
March 25, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It’s the day after the March for Our Lives events all across the country.

Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen thought you’d like to see the NRA’ latest political contribution filings.  Needless to say it’s heavy on Texas.

Which brings us to this guy who showed up in Austin at the march determined to be heard but letting it be known he will not listen.


You can see more photos here.

Thanks to Alfredo and Sarah for the heads up.


And Lynne from Juneau, Alaska sends a picture of her one protestor.




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0 Comments to “Okay”

  1. That Other Jean says:

    If you refuse to listen, you have no right to be heard That applies, unfortunately, to the left as well as the right. You can’t find common ground if you don’t listen to the other side).

  2. We had a couple Molon Labe jerks show up at the Olympia, WA, demonstration. They were pretty well ignored by all.

  3. What’s up with the giant bundle of keys on his belt – or is he just playing into another stereotype while he’s at it?

  4. What a cretin. His AR-15 must be at the gunsmiths. He’s carrying a full-sized Mossberg 500/535 long barrel 12ga shotgun (his earmuffs are probably playing Donnei’s greatest hits). My Mossberg 500 is the much smaller 12ga mag streetsweeper version, minimum legal barrel length, pistol and forearm grips (kicks like a mule); would never walk around like that with it.

    This other jerk from down the Rawstory* link has it all:
    huge tRump flag, MAGA hat, AR-15 hanging between his legs, etc.:

    * My gawd, that Rawstory link drove my Opera browser built-in ad-blocker nuts, 86 blocks (a record I think) and counting when I dumped it.

  5. SteveTheReturned says:

    You know, I expected huge demonstrations in D.C. and New York City. But I heard that 8000 people showed up—in Fort Worth. Folks, Ft. Worth is ground zero for the odious Open Carry movement, about as radical a bunch of pro-gun types as there is. 8000 people in FW, demanding action on controlling guns. I am impressed.

  6. The rwnj’s lame protests did not win any PR points yesterday.
    On the positive side, one of the headlines on the posted link
    announced that Dump’s newly hired rottweiler attorney, DeGenova, is already out due to “conflicts of interest”.
    (Apologies to rottweilers)

  7. That Other Jean says:

    Sensible gun control is making inroads in Texas! Good news for the 2018 midterms, I hope.

  8. That first photo is scary. I have no problem with pistols, rifles and shot guns. If it were up to me there would one no guns but that will never happens. I do object to AR 15s, bumps stocks and 100 round magazines. Probably showing my ignorance of gun terms there, but you know what I mean. If you want to carry a pistol or go hunting you are protected. Stop showing you ignorance by saying ” we are trying to take away your second amendment rights”. I bet a lot of those guys cannot spell amendment anyway.

  9. e platypus onion says:

    OT- AKLynne would you by chance know of the Pi lady from Juneau who is quite active in Dem Politics and all kinds of stuff? I’m asking for a friend – mfi (who is my other self.)

  10. The NYC march was amazing. We had such beautiful weather I was able to take off my jacket. I shook hands with our hero Attorney General, Eric Schneiderman. We were singing and a guitarist joined us and played with us. Best of all, on both sides of the street, kids were being registered to vote. The cry was, “If you’ll be 18 in November, you can register to vote today.” The signage was amazing.

    And every time the march passed a property bearing the Trump name, everyone pointed and chanted, “Shame! Shame!”

  11. e platypus union…I might be, but I am not sure what Pi lady means. There are several women very active in Dem politics here. In fact, I was at a caucus yesterday where some positions were filled. Can you give me more clues?

  12. That guy, obviously a pro NRA type, stood glaring like that and never moved during the entire time we were gathered in Juneau. I presume he thought he was scary. One of him; hundreds of us.

  13. Zyxomma, it’s too bad that some Democratic billionaires couldn’t be persuaded to establish some semi-permanent/temporary liberal Dem voting colonies in places that stand a good chance of flipping D.
    Bring in a bunch of those highly motivated people, housing, jobs; get them RTV where their votes can really have a much larger effect. In already heavy D leaning places the additional votes don’t really accomplish much, but could really help out in TX, FL, OH, MI, WI, etc. I saw where many Californians are migrating here.
    But maybe things are stirred up enough to do the job this November.

    Y’all would enjoy our weather too (going to be 90deg+ today, Laredo has already been 100 several days recently).

  14. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Let’s hope lots of displaced and angry Puerto Ricans settle in Florida and Texas — and vote.

  15. e platypus onion says:

    AkLynne, she goes by Alaska Pi/Lives just up the hill from the lege and doesn’t want me to throw rocks at wingnuts (because of the architecture) but dirt clods are okay- if I ever find my way out of iowa.

  16. @Zyxomma, I didn’t read all the WashPost coverage but was surprised not to see any photos in their gallery of 40 of marchers going past the Trump property on PA Ave, the Old Post Office. Maybe they were all giving it the finger and the photos were censored. (If you see a photo looking from the stage up PA Ave, the OPO is the tower several blocks away on the left side of the street.)

  17. For guys like those counter jerks, pointing and laughing is incredibly effective. No words or other gestures are necessary.

    I loved listening to the speakers, reading the signs and watching the faces of the marchers. They are so passionate, angry, loving, brave, smart and FIERCE. I was moved to tears several times. I think I fell in love with every one of them.

    I was reminded so much of the anti war hippie days of the late 60s, early 70s. My first campaign was working for George McGovern in 1972, the year Nixon’s CREEP burglars broke into the Watergate. We were idealists, optimists and fighting for our lives.

    The side fighting for its life will win again. The snacilbupeR are on the wrong side — again. It’s been what? About 100 years since they’ve been on the right side, the decent and humane side of history? I wonder when/if they’ll ever get a clue?

    WaPo had an opinion piece with the subhead saying these young people are going to save us and our country. I believe it. What Mueller is doing will be frosting on the cake. Or more aptly, shackles on the wrists and ankles.

  18. I am ranking jerks like Santorum right in with these counter protesters. CPR? School kids should learn CPR so they can apply same to their fellow students who are BLEEDING OUT? That’s the solution? Ricky baby, just stay where you are,where its warm enough and definitely DARK enough for your alleged soul!

  19. Love David Hogg’s reply to Santorum’s moronic comment:

    “I think Rick Santorum should learn CPR for the NRA after midterms.”

  20. e platypus onion, she’s not a person I have ever heard of. Sorry I couldn’t help.
