Oh, Oh, Oh, Louie Doubles Down!

November 02, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Good Lord, Louie just keeps on spewing stuff that makes no sense.

First, he threatened a civil war if Trump is impeached.  He better start hoarding muskets because Trump is going to be impeached. If a president can collude with a foreign country and extort them into using my tax money to investigate his political enemies, we are in a bushel basket of trouble.

So, now he’s correcting himself over on Brietbart.  He yacks —

“I was quoted earlier today saying on the House floor something about civil war,” Gohmert said. “Well, it’s not a civil war that Republicans are engaged in. It’s the Democrats, but what is a better description than civil war is actually … a communist revolution.”

Gohmert continued, “Next thing you know you’ve got Trotsky over convincing the soldiers to support the Lenin of the place, and then boom, you have what people think will be a benevolent dictator and get things back on track and restore people’s rights, but you’ve just lost everything, that Caesar has now crossed the Rubicon, you’ve lost your republic, the little experiment in self-government, and now you’re dealing with a dictator.”

Little pale and wimpy dude, that’s what we’re trying to stop. Donald Trump has the Rubicon on his map to being the tyrant he so admires in other countries.


Next he’s gonna explain casting asparagus.

Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.


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