July 28, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I love my real-life friend Pam.  We play politics together.  We also point and laugh a lot.

Bubba asked for Pam’s help with a local political project because he looked up one day to see that he and two other old white guys were trying to make a decision on door hangers.   Pam, who is African American, calls them The OWGs.  Old White Guys. It has kinda stuck, in a loving way.

All OMG aren’t so lovable.

Big, long, worth your time story about a study of gun violence.

Counter to what Republicans are claiming, gun violence is way down in Texas and California.  Both states are down more than double any other state.  Now this is kinda odd since California has very strict gun control laws and Texas has none.  Hell, we give you a gun to hold when you visit the state capitol.

So, what’s causing the decrease in gun violence in those two states and New York?

In past decades, California, New York and Texas’ young Latino men ages 10 to 24 suffered twice the risk of being killed by guns than white, non-Hispanic men aged 40 and older. After enormous population growth, young Hispanic men today are substantially less at risk from guns than older white men.

And why are older white men more at risk?

Despite its Wild West image, Texas’ big gun problem today is not drug-running immigrants, home-invading thugs or vigilantes incited by pro-gun laws. Increasingly, it’s middle-aged white men shooting themselves.

So, there’s hope for Rick Perry and Sean Hannity.



Pam is making an effort to distinguish our OWGs from their OWGs, by re-naming their’s DAWGs – Dumb Ancient White Guys.

 Thanks to Bunny for the heads up.

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