Mormon Fight! Mormon Fight!

September 25, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

By golly, Harry Reid is just goshwaggled over Mitt Romney’s brand of Mormonism.

And, the word sullied is being gently tossed around.

Next thing you know, they are going to get themselves all a’twitter with outrage. And you know what Mormon outrage looks like, right? It’s like regular outrage except they get piffed instead of raged.

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Mormon Fight! Mormon Fight!”

  1. Hey, JJ, the link takes me to Raw Story but no article that seems to reference there. Another cute thing is I can’t back out of Raw Story nice lock down there.
    Anyway, I’ll google it.

  2. Here’s the one in tiny url

  3. Sounds like Mormans don’t like “Greedy Bastards” any more than the rest of us.


  4. Barbara in Houston says:

    Thanks, JaneE, for the link.

  5. Sullied?

    I guess if they can’t ever take off their underwear, they know a lot about sullied.

  6. aggieland liz says:

    Bwahahaha that’s “soiled” Jimbo amigo 😀 thanks for the laffer!

  7. We knew this was going to get serious when Harry used the word, “Poppycock” on the floor of the Senate!

  8. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Most groups (churches, denominations, splinter groups, whatever) who call themselves some form of Christian do express some form of social conscience–it’s hard to read the Gospels of Mark and Matthew and avoid noticing Jesus’s commands to feed the hungry, house the homeless, etc. But there’s always been a strong “self-help/self-reliance” side to Mormonism as well. So since every other denomination manages to include people who will feed the hungry and people who will “teach them to fish” (a non-Biblical concept) or claim they should be taught to fish, or claim they should just pick up a stick and a string and get with it, it’s not surprising that the LDS is the same way. Hence, internal rows. In terms of who will come out on top in the Mormon Sullying Games, I expect it’ll be Romney…but I could be wrong. Romney has more money behind him.

    As for Mormons never getting raged and only getting piffed…beg to differ. I attended a conference several years in a row in Provo, UT, over a decade ago, and watched a staunch solid Mormon man blow his stack in a notable temper tantrum twice in one day. He didn’t get his way instantly with total submission from everyone around. One of the years it was only once. That one, at least, does rage very well. Like everyone else, there are mild-mannered Mormons, moderately piffy Mormons, and Mormons who need a long course of anger management therapy.
