I’m Afraid To Look. No, Seriously, I Am Afraid To Look.

August 17, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, I heard the oddest thing this morning.  I am certain it’s not true.  It just cannot be true.

First I heard that Donald Trump is going to take Chris Christy with him to his security briefing.  That just can’t be true.  That has to be one of those satire sites, right?  Goodness gracious, what does a failed governor know or even need to know international affairs?  What? Is he gonna scream at anyone who challenges the United States? Close their bridge? Hell, that might mean Secretary of State Chris Christy.  So see, that couldn’t be right.

But, I’m afraid to look.

And then, holy cow, I heard that Trump had hired the entire wacked-out staff of Brietbart to take over his campaign. What? Louie Gohmert wasn’t available? Brietbart is Louie Gohmert with too much caffeine.  Breitbart people couldn’t run an apple peeler or a shower curtain but they are running a presidential campaign? Next, Trump will think they can run country.

See, that’s why I can’t look. I just can’t.


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0 Comments to “I’m Afraid To Look. No, Seriously, I Am Afraid To Look.”

  1. Another day, another Trump action that makes me believe his is just trolling, trying to find out how much he can get away with.

  2. For the umpteenth time, El Trump si rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic thinking that it will keep the ship afloat. Doesn’t he realize that it was hisownself that played the part of the iceberg?

  3. Yeah, he is also taking Michael Flynn, who has ties to Russia. I assume he needs them there to explain things. I imagine that finger puppets are involved. I do hope the briefers take Harry Reid’s advice and not give him real information. Whatever they tell him will be blurted out at his next rally, so it really doesn’t matter who goes with him.

  4. RepubAnon says:

    It actually makes sense – The Donald’s campaign strategy is to keep the wingnut base fired up through distortions and flat-out lies. So, he hired some experts in distortions and flat-out lies.

    I predict that Trump will, in the near future, begin hiring senior KKK members to help him with minority outreach.

  5. Primo Encarnación says:

    This new staff shake-up is surprising while at the same time not shocking at all. Corey Lewandowski was dumped for allowing Trump to be Trump as a strategy for winning. When that wasn’t working out, Ivanka and Jared led the coup to replace him with Manafort. But Donald is not the type of guy to let a completely loyal sycophant like Corey, who had got him this far, to entirely slip away. While being on CNN’s payroll, and still collecting money from the Donald’s payroll, he was also in constant contact with the candidate, and you know he was not saying “You know, Mr Trump, they’re right…”

    So Ivanka and Jared leave town to party in eastern Europe, and it becomes “DAD! We cannot leave you alone for FIVE MINUTES!”

    It reads to me like Corey convinced Donald that the slump in polls was due to everyone expecting a pivot – because Manafort, obviously – which was never going to come – never NEEDED to come, Mr Trump, because you’re perfect! – and in the meanwhile he’s making you look like the Muscovian Candidate. You have to distance yourself from THAT mess.

    Instead, Mr Trump, turn yourself over to the guy whose site writes half of the false bull that ends up coming out of your mouth. If you can get Alex Jones – who makes up the other half – to come on board as your communications director, that would be even better.

    I think Donald Trump and just about everyone involved with his campaign live in a small tiny tight fact-free bubble of an echo chamber. They truly believe that the morons who goose-step into his rallies represent the vast,”silent” majority of folks who eschew professionalism in politics in favor of a guy who will just dribble Donarrhea all over himself in between dog-whistles to the brown shirts and white sheets in front of him.

    Donald dislikes anyone telling him “no.” Manafort and his “professionals” have been telling him “no” for weeks now, and every Monday he gives a speech to be a good boy for Manafort, followed – or sometime accompanied by – another bucket of spew, immediately unpivoting. This tension, combined with being a public loser, has hurt Donald seriously. So rather than change himself, he just changed his immediate neighborhood, so that he can go back to being The Donald and who gives a crap about the rest.

  6. Richard Bennink says:

    IMHO Trump is not in it to win it. He is in it to make more money. He doesn’t spend any of his own cash. He raises $82 million and doesn’t spend that either. So, when he loses, as he obviously wants, he will walk away a richer man than when he started. So who is dumb? Not Trump, just those who contribute to his scam.

  7. Next he’ll hire Huggy Bear Pimp Boy for his PR.

  8. Cheryl, loved the visual of Drumpf being treated to a finger-puppet show to eddycate him on governmental security. would love to see the Christie puppet. Must come in its own case.

    Primo, excellent observation about the Drumpf neighborhood bubble. Manafort is now a liability due to the Russian allegations, so it’s a great excuse to push him aside and get back to the “I am what I am” routine. After Melania’s plagiarism debacle, she’s pretty much disappeared from sight too.

  9. That Other Jean says:

    Wait. . .whaaat? A candidate can bring an interpreter to national security briefings? I didn’t know that you could bring your buddies in for a listen, too; I thought they were supposed to be classified. What could possibly go wrong?

  10. The guy from Dead Breitbart News is just a cover. Trump’s Russian handler Manafort will still be around just less visible.

  11. JAKvirginia says:

    New logo for Trump/Pence: Manhole cover.

    Well, isn’t that how you get to the sewer?

  12. Sandridge says:

    T-Rump’s future cabinet also has:
    Chris Crispie for Sec of State,
    Bernie Kerik for head of the Justice Dept. (his ClubFed commitment ends in Oct2016),
    Carly Fiorina for Sec of Commerce,
    Lee Raymond for Sec of Energy,
    Bernie Madoff for Sec of Treasury,
    Cliven Bundy for Sec of Interior,
    Sid Miller for Sec of Agri,
    $carah Palin for sec od Labor,
    Louie Gohmert for Sec of Education,

    Hep me out here, we still have Defense, HHS, HUD, Transportation, Vet Affairs, and Homeland Security…

  13. Sandridge says:

    Urk, pRick Perry for Sec of Deefense, and Bernie Madoff at Treasury still has a considerable ClubFed commitment, so he needs a pardon; or maybe slot Mittens in there (he knows how to “Dunlap” things, and offshore the $$$).

  14. Does anyone know which was bigger, and therefore had a greater potential capacity to inflict harm?

    Chris Christy or the Trojan Horse?

  15. Sandridge, Rudy the Jewel is definitely chomping at the bit to get into the inner circle. He’s as insane and incompetent as the rest of them. Why not Homeland Security?

  16. Sandridge says:

    maryelle, I thought about Rudy911 G there, but I’m thinking even the Trumper-Humpers regard Giuliani as way too cray-cray now.
    Hell, one of my few brainbleach-proof memories of the RNC is watching Rudy911 give a damned good imitation of the last few frenzied minutes of a rabid raccoon’s life.
    But who knows, they’re always full of surprises (and bullchit, after all, the Rethuglikkkan Party’s Leader is now the “World’s Premier Bullshit & Con Artist”).

  17. JAKvirginia says:

    Sandridge: You forgot Ted Nugent.

  18. Sooo, guess who else Donnie wanted by his side at the briefing? According to Politico, he wanted retired Lt. General Michael Flynn. From what I’ve read on Politico and the Washington Post, most high ranking military folks are disgusted with this guy. Probably don’t want him within miles of them. So let’s see. Rabidly anti-Obama. Hates Muslims. Sat next to Putin at a dinner in Moscow. Perfect. Sandridge, there’s Defense. Oh yeah. Another piece on Politico talks about how Donnie doesn’t trust the intelligence people we’ve got now.(even though he hasn’t received any yet). And this is his go-to guy? Cue the music. “We’ll meet again” . Shades of Strangelove.

  19. Sandridge says:

    JAKvirginia, Ted (the Pedophile/Molester) Nugent?
    Where the heck would they put him?
    Chief of the Secret Service…errrm…make that Selective Service, perfect for the draftdodging Chickhawk sumbitch?
    They could create a new Dept of Poopypants too, to test and regulate diapers; like the USDA or Consumer Protection Depts.
    P.P., I’m afraid this has gone beyond Dr. Strangelove. If only George Orwell were still around, he’d have to outdo his other works to describe it.
    And when you just can’t believe it anymore, they get even worse: T-Rump’s new head of campaign is Steve Bannon (Breitbart Chairman), supposedly the ‘most dangerous political operative in the US’, who makes ‘RWNJ’ seem like a librul, a master of propaganda and deceit, one of the creators of the “Tea Party” whackjobs, etc., etc.
    The Democrats had better not F this election up, or the whole damned world is F’ed.

  20. Sandridge, I read the details in Wapo. Was that your source too? I got the same take as you.

    Scumpf is doubling down on his primary strategy, which is exactly what is taking him down the tube now. Outrageous lies and various other embarrassing ridiculousness will flow hard and fast. That collection of vermin has no limit to the shitola they’ll make up.

    I don’t think that group will do anything to broaden Scumpf’s support. They’ll probably shrink it, but they might nick Hillary up.

  21. JAKvirginia says:

    I believe what we have here is the movie “Titanic”. Trumps campaign staff is running around on deck trying to find a lifeboat. Trump is down in the hold making the holes in the hull bigger. And just now, the most bad-assed members of the engine crew have shown up with sledgehammers to help him. Just like the movie, this will not end well.

  22. Donald Trump has to take Chris Christie. They’re attached at the hip.

    Well, Trump’s hip anyway.

  23. Sandridge says:

    Debbo, from DKos:
    http://www.dailykos.com/stories/2016/8/17/1561199/-Who-Is-Steve-Bannon-The-Most-Dangerous-Political-Operative-in-America-That-s-who .
    Scary stuff, these people play hard, long ball.
    Saw T-Rumps new campaign manager interviewed on the Newshour, Kellyanne Conway, slicker’n owlshit.
    She referred to a high level T-team meeting today, dropped a couple names, but the interviewer didn’t question her about omitting that big one, Rogered Ailes (Jabba the PervHutt).
    JAKvirginia, Trouble is, we don’t know if we are all going to be aboard the SS Trump as passengers until 9Nov, it could happen.
    LynnN, Rotate CC 90 degrees either way, then you got the attachment point…

  24. JAKvirginia says:

    Well, thanks Sandridge. That was depressing.
