan showed with stark clarity, many Republicans in positions of power were/are willing to break the law to please Trump…whether out of admiration or fear. It didn’t start with Trump, but to save this country in the long run, it needs to end with Trump…with his prosecution for the laws he’s broken, and the prosecution of others in power who broke laws at his behest and for their own profit.

    We cannot restore a rule of law by niggling and pecking at petty criminals on the bottom…putting more and more poor and people of color into prisons. We can restore it only by demonstrating that no one is above it–that CEOs and investment bankers and elected officials who break federal laws–*especially* those in positions of public trust–will be prosecuted, will be tried, and when found guilty will be punished *in the same way* as a “common” criminal. And we need to see Trump in the dock. Ignoring his crimes because he was President is a serious mistake.

  22. Elizabeth Moon – – right on with flags flying. I have my own Elizabeth living in Michigan. And when I can get vaccinated, I fully intend to visit there. For all the press the “militia” inspires, there are even more Michiganders who are not insane!

  23. Harry Eagar says:

    John in denver @ 19. I saw a report that the text of the pardon is expected to be released, perhaps this weekend. If it is not a blanket pardon then there are many crimes that the Justice Department believes it has sufficient evidence to prosecute available.

    I suppose Flynn’s lawyers were sufficiently aware to shut off that avenue (Powell is not stupid), so that opens the way to extensive iterrogations.

    I think Biden is completely wrong about not going after the miscreants; I thought the same about Iran-Contra.

    Just finished Alan McPherson’s ‘Ghosts of Sheridan Square,’ about the legal pursuit of the Letelier murderers. Recommend highly, not least because the good guys won, though it took 40 years.

  24. Elizabeth Moon says:

    I agree, Harry. Former presidents (both parties) have agreed to law enforcement of lesser offenses by less powerful offenders, while not insisting on law enforcement of greater offenses by powerful people…this corrodes respect for the law in every economic class faster than anything else.

    And I keep thinking back to _A Man for All Seasons_ and that great speech put into the mouth of Thomas More about the law…it works as well for not enforcing actual laws as for attempting to enforce non-existent laws.

    Sorry, Biden and those who agree with him (he’s not alone in his view)…you’re wrong this time. I thought the same about Iran-Contra, about the false claims of WMD that (long term) resulted in more destruction and death in the Middle East. This “forgive the rich and powerful for their crimes; stick the petty criminal in prison for life” has brought us to a very dangerous national crisis of conscience.
