And We Have a Winner

March 25, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Some of my fun friends are measuring the time somebody stays in the Trump administration as Moochies.

Anthony Scaramucci lasted ten day before getting fired.

But I have no idea how to rate this one on the Moochie scale.

President Trump has decided not to hire two lawyers who were announced last week as new additions to his legal team, leaving him with a shrinking stable of lawyers as the investigation by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, enters an intense phase.

“The president is disappointed that conflicts prevent Joe diGenova and Victoria Toensing from joining the president’s special counsel legal team,” Mr. Trump’s personal lawyer, Jay Sekulow, said in a statement on Sunday morning.

And those conflicts would be?  They don’t know anything about law?

So, they got fired before they got hired. I think that’s a -2 on the Moochie Scale.



Thanks to Maggie for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “And We Have a Winner”

  1. Trump said he didn’t have “personal chemistry” with them.
    Meaning, the wife isn’t hot enough for him to grab by the hoo-ha.

  2. I just look at this as popcorn-worthy.

  3. What an episode of The Apprentice President!
    Who would have seen that coming!
    He barked “You’re Fired!” before the beginning credits even rolled!

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    “Conflicts” almost implies a code of ethics. It must be something else for those two to out Mooch the Mooch.

  5. slipstream says:

    Ahh, the old conflict-of-interest check.

    “Have you ever represented Stormy Daniels?”
    “Have you ever represented Karen McDougal?”
    “Have you ever represented, um, I forget her name but she was married and I moved on her like a bitch?”
    “Have you ever represented, um, I forget her name but I grabbed her by the pussy, because when you are famous they let you do that?”
    “Have you ever . . . ”

    The list goes on for so long that it takes attorneys who might be hired by Trump about a week to work through it.

  6. easttxdem says:

    Gee…how hard would it have been to check these two out for “conflicts of interest” BEFORE you shouted it to the world?
    Stupid, stupid, stupid…and dangerous.

  7. I’ll give the latest candidates about 3 moochies. Captain Evil Bolton about 4.

  8. Those two look to be made for each other, brrrr, a match made in Hell.

  9. RepubAnon says:

    I expect the conflict arose when the retainer agreement’s section on payment came to Trump’s attention. The attorneys wanted to be paid, which conflicted with Trump’s desire to stiff them.

  10. maryelle says:

    And they had such a plausible (?) conspiracy theory about the FBI, CIA and Hillary. Dump’s low information voters must have been drooling.

  11. WA Skeptic says:

    Whew! I wasn’t looking forward to seeing those nutz’ faces every night on TRMS. I love her program, but there’s only so much abuse I can take!

  12. If she didn’t have enough sense to know she had another client that presented a conflict when he signed on to Trump, what kind of lawyer is she?
    Not one I’d want in my corner. He must not pay any attention to her clients or the firms. Just another dumb shit.

  13. @Papa, I HOPE Bolton gets no more than 4 Moochies. I want his mustachioed arse bounced out of there pronto.

  14. I’m ROTFLMBO at the idea that a president would use Fox News as a vehicle to interview lawyers! Since Trump liked their performances when they appeared on the network, he, dumb behind that he is, thought that since they said things he wanted to hear, they were qualified to go up against Mueller’s team of top lawyers. I can’t stop laughing.

  15. Nanomooch? Picamooch?

  16. I worked in a law firm for six years and the first thing we did when signing up a new client was to do a conflicts check. This involved putting the names of all of the parties to the case into the computer to see if this large firm had ever represented any party to the case.This is standard operating procedure at a law firm, but apparently not with these “attorney” or the White House. Sheesh.

  17. BarbinDC says:

    @Wally: Nanomooch is just perfect. I think JJ oughta go with that one.

  18. DiGenova and his wife allegedly work as part of a law firm. However, from the way they behave you would think they were on their own. Well, its yes to both. Yeah, they do work with a law firm but obviously they don’t the hell care. Consequently, much after the fact of the announcement they had to cut and run because the firm actually did find a wagonload of conflicts. Frankly, that rash conduct, much like acting as mercenaries for hire, really stuck a knife in their attempt to hire on with Trump. I’m taking bets now as to hot long that law firm is going to put up with them!

  19. kate Dungan says:

    I wouldn’t be surprised if yon Gilded Turnip decided to represent himself.

  20. Kate, thereby proving the truth the old saying anyone who would represent himself in court has a fool for a client!

  21. Of course, he isn’t going to hire new lawyers. He is going to fire Mueller believing this will stop his eventual prosecution. This isn’t a surprise. I am just wondering how soon before he fires him. My money says within two weeks.

  22. Kate and Maggie – – – the only way he could have topped that proof of his foolishness would have been to hire these two.

    Whatever that conflict is, it just saved him a world of hurt. Actually, I might have enjoyed watching that play out . . . .

  23. Jane & PKM says:

    “If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you.”

    While Donnie should be able to afford an attorney, the prospects of him actually finding one are relatively grim. But since he has ignored all other aspects of the Miranda Warning, especially the silence part, it would be sweet irony to see him attorney shopping at a Public Defenders office.

    He should have been nicer to Tiffany. Over at Georgetown Law she at least has access to books, unlike Donnie who is allergic to books.

  24. eyesoars says:

    ISTR that The Mooch didn’t actually make it to his official hire date; that it was announced and he started in right away, but that he was sacked two days before he was to officially start. And that his wife filed for divorce the same day. Oh, and that the Harvard Law Alumni directory listed him as dead.

    Am I misremembering?

  25. A bit off subject but…
    did anybody else follow the disaster, trainwreck, fiasco of the federal trail challengeing kobach’s voter suppression trail in Kansas?
    You know the one where kobach cut out the ag’s office and insisted that as author of absurd law that HE try the case.

    Amazing even after the fiasco, disater, trainwreck, whatever of kobachs voting trail in kansas – I am speechless- When the judge not only lectures you on trail procedures 101 he has a complete set of Federal Rules of Evudence (multi volume) left on your desk during lunch break, cannot be seen as a vote of confidence.
    To say that kobachs legal reputation has been reduced to a series of muddy semi tracks through out the country would to be to seriously understate the shambles that kobach, who INSISTED on trying the case with his himself/ personal team, made of the case.
    This should be to voting suppression arguement/justification/advocates what the Dover case was to delusion design advocates.
    In both cases federal courts have made decisions and taken judicial note as to the absurdity of those who support either of these whack job fantasies.
    Notice the flat earth creationists have been driven back into there holes after Dover and movement to promote creationist’s fantasies as science near vanished.
    So after getting kobach’s own experts to gut his arguements on the record in the transcript should destroy the flim flam artist’s trying to limit voting to the marks they are scamming.

  26. eyesoars says:

    k@26: IIRC, Tierney Sneed over at was there for most of the trial, and it went pretty much as you describe It was not looking promising for Team Regression. Sadly, the taxpayers of Kansas have to pay for the fiasco Kris Kobach’s experiment in bad government. I expect not to hear anything for awhile, until the judge issues a ruling.

  27. eyesoars@ 27
    I did follow it at TPM and on Kansas online papers.

    Am I the only one who sees a parellel with the Dover, Pa case on delusional design?

    Damaging evidence and testimony for the vote suppressors is now part of official Judicial record with one of the twit’s appointees sitting on the bench.
