Oh, So It Does Indeed Take One to Know One
So, Longview, Texas, (oh yeah that’s in East Texas) hired Ted Nugent and His All Racist Sidekicks to play at their big ole 4th of July picnic.
Apparently, they did not know who Ted Nugent is. Because now they have changed their minds.
Faced with a guaranteed performance fee of $32,000, the City of Longview instead agreed to pay Nugent $16,000 out of the Maude Cobb annual budget to not appear.
So that’s the going rate? You have to pay Ted Nugent $16,000 to stay from your city.
Hell, that’s a bargain at any price.
So he’ll take the money away from the city budget and stay home in his palatial doublewide shooting off his gun and drinkin’ beer. So who’s the ‘subhuman mongrel’ now?
Thanks to Brian for the heads up.