Okay, So Here’s the Deal

December 28, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This kinda makes you wonder if Trump seriously doubts he’s gonna be inaugurated at the regular date and time.

It used to be that the reservation form for the Trump Hotel in DeeCee looked like this, with the day surrounding the inauguration blanked out:



But over the weekend, it changed to this:  Click here to see the big one.



It opened up. Rooms around the inauguration are still top dollar, but look at the prices around the 6th when Trump is planning his “rally.”

Now I know that this is about as accurate as reading tea leaves, but ya gotta wonder if trying to disrupt congress certifying the election is just another scam to fill his pockets and that he knows he’s not going to be president.


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0 Comments to “Okay, So Here’s the Deal”

  1. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Hotel reservations may not be the gold standard, but they’re definitely evidence of change when sold out rooms are available again, and prices have gone up on other dates.

  2. I imagine twenty MAGAts to a room would about cover what they can afford…maybe.

  3. van heldorf says:

    Question: do MAGAts who fly in and are staying at the trump hotel bring their own carrion luggage? Inquiring for a red neck “friend”.

  4. Trump’s “presidency” has been nothing but a money grab for him. And, to do Vlad’s bidding…

  5. It depends upon whether Louis Gohmert’s lawsuit aginst Mike Pence goes anywhere:

    Gohmert et al v. Pence
    Texas Eastern District Court
    Case #: 6:20-cv-00660
    Nature of Suit 441 Civil Rights – Voting
    Cause 28:1332 Diversity-Injunctive & Declaratory Relief
    Case Filed: Dec 27, 2020
    Parties (13)
    Docket last updated: 11 hours ago
    Sunday, December 27, 2020
    1 28 pgs cmp Complaint Sun 12/27 10:00 PM
    COMPLAINT EMERGENCY COMPLAINT FOR EXPEDITED DECLARATORY AND EMERGENCY INJUNCTIVE RELIEF against Michael R. Pence ( Filing fee $ 402 receipt number 0540-8169550.), filed by Louie Gohmert.(Sessions, William)

  6. Here’s a possibility –
    While Congress confirms and finalizes that President Elect Biden is our next president, Trump is over at the hotel surrounded by those who can afford $3605 a night at the hotel, where he announces his intent to run again in 2024. This accomplishes a number of objectives:
    * Reduces the news impact of Biden confirmed as President, especially on OAN, Newsmax, and even Fox
    * Provides a highly visible platform for his phony election fraud claims
    * Kicks off his 2024 campaign, and in the process keeps any competitors at bay
    * $

  7. The Yahoos–OOPS! Excuse me, the Proud Boys–won’t be staying at the Trump Hotel. No, their style (and wallet) is more The Harrington Hotel:


    I’ve never set foot in the place in the entire 47 years I’ve lived in DC. It’s reputation as a real dump goes back to at least that far.

  8. Grandma Ada says:

    BarbinDC- I just read about that hotel and their bar Harry’s in WaPo. The hotel was glad to be full, but several times had to close the bar early and keep people from congregating in the lobby.

    I wouldn’t stay at anything with his majesty’s name on it; I wonder how his other properties will fare from January 21st onward.

  9. @Rick #6
    If he stays in his hotel how will he get back to Florida without Air Force 1, all the armored cars and a gazillion Secret Service? His protection levels will diminish precipitously once he is a has-been as well as a loser.

  10. Sharon Greiff says:

    Didn’t trump have his own oversized plane?

  11. bananas @#9 –
    Sorry, I meant Trump would put on a show January 6th.
    I agree with you, he won’t turn down the free Air Force 1 transportation to Mar-a-lago on January 20th. Although I still think he’s gonna try and steal the plane somehow.

  12. Trump scheduled the rally kickoff at 7 AM Jan 6th. That way he can get high room rates on both Jan 5th & Jan 6th. Although it’s not likely Trump Hotel guests will be outdoors holding up misspelled signs:

  13. john in denver says:

    Rick @12 …

    7 am on the 6th is predicted to be 37 degrees, feels like 34. Warming up to an afternoon high of 50. Chilly, but not awful for a winter’s day. Trump Hotel guests are more likely to the be speakers talking to those holding signs, and they may have the benefit of a heater keeping the dais a bit warmer.

    The last Trump + miscellaneous others rally pulled in something like 10,000, if I remember correctly. This one, scheduled mid-week, isn’t likely to have quite the same turnout. Congressional staffers will be at work, construction crews are likely to be working, and school will be in session, meaning someone will need to be with the kids at their remote desks.
