Oops. I Don’t Remember Doing That Three Times

January 26, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Tennessee Republican House Majority Whip Jeremy Durham was shocked, shocked I tell you, that three women have come forward to say he’s been pestering them with text messages from his cell phone.

Screen Shot 2016-01-26 at 1.02.30 PMThe three women who told The Tennessean about text messages from Durham they felt were inappropriate said they never considered filing a formal complaint.

They said they feared retribution and spoke to The Tennessean only on the condition of anonymity. They worried that a complaint would be useless, even though officials have encouraged anyone with concerns to come forward.

Okay, now here’s his explanation:

After The Tennessean described the text messages to Durham, he said he did not remember sending any of the messages.

How drunk was he?  Your guess is as good as mine.

Thanks to EJ for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Oops. I Don’t Remember Doing That Three Times”

  1. Lunargent says:

    “I was hacked!”

    Yeah, it didn’t work for Anthony Weiner, either.

  2. Drunk? Why not a stone-cold-sober sleazeball and liar?

  3. I guess he doesn’t remember getting busted for forging an Adderall prescription either…


    Or asking a federal judge for leniency for a former youth pastor convicted of possessing child pornography.


    Or whether he;s actually stepping down or not…


    Ah.. the family values and personal accountability of the GOP on full display!

  4. RepubAnon says:

    I believe memory gaps of that type are called the “Reagan Defense” – after GOP idol Ronald Reagan’s inability to remember anything about the Iran-Contra deal.

  5. Annabelle Lee says:

    I especially liked the part where he broke into the home of a man dating his former girlfriend, and then described the incident as “shenanigans”.

    Sure, no ill intent there at all. Just hijinx!

  6. RepubAnon, that same response occurred to me immediately as well. It sure did work for Raygun, not so much for this guy maybe.

  7. Reagan had an excuse, though it wasn’t announced until after he’d left office and got his finger off the Button. Hands up if anyone was surprised by that announcement.

  8. JAKvirginia says:

    When questioned further concerning the complaints of three women, Mr. Durham responded with: “Only three?” /s

  9. l'angelomisterioso says:

    @ Repubanon- One needs to be able to fake St. Ronnie the confused’s cluelessness and that’s difficult for a rational person to do. Maryelle I believe that cluelessness was why it worked for St. Ronnie, and will not work for this twit. I believe that, underneath it all this person is semi-rational. He got caught and blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

  10. He will just play the GOP card – he talked to Jesus and Jesus forgave him – so it’s all good.

  11. Old Mayfly says:

    Jeremy Durham is invoking the “Who?…Me?” defense, which sometimes works, but more often doesn’t.

  12. Humm…… seems like we have another case of affluenza.

  13. My first thought on glimpsing the photo was, Josh Duggar strikes again!

  14. Marcia in CO says:

    Maybe he could use the Butt Defense … his butt texted to these ladies and he didn’t know what his butt was doing!!

  15. Like I said before, Republican politics gives you amnesia!

  16. Annabelle Lee says:

    I like that he couldn’t remember if he altered a prescription.

    “Do you remember what you were doing last Tuesday?”

    missed opportunity:

    “No, but I remember the last time I altered a prescription, because that was neverrrrrr.”

  17. @maggie

    Actually it would be easier to interrogate the interweb world wide thingy with The Googly asking “What drugs drinks smokes give you amnesia?” snacilbupeR politics is too simple an answer. Marijuana? Jack Daniels? LSD? Some combination of the three? Others?

  18. Lunargent says:

    And yet he’s the Majority Whip.

    I can never figure it out; does the GOP have a policy of never vetting these clowns? Or are they the best they can do? Either way, it’s pretty pathetic.

  19. Old Mayfly says:

    Lunargent–my theory is that the vetting bar could use some upgrades.

    Right now the vetting bar is: White? Check. Male? Check.

    Protestant (or pretend-Protestant)? Check.

    Maybe they should add a couple of higher bars, i.e. Non-Sociopath? Check. No Criminal Past? Check. etc.

  20. stupid man
