Okay, So Let Me Guess …

July 28, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

And for excellence is new reporting goes this

Anthony Weiner’s campaign manager for his New York City mayoral bid resigned over the weekend, a spokeswoman confirmed Sunday, according to Reuters.

News of Danny Kedem’s departure comes as the scandal embroiled candidate’s polling numbers plummeted in recent days after new revelations of his sexually explicit Internet exchanges with women emerged.

Kedem joined Weiner’s campaign in early spring, and no reason was provided for his sudden departure.

Because a full explanation was needed?

Oh, I dunno, wanted to spend more time with his family?

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0 Comments to “Okay, So Let Me Guess …”

  1. I think Weiner has transformed into a real hot potato! I’d be surprised if anyone will touch him even if they are wearing oven mitts!

  2. Best comment was:

    I would be curious to know what he will put down as his reason for leaving
    his last job on his next job application…..”The boss was plastering his pecker
    all over the internet” sounds so unprofessional.

  3. fenway fran says:

    Poor AW. The negative effects of going through life as a Wiener have obviously been cumulative.

  4. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    And what is it with his wife appearing with him? I hear her pride’s been stomping around the country looking for her.

  5. AW has never gotten beyond a certain stage that a lot of little boys go through. He also has a compulsion to be the center of attention. Combine the two and its one hot mess! As for his campaign manager, shoot, if you ain’t a good swimmer and know you’re not a good swimmer, you may as well jump ship before you get your feet wet. AW was supposed to be in therapy. Still don’t know if you kept up his bad habit between the time he resigned his House seat and started therapy or if it continued while in treatment. If its the latter, he would do better if someone took him for a trip to the woodshed cuz he ain’t gettin’ his $$ worth from the therapist.

  6. When NYers refer to “That Weiner schmuck”, they aren’t talking about body parts.

  7. Maybe Mr Kedem realized his boss was an @ss and was tired of seeing the pictures to prove it?

  8. JAKvirginia says:

    OK! Everybody sing along:

    Oh, I’d love to be a New York City Wiener
    That is what I truly want to be-ee-ee
    Cuz if I was a New York City Wiener
    I would show you private parts of me!

    Time to hang it up Tony.

  9. Yay, JAKvirginia. Love the new song and want to sing it all day long…or something like that.

  10. dbtexas says:

    While I am certainly no supporter of Anthony Wiener, isn’t it telling that David Vitter, Mark Sanford, Newt Gingrich, among others, did not seem to create a similar uproar?

  11. JAKvirginia, your post was priceless. NY does not need a weiner as mayor. I’m a flaming liberal, but the d*^k should get out of the race.

  12. I really feel for Huma Abedin. She seems to be giving him every benefit of the doubt, and he seems to be too immature to make the most of her generosity.

    I guess it’s telling that she didn’t take his name- she just didn’t want to be a weiner.

  13. A candidate’s sex life isn’t necessarily an indication of how he or she would behave in office… but if someone humiliates himself and asks for a second chance, and then screws that up too, he’s got no self control or sense and shouldn’t be elected janitor.

    Well… yeah… same thing could apply to Bill Clinton.

    But these women Weiner was sending those pictures to– did they WANT to see it…? Lewinsky did, we know that.

  14. Anthony needs to take his recalcitrant wiener home to Huna, and she needs to pickle it.

  15. RepubAnon says:

    Perhaps Danny Kedem is allergic to paper bags – and he’d have to wear one over his head if he were continue to run the Weiner’s campaign.

    Seriously, what’s up with Mr. Weiner and Mr. Filner? After Bill Clinton, Elliot Spitzer, and General Petreus, anyone with any sense at all would know they have a choice between being elected to political office and engaging in sexual hijinks.

  16. RepubAnon says:

    Note: in the case of Bob Filner, it went beyond hijinks and into sexual harassment territory. Mr. Filner needs to resign before he’s tarred and feathered – and possibly indicted.

  17. Whatever4 says:

    The campaign manager left to spend less time with Weiner’s family… jewels.

  18. JAKvirginia says:

    When I see this stuff go on in politics the absurdity strikes me as oddly hilarious. That’s why my take on the Oscar Mayer jingle.

    But to be serious, what gets me about these people is they ask for forgiveness and a second chance. Well fine. I can FORGIVE but I’ll be damned if I’ll REWARD that behavior with an elected office!

    Go. Get a regular job. Recommit to that woman you married. Or get a divorce. Or whatever. Get your life squared away. Then maybe in the future when you’ve proven your worth a second chance, give me a shout. ‘Kay?

  19. I used to live in NYC, worked there until 08 and still live not far outside it. Close enough most of my Doctors are in NYC.

    Weiner, aside from being the source of bad but deserved jokes, seemed to be the best candidate in the Democratic Primary. Quinn, as Bloomberg, is more than a bit of an autocrat. NY has had 20 years of either fascists or entitlement types running the city.

    The other interesting city wide candidate, is the more damaged Spitzer

  20. Litlhon says:

    So Tired of this topic. Whether we like it or not, we live in a modern world, where things like tweeting and sexting happen. So AW is a Narcissistic – First plus for Politician Qualification.
    SO AW has a poker face and can lie when required. 2nd PLus for Politician Qualification. and then there is knowing the issues, not being afraid to take on the tough Political questions (WHich by the way – for those in reality TV world, is NOT whether that is your penis or not). The only real mistake this man made was not understanding the media he was explring(Personal tweets) and evil Political landscape that allowed for his Enemies, Like Breitbart, to have a better Knowledge of the Sexting environment and therefore better able to destroy someone(Within Minutes of the post, by the way). but folks, this isn’t -He asked for forgiveness and a 2nd chance and did it again – as Ms Quinn and all the NY Papers are trying to make it. At the time of the first fiasco, he said there would be probably be others to surface – His political enemies just waited for the right moment to release them. My Question is, if it is so important by the right and the political opponents to completely destroy this man for human, personal failings, having nothing to do with the job he is seeking, might we ought to look past it to see what all the fuss is about? Ever since the Clintons, we are so obsessed with the sexual proclivities of our politicians that we are constantly throwing the baby out with the bath water. We are painting ourselves into a corner, and when we get there, take a good look at what kinda of perfect, neutered person is left standing, and is this who we really want to govern?

  21. Litlhon–Good points, especially since, as dbtexas says above, the same “rules” don’t seem to apply to the other side of the aisle.

    I have a friend who is a native of Argentina and a frequent world traveler who told me during the Clinton noise that the rest of the world was laughing at us; they simply don’t care about their leaders’ indiscretions, and they couldn’t imagine why we were so upset about Clinton’s in the context of the rest of the job he was doing for things like–oh, I dunno–world peace and healthy economies.

    Yeah, it’s pretty crummy of him to promise to quit acting like a 13-year-old and then to keep right on doing it, but really–who’s better capable of moving us forward in his day job: the guy whose indiscretions make you say “eeeew,” or the one whose leadership style is bad for the city? I’m with the one who can make things happen 9 to 5.

    And I’d never have thought I’d have supported this guy…

  22. RepubAnon says:

    Litlhon – had Mr. Weiner not resigned his Congressional seat, I’d agree with you. However, to publicly admit to an activity and state that you’re resigning as a result – and then continuing to do that action – and THEN to run for office again displays a dangerous lack of self control.

    I’m also not impressed by arguments such as “the other side does it, too.” If an action is wrong – it’s wrong. I agree that cheating on one’s spouse isn’t something that should be a permanent bar to political office, but to continue to do with multiple partners after being caught and shamed does show that the cheater is untrustworthy when faced with temptation. Politicians face lots of other temptations – I’d prefer someone that can be trusted to resist them.

  23. At least the guy in San Diego said “I need help.” However, he still should resign. He’s beyond help.

    With the guy in New York… Do the folks there really want an exhibitionist, sex/text type, who is continuously humiliating his wife…. running the City??

    Just sayin’

  24. Aggieland liz says:

    There is no doubt that constant scandal is a serious distraction and makes people uncomfortable. Also amazingly unprofessional…

  25. I am a New Yorker, and no — we don’t need this distraction in our mayoral race. We have several good candidates running, and we New Yorkers would like to hear their views on the issues, not continue to hear from and about a narcissistic liar who has no qualifications for running our city. For those of you who are comparing Weiner to Bill Clinton, Listen up: Bill was guilty of giving in to temptation. Well, that happens. However, Anthony Weiner proactively trolled for women on social media sites like his Facebook page and Twitter. He sought the encounters among his “friends” and “followers”. He was baiting them — not the other way around. There is a big difference in the mindset between a sitting president who gives in to temptation, and a sitting congressman who spends his time online trolling for young ladies to engage in his sexting. Weiner is not fit for office because he is compulsively obsessed with sexting. That is a serious character flaw. There is no comparison between him and Bill Clinton. It has nothing to do with the sex — It has to do with the mindset behind it.

  26. Katie Johnsonius says:

    Self-control should be a “minimum qualification” for anyone in public office. McCain calling his wife a vile name in front of the press? Not qualified for office.

    Another (associated) minimum qualification: the common sense to understand that, in this environment, rapid communication of anything that you do or say to virtually ANYONE may go viral. Weiner? Not qualified for office. This minimum qualification was not on the posting for president when Clinton ran for office.

    I heard last night, I believe on MSNBC, (so it must be TRUE, right? ) that Weiner spent $40,000 plus of his campaign funds on a private investigator to find out who had been posting those photos to dafame him, knowing all along that he was the one who did it.

    Which brings us to another minimum qualification for public office: Integrity.
