Weasel of the House

October 10, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Paul Ryan is dancing on the edge of a coin.

He says he will support Trump but he won’t campaign with him.  What the hell is that?  That’s like saying, “I want you to be president but I do not want to be seen with you?”

Trump dumped on him.



Personally, I think Paul Ryan should start packing up the Speaker’s office.

Ryan and Trump are the same guy inside. Same guy. Both are weasels.


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0 Comments to “Weasel of the House”

  1. Larry from Colorado says:

    Weasels? How about skunks?

  2. Aggieland Liz says:

    Speaking of weasel, a judge threw the SEC charges against One Ken Paxton out the proverbial window. We’ve gotta get some better people elected here folks. If you can vote in Texas, Dori Garza is a great start! Supreme Court of Texas y’all: 9 Republican men!!

  3. Aggieland Liz says:

    @Larry, skunks ARE weasels with a hygiene problem(yeah, yeah, it’s a scent sac) and wolverines, ferrets, ermine, and mink are too. Only their fur is at least pretty and useful, which plain old weasels are not!

  4. JAKvirginia says:

    Correction: One is a weasal and the other wears one on his head.

  5. JAKvirginia says:

    Correction for myself: weasel.

  6. treehugger says:

    I think y’all are really being hard on skunks, weasels, wolverines, etc.

  7. Muslims are mocking the orange-atang for saying they’ve got to report stuff, as if they haven’t been doing so for years. It’s wicked clever humor via tweets. You’ll be laughing, I guarantee it.

  8. Off topic. Does anybody else remember that moment in the first debate when t-Rump talked about leaving Nato out to dry? At that moment, Hillary calmly took the helm of the ship of state, looked directly into the camera and assumed the mantle of leadership. She assured NATO members that we will not only honor our promises, we cherish our alliances with those nations. Donald was forgotten, relegated to the dustbin of history where he belongs. I was awestruck. I bet you were too.
    Can someone please replay that segment for the campaign and remind them that’s the person who will win the election. Forget t-Rump, he”s irrelevant.

  9. Back when the Tonight Show was good and worth watching, when Johnny Carson manned the mic, didn’t Carson award a Sniveling Weasel around Oscar time to actors whose conduct deserved it?

    Should TWMDBS award a Sniveling Weasel or a Drumpf annually to those usually nacilbupeR politicos who so deserve incarceration but are yet un-indicted?

  10. Paul Ryan is now officially an invertebrate! Color me not surprised.

  11. continued because Micr is incapable of using a modern keyboard….

    It would appear from the text that Miz JJ has nominated both Hair Drumpf and Speaker Eddie Munster.

  12. Debbo: The woman who asked the question obviously became decided when Trump was talking. And the guy behind him, too. On the Daily Kos live feed there was a screen shot of him actually sending gamma rays out of his eyes. He actually looked like he was putting a curse on DT.

  13. For the next month members of the Republican party will spend their waking hours pointing at each other, with accusations that are some version of “he who smelt it, dealt it.”

  14. Aggieland Liz and y’all are being nasty to weasels and other mustelids. They’re handsome animals and they eat mice and rats and animals you probably like less. Nobody should be described as “only their fur is pretty and useful,” except Trump, but his fur is neither pretty nor useful except as a wipe.

    Try to tell me this pine marten isn’t a beautiful little critter:


    And yes, Paul Ryan wants Trump to beat Clinton but does not want to be seen with him. But it’s not worth a Trump victory to watch Ryan try to suppress his gag reflex for the next four years.

  15. Aggieland Liz: I’m definitely not a lawyer, and I’m relying on memory, but I think we’re haven’t heard the last from that Paxton civil case. I think the judge didn’t completely throw it out, though You’d think so listening to Paxton’s lawyers. I remember a statement quoted in the chronicle that the judge said the lawsuit was without merit “as argued”. And then gave the SEC 14 days to refile. It almost seemed like he was telling the lawyers that he couldn’t rule in their favor because they weren’t attacking from the right angle and for him to do so would be overstepping his authority. He said that morality and ethics weren’t at issue, only whether or not Paxton had knowingly(?) acted illegally. Which doesn’t make sense to me in a civil case. The criminal case is still ongoing. Or hasn’t started. But I could be totally full of s**t. Wouldn’t be the first time.

  16. Marcia in CO says:

    Next Wednesday is the final debate … if you can actually call that last night a “debate” … it was a mud BS flinging 90 damn minutes!!
    I absolutely abhor Donald Trump!! Anyone who had stars in their eyes over him last nigh is as friggen stupid as all of the Deplorables are proving to be!!


  17. Paul Ryan talks about Trump as if Trump is Ryan’s mistress, not his candidate. Nice to have around for hanky-panky, but you wouldn’t take him home to meet Mom.

  18. Got my yard sign – all the repugs in my neighborhood need to stay really quiet.

  19. Chloe Bear says:

    In an emergency call with members of the Republican National Committee, Chairman Reince Priebus declared that the party remained firmly behind Donald Trump, despite the tape of his lewd remarks about groping and making advances on married women.

    “Over the last 24 to 48 hours there have been a lot of false rumors that we didn’t want to engage in,” Priebus told the 168 members of the RNC, many of whom have also stood behind Trump, according to a person on the call. “Nothing has changed in terms of our support for the nominee.”

    Priebus told them that Trump had issued a “heartfelt” apology and that “I think the issue was taken care of at the debate.” Three people on the call verified Priebus’ remarks.

    The Priebus call came hours after Speaker Paul Ryan held a conference call of his own for jittery House Republicans and declared that he would no longer defend Trump on the campaign trail, or ever campaign with him.


  20. two crows says:

    So Ryan has opted for the worst of both worlds.

    He’s standing FAR to close to Trump for anyone but Trump’s most die-hard supporters to vote for him.

    And now he is, belatedly, wrinkling his nose and pushing him away. Thus losing the Trump voters.

    And the GOP always claimed he was The Smart One.

    Wrong again.

  21. Sandridge says:

    Take it easy on the poor critters, they’re just doing what they do. Rethugs on the other hand are carefully trained to be a POS.
    Watching some news, I don’t know if I can take any more T-raunch and Repuke, Inc. word chili for the next 30 days (getting an urge to get my 12ga streetsweeper out and send bits of the TV across the river). These pathological prevaricators lie at 20,000RPM.
    The Rethug base has been busy regrouping, they’re really fired up now; if only everyone else has gone the other way.

    Surprised that the ‘media’ has seemed to minimize Donald the Menace’s vile, ugly debate behaviour.

  22. Credit to Martha Raddatz for her followups to Trump’s evasions and lies!

  23. Tilphousia says:

    The horrible truth is that the tea party terrorists are so blind, deaf, and dumb they will advocate for anyone even horrors like trump and Ryan who will keep their repressive agenda going. That is why they will lose and crawl away to lick their wounds and listen to their anti Christian rhetoric. And may they be swallowed by the earth they defile along with trump and Ryan and McConnel et al

  24. WA Skeptic says:

    I just got my yard sign, too. Unfortunately there are too many TrumpenJugen around my vicinity, so I cut it into two signs and taped them onto the inside of two windows so they are visible from two angles and safe from being stolen.

    Go, HRC/Kaine in 2016!

  25. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Paul Ryan is the perfect Iago. Smooth talker, underhanded manipulator, kinda pretty if you like that kind, and able to put on an expression of serious concern.

  26. Ryan’s really trying to dance on the edge of a razor blade, and his old worn out ballet shoes won’t give him any protection. Let him fall off.

  27. e platypus onion says:

    Ryan et al should be dangling from the end of a rope for what they have done/are planning to do to our great nation. Not even one last meal for these traitorious SOBs. Let’em dangle dry and dignified-GUFFAW!

  28. Sharon, take a tip from WA Skeptic and put your sign inside a storm door or window. At least bring it in at night. My sign was stolen a few nights after I put it out. My new one is inside my storm door which is locked. Can’t be too careful these days.

  29. charles r. phillips says:

    With Trumpster in the Dumpster, I’m far more concerned about the down ballot races. Are any reputable journals and journalists taking the local “boyz” to the woodshed, calling them out for their lies and stupidity, or is this only about Trump?

  30. e platypus onion says:

    Iowa professor takes “Cantaloupe Calves” King to the woodshed in the Des Moines Register today.


    King faces daily scrutiny from iowans in the Register.

  31. EPO: Thanks for that link. That made me as happy as the night I was sitting in my truck at lunchtime on the night shift at a shut down in Texas City’s B.P. plant and Rosalita came on the radio. And that’s sayin sumpm.

  32. Teh Gerg #26: With a leg on either side.

  33. EPO –

    It seemed like a really good article, what I could read of it. But after the first couple of paragraphs, I was defeated by the obnoxious, spam-ridden paywall.

  34. epo, that article is a lovely slamming of someone who richly deserves it.

    Dice, I second your suggestion.

  35. Whoa, epo! She ripped him a new one. He is appropriately folded, spindled and mutilated. She took him apart, piece by rancid piece. That’s a particularly fine bit of writing. Woo-hoo!

  36. JAKvirginia says:

    epo: Thank you for that link. Inspiring.

  37. Sandridge says:

    Good ole Texas City. I spent a couple TDY’s in lovely downtown TC, mostly working deep nights there. A pretty depressing locale, quite similar to Pasadena, Deer Park, Baytown, etc., but different (older seeming). Galveston stands by itself, really liked that place, BOI’s are cool ppl (had a WE beach house). I was already familiar with the TC history, had worked elsewhere with someone who remembered the freighter explosion- as a child, and read up on it too; the building there still had visible evidence of that event, interesting.
    Had a tropical storm and also something pretty big blew up in a refinery when I was there, fun times. But was ‘living’ in $2800/mo corporate apt on per diem up in Houston those trips, what a contrast to stay ‘upscale’ and go to work nights in such places; or the “Fort Apache” areas of Houston, never had any trouble though. Pretty well beat the traffic, unless things ran late.
