Oops, That’s Going to Leave a Mark – More on Iowa, and It Ain’t Pretty

February 04, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election

Shadow.  No, not the one caused by the sun, the one founded by former Hillary staffers Gerard Niemira and Krista Davis.  Shadow is the company that developed the app that blew up last night making Iowa Dems look like idiots.  Oh, and the IDP (Iowa Democratic Party) paid Shadow $63,000 for the privilege of being made to look like idiots.  It gets better.  Shadow was also paid over $42,000 by Mayor Pete’s campaign, $1200 by the Biden campaign, and $37,000 by Kirsten Gillibrand’s DOA campaign for software licenses and data.  It gets even better. Shadow rushed this new app into deployment in TWO MONTHS.  And even better, the IDP turned down Homeland Security who had offered to check it for security flaws.

The IDP blames a “coding” problem, but still maintains that the “data and paper trail” are intact.  Are all state Dem parties run by morons?

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