Oh Sweet Jesus, Whack Him Upside the Head
Just when you thought Trump couldn’t get any lewder and Louie Gohmert couldn’t get dumber … they grab a shovel and head for China.
Pastor Louie has an explanation for Trump’s video.
“Trump has said some things that are very vile back when he was supporting people like Bill Clinton,” Gohmert opined. “But if you’re Bill Clinton’s big buddy like he was at one time, you’re going to talk like Bill Clinton. And I think we need to forgive him for talking like big Democrats like Clinton and other foulmouthed people.”
Yes, Louie says it’s Bill Clinton’s fault.
But, Louie contends, all that’s behind Donald. He got saved and doesn’t act like that now. And, according to Louie, we know Donald got saved because, “James Dobson tells me he’s become a Christian.:
Holy Mother of Fried Okra, once you have James Dobson’s stamp of approval, Jesus bows to the side and lets you into the protected class of Americans who sin no longer because they get born again again the very next morning.
Louie amplifies …
James Dobson tells me he’s become a Christian. And so, look, we forgive him for the past because he’s asked for it.”
No, see, that’s the whole deal, Louie. He didn’t ask for it. He just grabbed it.
Thanks to Fred Farklestone for the heads up.