Oh No. Oh Hell No. UPDATED!

October 28, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

What the hell, y’all?

The FBI will re-open its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server, bureau director James Comey said in a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Friday.

“In connection with an unrelated case, the FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation … I agreed that the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their importance to our investigation,” he wrote.

Well ain’t that a fancy October surprise?

I’m swamped today working with candidates so y’all keep me up to date, okay?

UPDATED:  Calmest and most reasonable explanation is here.


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0 Comments to “Oh No. Oh Hell No. UPDATED!”

  1. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Kneel in the wind much, Mr. Comey?

  2. Old Quaker says:

    I don’t see how Comey can defend his timing. Rigged?

  3. To whom does Comey belong? President Obama nominated him and he recently stated publicly he had no party affiliation, BUT he donated to McLame in 2008 and rMoney in 2012. Maybe no party affiliation since the clown car series in the run-up to 2016 started but clearly at least a snacilbupeR sympathizer.

  4. Has to be being egged on by the GOP and Trump. No doubt. So much money being spent. Just wrong and so unnecessary. They’re going to try and make her life a living hell as President too and attempt to stall every single thing. We have to get the Senate and hopefully many local candidates too. It’s like a bad dream.

  5. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    A few more details.


    Micr, this sure has a political stench about it.

  6. e platypus onion says:

    Jason Chafednutz prolly threatened to take more money away from the FBI if they don’t convict HRC of something/anything this time. Would not surprise me.

  7. Read http://www.newsweek.com/fbi-reviewing-more-clinton-emails-514825 for the clearest description of what’s going on. Nothing’s reopened, and apparently he had to disclose this. Also see How the Media Manufactured Hatred of HRC http://billmoyers.com/story/last-night-3/#.WBN2P9zAD2A.twitter

    I’m going to take a nap. Wake me when it’s over.

  8. Commentator just said the FBI Statement was “almost” irresponsible in its brevity. Almost. *sarcasm*

    The House Oversight Chair called this a “reopening of the investigation into Clinton. The FBI Director used no such language. This is an important distinction commentators are failing to include.

    11 days before the election, FBI Director (who has frequently indicated he despises Clinton), drops 3 paragraphs indicating they are releasing new material. If I believed in conspiracy theories I’d say he was providing cover for House and Senate GOPers to re-endorse Trump and ammo for Trump to use in the last 2 weeks. No doubt Andrea Mitchell will help with this.

  9. One more thing, Comey delivered this letter, not because there was new information that indicated any wrong doing (there is no “smoking gun”), he delivered it because he had a legal obligation to do so. We also know the emails were NOT from Clinton nor were they from her server. This is also important and not being included as part of the commentary.

  10. That Other Jean says:

    At this point, I don’t care if emails by/for/about Hillary Clinton show her making contingency plans for WWIII. She is still a better candidate, by several orders of magnitude, than Donald Trump, and will make an excellent President. I’d happily vote for her again, except that I voted yesterday, the first day of my state’s early voting. And Republicans are still being skunks.

  11. The timing does seem just a TAD suspicious, especially as there is no way this will be resolved, or even clarified, by November 8.

  12. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    I didn’t think this election could get any weirder. So the FBI was investigating Anthony Weiner and his weird texting behavior and they found 3 emails that have nothing to do with HRC but probably have to do with Weiner’s (currently estranged) wife who has been an associate of HRC for many many moons.
    The NYT seems to be reporting this accurately, the WaPo not so much.

  13. I’d bet you dollars to doughnuts the emails were Humma’s and the device was obtained in the search of Anthony Weiner’s property pursuant to the investigation of his alleged child setting case.

    On the plus side, Anthony Weiner is living proof that the Clintons don’t have people killed.

  14. On the plus side, Anthony Weiner is living proof that the Clintons don’t have people killed.

    So true. Tempest in a demi-tasse cup.

    Resign Comey– you have less than zero credibility at this point.

  15. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Maybe a group of Nasty Women should protest on the steps of the FBI HQ Bldg. While they are in town they can drop off a request with USAG Lynch for a Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act investigation of Comey and the FBI.

    e platypus onion, the little punter from Bang ’em Young is probably over at Walter Reed being treated on our tax dollar for that which should not last longer than 6 hours. To save time the doctors over there should make a House call for all male snacilbpeR members.

  16. two crows says:

    I remember a time when the FBI was non-partisan.

    So much for that.

  17. JAKvirginia says:

    And you woke me up for this crap? You do that again and I’m taking a stick to y’all and it will be thicker than your damn finger!

  18. Marcia in CO says:

    @Deb … Yes, I heard this on TV before shutting it off: We also know the emails were NOT from Clinton nor were they from her server.
    Good Lord, Donald is literally salivating all over himself with this latest news! I bet his little dingdong is twisting in his tighty-whities!!

  19. So the FBI will be examining Weiner’s weiner? Comey is politically motivated, had no business reprimanding Sen. Clinton when he decided not to prosecute. It was his opinion and should not have been included in his remarks. Now he wants to appease the rethugs by raising the spectre of wrongdoing. When Hillary wins, she must replace him immediately.

  20. Linda Phipps says:

    Those emails were culled from Anthony Weiner’s phone, not Hillary’s. Now they will try to make it about Huma Abedin.

  21. He knows he’s out if she wins, so this is a last ditch attempt to forestall that.

  22. The GOP party-line is–anything a Democrat does or says is illegal/wrong/unlawful. Common-sense is out the window. Civility is out the window. Reasonable bi-partisanship is out the window.

    As far as the GOP rank and file go,
    it is “us patriots” vs. “them traitors.”

  23. Micr:

    Comey was also #2 in the Justice Department under John Ashcroft in the GW Bush White House. He was the one who reputedly threatened a mass resignation over the pressure being put on Ashcroft to approve a surveillance program while Ashcroft was in the hospital.

    AFAICT, he’s a political hack, but there is at least a modicum of integrity, unlike many others there.

    I don’t know why he was kept on under Obama.

  24. As someone else somewhere else posted, Comey was required to report to Congress… but not to the press.

    Oh, who are we kidding, one or more of the mfr’s would spill the beans to the press.

    And so what if there’s more? Doesn’t prove anything one way or the other. Der Gropenfuror is grasping at straws.

  25. e platypus onion says:

    and this from Fake Noise- http://insider.foxnews.com/2016/10/28/just-fbi-reopens-hillary-clinton-email-probe

    Its a……wait for it…… wait….. a BOMBSHELL!

  26. Hey, don’t be mean to the Republicans! They are just doing all they can to save America from the horror of a woman in charge..

    I could add some comments about other Republican fears, i.e., male not so great physic etc. but am too compassionate to do so.


  27. If Comey was responsible for the not guilty verdicts on the Bundys, who were clearly guilty of so much (most of us here in Oregon are appalled), and now this? He needs to go.

  28. Old Quaker says:

    FBI director serves a 10 year term, can’t be fired. That is to insulate the Director from being fired for political reasons.

  29. @pkm
    Agreed. But then what else should we expect in late October before a Presidential election? When these snacilbupeR get together to conspire it isn’t about fixing the World Series or Super Bowl. 🙂

    Agreed. That was a difficult appointment to understand. Maybe a reach across the aisle? An olive branch?

    I might bury the hatchet with these guys, but I’d leave the handle sticking up out of the ground. Just in case. Life is uncertain.

  30. What a kick, here we have Comey picking up where Putin and the Russian hackers left off…this is a brazenly political move. Guess I had not noticed Comey much before, but reading about him now, I am wondering what the daylights Obama was thinking in appointing him in the first place—can only guess that he thought this guy’s history/affiliations would give him street cred with the the Repubs in Congress, make for an easy confirmation. Wow. The GOP is getting their money’s worth here.

  31. JAKvirginia says:

    Sweet Jesus, people! Gossip much? Emails were found on Weiner’s device, possibly from his then wife who works for the Clinton campaign and might have something to do with Clinton. Might.


    What do the emails say? Who’s mentioned? What’s mentioned? We really don’t know those things yet, do we? So this is all speculation blown WAY out of proportion for partisan reasons. Want to be helpful?
    Then shut up about it and tell everyone else to nip it until more is revealed. Don’t bitch about how crazy this election has become while contributing to it.

  32. e platypus onion says:

    You mean the sky isn’t falling? It hasn’t fallen? It won’t fall? What’s everybody in such a tizzy for?

  33. e platypus onion says:

    Look at the damage being done- https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cv33PKDWAAANdH0.jpg

    Markets dropped precipitously.

  34. Yes, the mere allusion that Hillary has done wrong allows people like Trump to declare, “This is bigger than Watergate.” and people are jumping to conclusions which are more than likely not true, which in turn affects the voters, the economy and god knows what else. Comey is now the Republican hero he has wanted to be all along. What a self-serving jerk.

  35. I hope that Madame President decides that Comey needs to spend more time with his family…on Nov 9th.

  36. Much ado about nothing . . . except snacilbupeR ineffectivenes. They’re pathetic.

  37. fierywoman says:

    Calming explanation from a criminal defense lawyer on DU:

  38. @JAKvirginia
    I admit that my knee jerks uncontrollably and my spine violently twists when some empty-souled snacilbupeR mentions even in passing “Hillary’s emails” or “Hillary’s email server”. As if any of them would recognize an “email server” if one should bite them on the end of their tiny little … That said, I assure you the kneejerk and the spine twists are not self-inflicted.

  39. As Weiner used Abedin’s computer, the FBI will have to ascertain whether or not he had access/her login & password. One hopes not, for her sake.

  40. The kindest interpretation that I heard today is that Comey is running scared from Congress — so he threw Hillary [and the nation] under the bus rather than get his own knickers in a twist.

    Back when he broke protocol and outlined the entire “investigation,” even as he exonerated her, he scolded Clinton for her actions. An unprecedented move, by the FBI. As in ever in the history of the country.

    But that, of course, wasn’t enough for Congress. They had been lauding him as the most ethical human being since Jesus — choirs of angels sang every time his name was invoked. Then, the moment he said that no court would ever indict her let alone convict, they turned on him. Called for an investigation of the investigation.

    And Comey, having seen what the head of the IRS had gone through when it was found that she hadn’t given special favors to the Tea Party, grew a yellow stripe down his back in a hurry.

    So he ran to Congress as soon as some new, possible, maybe, perhaps related emails came to light. And so what if it throws a spanner into the election? His ass is covered.

    See Congress? See what a good boy I am? Don’t kick me again. Please.

  41. The FBI director can indeed be fired. The president generally asks for a resignation, but can fire him or her for good reason. Congress can also impeach the director. Not gonna happen here.
    The ten year tenure is to limit the maximum years one can serve, not to give total job security. This is to prevent another J Edgar from happening.

  42. Captain Dan says:

    If President Clinton has the opportunity to appoint a successor to Tomey, I can only hope that she does not appoint another “Repugnant shill”!

  43. e platypus onion says:

    Pillory Hillary Swillery

  44. President Hillary Clinton will have the opportunity straight away to rid the FBI of Comey. I hope she signs the papers right after swearing in and before giving her speech. This whole email thing right from the start has had the aroma of horse puckey.
    The timing on this and the blatantly stupid way of expressing the situation by the FBI just adds to the odoriferous stew! Hillary is doing well in the parts of the country where she should. Trump is in a hole he has dug for himself. Those who support Hillary have had it with the email and Benghazi things some time ago and will continue to support her inasmuch as they also have a good sense of smell where her opponents are concerned.

  45. e platypus onion says:

    I’m sure Madame Potus will be preeured by wingnuts to appoint dead Scalia to the FBI post to avoid the appearance of impropriety on her part.

    She needs Vlad the Impaler with a hard-on for right wing nut jobs.

  46. e platypus onion says:

    So my keyboard can’t spell. Sue it.

  47. JAKvirginia says:

    Micr: Got you, bro. If you you have those reactions I would suggest the lotus position and a mantra or maybe some Pilates. Just don’t touch the keyboard. Getting riled over nothing is a sure path to an early grave and wiping egg off your face. Just look at Mr. Comey. Breathe, people…. breathe. Ahhhmmmm…
