Okay, So Maybe It Is Armageddon.

March 18, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So what if Trump really is the anti-Christ?

We got plagues and now earthquakes.

A 5.7 magnitude earthquake shook Utah’s Salt Lake City area Wednesday morning, cutting power to tens of thousands and suspending work at the state’s public health lab amid the coronavirus pandemic, officials said.

Heads up if you see locust or some guys on white horses.


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0 Comments to “Okay, So Maybe It Is Armageddon.”

  1. Does the current plague of locusts in Africa count?

  2. Earthquakes caused by the damn fracking, just like in Oklahoma.
    Despite protests from environmental groups, the federal Bureau of Land Management put leases for oil and gas development on more than 150,000 acres of federally owned land up for auction on 11 December 2018.

    The bureau confirmed on its website that it had offered leases on 154,212 acres — and sold leases on 139,079 acres — to oil and gas companies, raising almost $3,040,371:

    @TTPT #1 – Fire ants always count.

  3. So Moscow Mitch calls in the frackers to deploy Rethuglican
    vengeance on Mitt Romney.
    Seriously, I have been thanking my lucky stars that we still
    have electricity to keep lines of communication open, but
    the poor folks in Salt Lake may not have homes or power.
    FEMA needed ASAP.

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    How symbolic. Like earthquakes the wrecking ball(s) of the IQ4.5* maladministration do not take time off for a ‘mere’ epidemic. While Donnie*, Mikey and now Jughead entertain with their inept COVID-19 response, just know Billy Bob Barr, Bitsy DeVile, Steve Mnunchin and others gnaw away at whatever government agency they were hired to dismantle, while world chaos expert Mike Pompeo continues to sow international hate and discontent.

    Has anyone told Donnie* yet? In addition to the Democratic corona virus hoax that is out to get him*, Mother Nature has a few messages she will be sending. Good thing Donnie* hires “all the best,” so he* has pRick Perry to provide the “oops.” Oh noes, Perry resigned. Guess another task falls into Jughead’s portfolio.

    Ah the Dubya years were the good years when all we had to worry about was a war somewhere and “it’s five o’clock somewhere.” All this ‘winning’ with “there is a fire season somewhere” really is exhausting.

  5. It’s not just happening in Utah:

    Italy earthquake


  6. Jane & PKM says:

    maryelle @3, ironic that you should mention “FEMA needed ASAP.” That comes under the Department of Homeland Security, in this case Chad Wolf. Chad was a pet of John Kelly and Kirstjen Nielsen. If you enjoyed “Heckuva job Brownie” wait for it with that guy.

  7. Sandridge says:

    Another WH COVID-19 ‘Task Force’ presscon and the markets are cratering again after yesterday’s ‘dead cat bounce’.
    The ‘Trump winning’ is gone, now under where it was when Comrade T was sworn in.
    At least some of these marionettes are starting to sound a bit serious.

    The DJIA is well under 20,000 heading for 18K, and WTI crude oil is falling into the $22/bbl range [-17%]. Everything else is crashing too, even gold is down 3%.

    Mr T is bullshitting his way through the Q&As, Pence looks like he’s got a cat turd in his mouth. Donnei looks desperate for a round of golf. Oh wow, he ‘almost’ blames Obama for all this…

  8. Oh, how I wish that Orwell were still alive, so that I could read his comments on contemporary events!

    W.H. Auden

    Japanese flu drug ‘clearly effective’ in treating coronavirus, says China
    Shares in Fujifilm Toyama Chemical, which developed favipiravir, surged after praise by Chinese official following clinical trials

    Edit: Medical authorities in China have said a drug used in Japan to treat new strains of influenza appeared to be effective in coronavirus patients, Japanese media said on Wednesday.
    Zhang Xinmin, an official at China’s science and technology ministry, said favipiravir, developed by a subsidiary of Fujifilm, had produced encouraging outcomes in clinical trials in Wuhan and Shenzhen involving 340 patients.

    “It has a high degree of safety and is clearly effective in treatment,” Zhang told reporters on Tuesday.

    Patients who were given the medicine in Shenzhen turned negative for the virus after a median of four days after becoming positive, compared with a median of 11 days for those who were not treated with the drug, public broadcaster NHK said.
    In addition, X-rays confirmed improvements in lung condition in about 91% of the patients who were treated with favipiravir, compared to 62% or those without the drug.

    Fujifilm Toyama Chemical, which developed the drug – also known as Avigan – in 2014, has declined to comment on the claims.
    Shares in the firm surged on Wednesday following Zhang’s comments, closing the morning up 14.7% at 5,207 yen, having briefly hit their daily limit high of 5,238 yen.
    Doctors in Japan are using the same drug in clinical studies on coronavirus patients with mild to moderate symptoms, hoping it will prevent the virus from multiplying in patients.
    But a Japanese health ministry source suggested the drug was not as effective in people with more severe symptoms. “We’ve given Avigan to 70 to 80 people, but it doesn’t seem to work that well when the virus has already multiplied,” the source told the Mainichi Shimbun.

    The same limitations had been identified in studies involving coronavirus patients using a combination of the HIV antiretrovirals lopinavir and ritonavir, the source added.
    In 2016, the Japanese government supplied favipiravir as an emergency aid to counter the Ebola virus outbreak in Guinea.

    Favipiravir would need government approval for full-scale use on Covid-19 patients, since it was originally intended to treat flu.

    A health official told the Mainichi the drug could be approved as early as May. “But if the results of clinical research are delayed, approval could also be delayed.”


  9. Larry from Colorado says:

    God doesn’t like Mormons?

  10. Max is correct Africa is experiencing plagues of locusts. I think that counts. When’s Passover? Now might be a good time to Mark our doors.

  11. Jane & PKM says:

    Donnie* jumps up and down at a podium presser creating another earthquake. Stock Market experiences plunge; trading halted. DOW below 20,000 …

  12. Sandridge says:

    It’s surely going to be a Texageddon.

    WTI crude is heading for $21/bbl [-18% so far today!].
    Wholesale gasoline is ~64cents/gal and falling [-9%]. Pump prices near $1.25/gal soon?

    Halliburton, the major oilfield and fracking services company is furloughing 3,500 workers, it’s stock is down 70% in a month, now ~$6/share. All other oil and gas production, refining and distribution companies the same.

    Gov Abbott is starting a presscon…

  13. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Locusts in Iran, too. It’s spring.


    On a slightly happier note, people in Spain, France and even Peru take time to thank their health workers every night:


  14. And now trump has declared that we’re at war with the Coronavirus.
    Making his a wartime presidency.
    Nothing politically advantageous there. Nosirree. Just the facts in this time of crisis.
    How long before TV ads start flogging this?

  15. What are the predictions for upcoming hurricane season?

  16. P.P. @15, “we’re at war with the Coronavirus”–
    Yeah, but, the Trump regime has been calling it “the Chinese virus” since the start.
    Comrade T hisself used that term a few times today.
    Then Dear Leader got real pissed when some reporters asked about that [he even praised Sen Cotton & FuxNooz, who have been pushing the meme].
    The Rethuglikan messaging is quite clear, it’s a typical diversion-deflection targeted at the Trumpanzees/MAGAots. It’s still working.

    The Dow is down almost 2000pts, about to enter the 18,000 range.
    Crude is going in $20/bbl range, down 23% so far today, whsl gasoline is ~62cents/gal, -12%.

    This is going to be worse than 1929/1987/2008. Unemployment likely to exceed 25% by fall.
    Total economic and societal meltdown is possible– ‘the big one’.

    –It might just be what Drs. Trump & McConnell, and the Rethugs have deliberately RX’ed us with… Martial law coming?–

    BTW– The Bernie campaign is making gurgling noises, so he’s probably going to pull the plug very soon.
    Can Joe Biden win against all this shit? I sure hope so. Even though he was far down my list, he’s all we got now.


  17. Chloe Bear says:

    Predictions are for a tough hurricane season. Why the expletive is he going to FEMA tomorrow? Picture op.

    He will destroy the operations temp, create chaos for people who are trying to work, delay the response, and add zero value.

  18. Jane & PKM says:

    Chloe Bear, you covered all contingencies. Dawg only knows why Donnie* would feel insecure that John Kelly and Kirstjen Nielsen hadn’t adequately destroyed FEMA. But maybe IQ4.5* feels the need to personally insert his* own “Heckuva a job” encouragement to Chad Wolf to throw out of the nearest window any remaining desks at the agency. Or, he* did test positive and as Patient Zero* is merely strolling about bringing herd immunity to whatever is left of the agency.

  19. Grandma Ada says:

    Today at 10 AM I drove from San Felipe to Westheimer on Post Oak Blvd. I counted 5 cars including my own on my side of Post Oak. That was just scary!

  20. Having lived through a 9.0 earthquake I’m fairly certain its not Armageddon.

  21. Grandma Ada @20, That’s amazing, I often worked deep nights in the Houston area and even at 0’dark-thirty there was always traffic in most parts of the region.
    One of my corporate apartments was on Voss N. of Westheimer [years ago], had many others from downtown to out west, to Galveston. That 610/10/59 area always seemed to be about the worst for traffic, plus 45 of course.
    Sometimes took an hour+ to go from 59 to 290 on 610 in that ‘Galleria’ area, just a few miles of bumper-bumper parking lot.

    Welp, the markets are trending slightly upward. The Dow is still down ~2100, just above 19,000; crude above $22/bbl.

    Y’all watch this series, especially episode 3 [and take a Chinese language course]:

  22. It just occurred to me. Asking if trump really is the anti-Christ is is a serious insult to the former.

  23. To the latter. Gotta remember to proof read.

  24. Old Fart says:

    I’ve been joking Boss Tweet is the anti-Christ for a while now. And that perhaps confers immunity to the Covid-19 virus.

    That being said, as a Biological Scientist, what we are experiencing is the exponential growth phase of a virus upon it’s host. I never thought I would be a part of the petri dish, though the probability has always existed. And conscious effort is going to be required to “flatten the curve”. But to listen to Dotard bleating there’s no way he could’ve known 6 weeks ago we would be where we are is BEYOND INFURIATING. Because we did. We most assuredly did.

    In all the destructive forces listed as a part of the apocalypse, arrogant and willful ignorance wasn’t listed. But it most assuredly is what we are most grievously suffering from, like spiritual corrosion…

  25. slipstream says:

    Earthquake news: at the LDS temple in Salt Lake City the trumpet on the Angel Moroni statue fell off.

    So we know it can’t be Armageddon . . . Moroni has to blow the trumpet first.

  26. It’s getting wild out there.

    Last evening some guy walked into the Supermarket near us with a .45 automatic and started shooting. Not at people, at windows and stuff on the shelves. Guess he was annoyed they’re still out of TP. He got tackled by security but the store closed until today.

    Today, same store- I was checking out and the checker, an older guy I knew from when we worked together at my former job, commented ‘They don’t know where this virus came from’. I said they do, from Wuhan he said ‘well that’s what THEY want you to believe.’ He then went into detail about what should happen to the store owner in Wuhan where it started, something about taking him behind a building and putting a bullet in his head. I told him i think that already happened. Then I remembered why I avoided him when we worked together.

    I don’t know about you but I’m getting tired of all this winning..

  27. My younger son is there in SLC and sent us a text stating they’d had a 5.7 quake. That was it. No panic, he’s been thru them before, but on the west (not CA) coast. He didn’t mention any problems. His work is shut down currently so he’s at home.
