Oh, Now I See Why Rick Is Yakking

August 17, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, this explains a lot.

Perry_ClarkKent_1A new poll suggests there is at least one fellow Republican who could unseat U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz in 2018: Rick Perry.

The former Texas governor would beat Cruz by 9 percentage points, according to the forthcoming survey from the Democratic-leaning firm Public Policy Polling. Set to be released later today, the poll found Perry would get 46 percent of the vote and Cruz 37 percent, with 18 percent saying they are not sure whom they would support.

Clash of the Uncouth Titans.

Can you even imagine the number of prayer meetings and tent revivals boxing matches those two could generate?  Not even to mention gun fights.

There is some good news from the same poll, though.

Another standout finding from the poll is that despite Texas’ proud pro-gun tradition, voters strongly support some new regulations on the purchase of firearms. Eighty-nine percent say every person who wants to buy a gun should undergo a criminal background check, while 83 percent back legislation that prohibit people on the terrorist watch list from purchasing a firearm.

Hell, 48% of Texans said they would support a nationwide ban on assault weapons.  Two years ago, that number was 4% and a couple of those people were lying.


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0 Comments to “Oh, Now I See Why Rick Is Yakking”

  1. JAKvirginia says:

    Political Office: The last refuge of the unemployable.

  2. A similar large majority of voters, even of gun owners, have supported universal background checks for some years now, but a majority of Congress have been bought and paid for by the NRA and continue to give the majority of voters their collective middle finger. Sadly the voters have not been responding in kind in the voting booths.

  3. Yes…..BUT….those polls don’t mean much unless they are only polling that particular district. These people elected Cruz in the first place. You get outside that district and you will find a lot of sane Texans.

  4. “A lot of sane Texans”. Oh Cheryl, if only that were true.
    Case in point: A-butt, Gohmert, Sessions, Cornyn, Farenthold, Neugebauer, Patrick just to name a paltry few. or perhaps they are all from Cruz’ district?

  5. Cruz is a U.S. Senator, folks. His “district” is the entire state.

    It’s all in for Trump as far as Rick is concerned. He went as far as to attack a Gold Star family, the Khans. If Trump wins the election and ushers in peace and prosperity, Tricky Ricky will only have to beat a sitting Senator who won the presidential primary in Texas. Sounds about as well thought out as most of Perry’s ideas.

  6. It was bugging me, so I googled it. The standard (correct is rarely used in linguistics) is “thought-out” for an adjective. The Daily Galaxy regrets the error.

  7. Aggieland Liz says:

    Ya know, Anita needs a shorter leash and a better muzzle!

  8. Will Mayer says:

    Aggieland Liz

    Please, who’s Anita?

  9. Paul Harris says:

    So if Rick went to D.C., how many percentage points would average Texas I.Q. rise?

  10. The Clash of the Cretins.

  11. Okay, consider this: Cruz came in second in the last primary for president. So, the second best standard bearer for the entire party can’t even fend off a disgraced ex governor. Let that marinate for awhile…

  12. JAKvirginia says:

    Will Mayer: Anita is Rick’s wife (if my info is correct).

  13. Somebody has got out without their keeper and their leach after not taking their meds again.

  14. Well, it’s really easy to explain why Texans would vote for Perry instead of Cruz. Folks don’t like Cruz anymore because his religious dirty laundry was spread all over hell during the presidential campaign, and folks ain’t keen on havin’ the Texas Rangers frog-march everybody in Texas off to church every Sunday morning, hungover or not.

    Rick Perry, on the other hand, never had to face that kind of scrutiny. First, as governor, the Texas media handled his ideology like a hot potato because they didn’t want to offend him and lose access to the governor’s spokesdudes. And during his presidential campaign, Perry’s ineptness and mediocrity caused his campaign to implode so fast that no one had time to learn about his various shades of religious crazy.

    So just be patient, Juanita, once folks in Texas finally cotton on Rick Perry is every bit as likely as Ted to get a law passed to have the Rangers frog-march ’em off to church every Sunday at the point of a double-barrel 12 gauge, any political ambitions Rick Perry has will evaporate quicker than a west Texas dew on a July morning.

  15. Aggieland Liz says:

    Hi Will Mayer, Anita is Mrs. Rick Perry, former First Lady of Texas, and wannabe First Lady of the USA. She is widely held to be the brains of that precious pair, but that is not exactly a compliment. I think I’ve seen sea cucumbers exhibit more cognitive ability than Goodhair Perry; any of my trees could outsmart him.

  16. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Aggieland Liz, what is it with Texas governors and trees? While pRick would lose a debate to a tree, A-butt didn’t fare so well with a tree, either.

    In the ever present question of “is there hope for Texas” let’s hope Loathsome Ted and the too dumb to breath pRick tear each other apart in a senatorial primary race. A divided GOP is a good GOP. Leaves room for Wendy or Leticia to return dignity and sanity to a Texas Senate seat.

  17. Steve The Returned says:

    Lessee, here:

    Scheming, hateful, Ivy League educated, far right-winger vs. brain-dead loser Aggie far right-winger…..

    Sorry folks. I can’t make up my mind……..

  18. bud maone says:

    Juanita. Would a reminder be in order to restate a political fact – the power in Texas is vested with the Lt. Governor not Perry. A pox on both their houses.
