Oh, This Is Gonna Be Fun!
Texas felony indicted Attorney General Ken Paxton bared his teeth and growled that he’s “investigating” the Texas Bar Foundation. He claims that they are “potentially using taxpayer dollars” to funnel money to “entities that encourage, participate in, and fund illegal immigration at the Texas-Mexico border.”
Paxton says this came from a tip from my congressvarmint Troy Nehls. Nehls, who touts his degree from Liberty University and personal acquaintance with now-disgraced Jerry Falwell, Jr., probably heard it from his new buddy, Trump.
Now, keep in mind that Paxton is currently under indictment for stock fraud, had his entire top staff walk out of his office on the same day for unspecified “criminal behavior,” and now has criminal allegations floating about favors he performed for his mistress.
But, he’s going after the Texas Bar Foundation.
I don’t think they’re sweating it. They literally have hot and cold running lawyers.
Soon after he announced the probe, the attorney general also made public that he is being investigated by the bar association for his role in pursuing a legal case to challenge the Electoral College vote count that delivered victory to President Biden in 2020.
I dunno. I’ve got really strong eyeballs. I live in Texas so I roll them about 150 times a day.