Oh, So It Does Indeed Take One to Know One

March 24, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So, Longview, Texas, (oh yeah that’s in East Texas) hired Ted Nugent and His All Racist Sidekicks to play at their big ole 4th of July picnic.

Apparently, they did not know who Ted Nugent is.  Because now they have changed their minds.

Faced with a guaranteed performance fee of $32,000, the City of Longview instead agreed to pay Nugent $16,000 out of the Maude Cobb annual budget to not appear.

So that’s the going rate?  You have to pay Ted Nugent $16,000 to stay from your city.

Hell, that’s a bargain at any price.

So he’ll take the money away from the city budget and stay home in his palatial doublewide shooting off his gun and drinkin’ beer.  So who’s the ‘subhuman mongrel’ now?

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Oh, So It Does Indeed Take One to Know One”

  1. Is that anything like trying to bribe marauding Vikings to take your village of their list? That actually happened. It turned the Vikings soft. They finally beat their swords into plowshares. May Nugent beat his whatever into something useful.

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    The glass half empty perspective would be paying that grifter $16,000 for nothing. Half full would be saving the remaining $16,000 not to be subjected to that ranting pedophile. Maybe the chicken/egg analogy works better, as the rotten egg steals from a small Texas town to support his chickenhawk self. Ted Nugent, stinking road kill and pal to Gregg Abbott. The voters of Texas need to know what old Gregg finds acceptable.

  3. Some due diligence BEFORE signing the contract could have saved Longview $16k in real money and billions in bad publicity.

  4. Edward Starsmith says:

    I wonder why they decided to pay Nuggent to stay away?

    Was it the disgusting way he dodged the draft during Vietnam?

    Was it his unnatural predilection for under age girls?

    Could it have been his vile, seditious speech towards our President?

    Maybe they realized they hired a music artist who can’t play music. The man never had a song go beyond #30 on the charts. They can hire better any day of the week.

  5. You know what?

    If they paid me $16,000……. I’d stay home, too.

  6. John in Lafayette says:

    You will enjoy the following scene from the Marx Brothers movie “Animal Crackers.”


  7. Juanita Jean, I think it’s time you stopped ignoring my state…Alaska. I mean, just look what we have to offer.


    We can match Texas for idiots any old day.

  8. maryelle says:

    I, like Edward Starsmith, wonder about the cancellation also. From what I’ve heard about East Texas, its fertile ground for that derelict.

  9. UmptyDump says:

    From Bud Kennedy’s Sunday column in the Fort Worth Star-telegram: “Nugent called Longview Mayor Jay Dean “racist,” ‘clueless’ and ‘dishonest’ Saturday, after the city paid $16,000 to ditch the idea of Nugent headlining the city 4th of July Fireworks and Freedom Celebration.”

    Read more here: http://www.star-telegram.com/2014/03/22/5671946/rejection-for-july-4-show-in-longview.html#storylink=cpy

    Nice, cancel the schmuck, pay him 16 grand not to show up and then get cussed out in the process. Looks like Longview took the Shortview in signing Nugent in the first place. This outburst tells us who the real “subhuman mongrel” is. Nugent is a feral dog who will bite anyone with or without provocation.

  10. 1smartcanerican says:

    JJ, I believe this may have been the link I failed to include in my email last week 🙂 I can’t believe that Palin has failed to follow this model of earning morning. I, too, would love to get paid for NOT doing something! The city, even with paying $16K, is better off not having Nugent pollute their city.

  11. I feel kinda bad that the folks of Longview are out $16K. They should think about that when the next election comes around. Maybe if they asked Willie real nice and filled up the secret compartment in his tour bus for him, he’d do the show just to spite Nugent.

  12. e platypus onion says:

    So,a minister,a rethuglican and a pedophile walked into a bar with a furry animal. No wait-that was just one guy and Ted New Gent.

  13. Marge Wood says:

    Remember I said every generation has to be re-educated? Remember when some folks, SOME folks, thought birth control was bad but most folks believed in it, well, more or less. What IS this new round of NO BIRTH CONTROL?

  14. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Marge Wood, it’s all about control with the neocons, fringe lunatics and religious control freaks. The birth rate has dropped from their desirable 2.2 to 1.8. At that rate there won’t be enough expendables to fight their wars and serve all their needs.

    The freaky pretend fiscal “conservatives” are so warped they do not understand working folks might have children, if they earned a wage to support them. All this silly talk about ‘edging’ the minimum wage between $10 and $15 over a number of years is insane. Right now, today, $20 would be a reasonable start, if increments were built in to assure that minimum wage will at a minimum continue to be a sustainable wage. I want the Republicans to explain to me why my gardener is not worth the $20 I pay him, while Jamie Dimon is supposed to be worth mega millions to me. Jamie Dimon is worth due process, and a total fine of everything he stole and commensurate jail time.

    For real, we need both a Democratic House and Senate, so we can begin impeachment hearings on Roberts and his Opus Dei cronies.


  16. Lynne @ 7 — thanks for the link. You’re right. Sen. Pete Kelly is a certified nut and ranks right up there with anything Texas has to offer. Washington State didn’t get exempted either, but Kelly is still up there with the nuttiest anywhere. I feel your pain.

  17. Don in Huaco says:

    Isn’t Longview a part of House District 1? Why pay $32k for crazy when Louie Gohmert will provide it for free. The mentality to hire, then unhire, the Nuge, is the same mentality that elects a psycho to the US Congress.

  18. e platypus onion says:

    So New Gent suffers old timer’s disease like former Potus Ronnie ‘Raisin’ Raygun. Raygun suffered from CRS-can’t remember s%^t.

  19. Anytime I run across the name Ted Nugent, I have to go to flixxy.com, click on Forte and let my celluar structure reorganize itself back into a reasonable, pleasant woman. I recommend that Longview sign up those singers to substitute for that piece of trash. What glorious voices!
