Oh Rick, You’re So Cute When You Talk Dirty

July 01, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Rick Santorum’s latest drive in the wayback machine brings us this.  Rick thinks that maybe the Founding Fathers were on to something when limiting who could vote.  He noted that emerging democracies would do well to limit who votes based on the following principle.

“They limited the people who could vote in an election,” he said. “Now you could say that’s horrible, that’s terrible. Well, maybe it was, maybe it wasn’t. But it was a decision that was made to make sure that there was some continuity and stability within the government that was consistent with the values that the government was founded upon.”

The article clearly states, “Santorum did not suggest in any way that limitations on who can vote should exist in the U.S. today.”  Sure, that’s what he meant.  Just other countries.  Not here, no, no, no.

Why do I hear a slight high pitch whistle and why are all these dogs surrounding me?


Thanks to Dianne for the heads up. 

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0 Comments to “Oh Rick, You’re So Cute When You Talk Dirty”

  1. Taking that comment made about not having the smart people on their side – and coupling it with limiting who votes – I guess you would have to have an IQ under 80 to vote in Rick’s ideal world?

  2. jaimetex says:

    Rick (“Please don’t Google Me”) Santorum: The best — or at least the cheapest — Senator that Wal-Mart and Accuweather could buy.

  3. I’d like to limit who could vote, with some sort of multiple choice or true/false test on whether they had a freakin’ clue what was going on… but I know that sort of thing has been subject to huge abuses. (Love the studies showing that regular Fox viewers have less knowledge of the news than people who don’t pay attention to the news at all.)

    Cheryl, you’d have to have an IQ under 80 to vote for Rick, anyway. Santorum or Perry, come to think of it.

  4. Rickie-poo, the “limitation” on voting rights also depended on property rights such as who owned a house, land, even owning a slave or whatever. Ownership in itself did not make anyone smarter than those who did not own anything. It just made up two classes of people. Ya know? As in inequality? If that is really what you are after, if that is really your thing, then you are on track for a monarchy. And that is so damn yesterday!!!

  5. maryelle says:

    Of course Sancto believes he should be the one establishing the criteria to disqualify voters. Seems like we’ve heard this song before. Oh, yes, voter ID laws, gerrymandering and purging the voter registration rolls. The continuity he’s looking for is, surprise, surprise, Republican conservative. He’s living up to his own name.

  6. And then, there’s all the stuff about women voting. It would break up homes, etc., which other societal changes did the job just as well.

    I am a woman, but, not to name names, some women office holders are good arguments against this change that has been good on the whole – I definitely don’t want to give up my right to vote.

  7. I guess in the Valley of the low IQ, Rick could be King.

  8. Surely the Founding Fathers had no intention of allowing rightwing morons like Rick Santorum to vote. That would not be consistent with the values our government was founded upon.

  9. Marge Wood says:

    Well, Santorum likely owns property. He has a wife and a bunch of kids. Isn’t that ownership?

  10. Bananas says:

    Relatively mild but rude
    Probably NSFW due to the nature of the subject
    Mama don’t go there I HATE the taste of soap

