Oh, This Is Gonna Be Fun!

May 10, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas felony indicted Attorney General Ken Paxton bared his teeth and growled that he’s “investigating” the Texas Bar Foundation. He claims that they are “potentially using taxpayer dollars” to funnel money to “entities that encourage, participate in, and fund illegal immigration at the Texas-Mexico border.”

Paxton’s mug shot

Paxton says this came from a tip from my congressvarmint Troy Nehls.  Nehls, who touts his degree from Liberty University and personal acquaintance with now-disgraced Jerry Falwell, Jr., probably heard it from his new buddy, Trump.

Now, keep in mind that Paxton is currently under indictment for stock fraud, had his entire top staff walk out of his office on the same day for unspecified “criminal behavior,” and now has criminal allegations floating about favors he performed for his mistress.

But, he’s going after the Texas Bar Foundation.

I don’t think they’re sweating it.  They literally have hot and cold running lawyers.

Soon after he announced the probe, the attorney general also made public that he is being investigated by the bar association for his role in pursuing a legal case to challenge the Electoral College vote count that delivered victory to President Biden in 2020.

I dunno.  I’ve got really strong eyeballs. I live in Texas so I roll them about 150 times a day.


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0 Comments to “Oh, This Is Gonna Be Fun!”

  1. RepubAnon says:

    Hardly surprising. Standard Republican tactic #14: when news of a Republican’s criminal behavior gets out, always accuse those investigating the Republican of some crimes. Next step: accuse those investigating Republican crimes of bad faith accusations intended to punish the Republicans.

  2. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Looked up the definition of “shit-eating grin” on wictionary and saw this.
    “Possibly from a contraction of “grinning like a ’possum eating shit”
    I think the mug shot of paxton fits this definition pretty well.

  3. It’s surprising how many coincidences occur around Ken Paxton when the s**t hits the fan! Causation or correlation? In situations like this I defer to Warren Buffet’s partner Charlie Munger:

    “If you mix raisins with turds, they’re still turds”

  4. Kenneth Fair says:

    I am a Sustaining Life Fellow of the Texas Bar Foundation. It is a private 501(c)(3) organization that raises money from lawyers. Its mission statement: “The Texas Bar Foundation solicits charitable contributions and provides funding to enhance the rule of law and the system of justice in Texas, especially for programs that relate to legal assistance for the underserved, the administration of justice, ethics in the legal profession, the encouragement of legal research, publications and forums, and education of the third branch of government.”

    Notably, TBF is entirely privately funded and receives no taxpayer dollars. So Paxton’s “investigation” is entirely frivolous (and likely non-existent).

    It should be noted that the Texas Bar Foundation has no direct relationship to the State Bar of Texas (besides TBF’s members being lawyers) and has nothing to do with the State Bar’s disciplinary suit against Paxton. If Paxton were a minimally competent lawyer, he’d know that. Actually, he probably does, and is just abusing his power to try to distract from his legal problems.

  5. Ken Paxton is a prime example of why there’s all those jokes about lawyers.

  6. Off topic, but speaking of fun:

    Two quotes from Ted Cruz, the first on January 6th, the second about protestors at the homes of Supreme Court justices:

    “On January 6 of 2021, you had tens of thousands of people peacefully protesting, and yet the corporate media and Democrats slander them with the made-up term ‘insurrectionist,'”

    “And yet in this instance, they are not willing to call off their goons even now, even now, as this has the potential to escalate and escalate further,” Cruz said, referencing the protestors in front of the Justices’ homes.
    “Shameful. And the Biden White House is encouraging this lawless mob intimidation.”

  7. Grandma Ada says:

    How soon can a judge name Paxton a vexatious litigant? We may not be able to wait much longer!

  8. Sad to say that Mr Paxton is a bent, Grand Ol`Pervert .

  9. Elizabeth2 says:

    Mr. Paxton reminds me of Mark Twain’s observation about the ill-advisedness of picking a fight with somebody who buys ink by the barrel.

  10. Harry Eagar says:

    That gal must have been some kind of desperate.
