Oh Louie

May 06, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Louie Gohmert gave an Almost Town Hall yesterday out in East Texas.  The problem was that he only invited his supporters or people who gave given him money in the past.  I suspect that he does not represent those who haven’t bought him.

So my friends in East Texas got themselves a Louie Gohmert piñata and held a party the same night.  This one involved money, too.  You paid $1 to have your picture taken with Louie.  Say hi to Betty.


All proceeds went to the Democratic Party.


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0 Comments to “Oh Louie”

  1. Louie as a piñata? Hey, that is close enough to call it karma!

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    😀 Uncle Freddie threw quite the party last night. As is his tradition the children’s hours were the best to my way of thinking. It was distinctly political with many piñatas and appropriately awesome music as each piñata was hung into the strike zone. The kiddos were thrilled with the candy and treats, while the adults danced with “visions of sugar plums in theirs heads” awaiting the next piñata and accompanying music.

    But I expect to see Fred in my office Monday morning negotiating hard for a big and well deserved raise. He punked me hard last night. There were no repeats in the piñata sequence with the exception of 3 appearances by Lyin’ Ryan. Yeah, punked, pimped and pandered, but it was so nice to know Fred “hears” me.

    As for Loopy Louie and all the snacilbupeR Congress varmints who are not qualified to clean rain gutters or tie their own shoes, out with them in 2018. Louie writes his own opposition ads. All his district needs is a candidate to oppose him. Seriously Democrats, please stop fearing the gerrymandered districts. Get in there and woo those voters who have continually voted against their own interests. Win them over with facts, simple charts and spiffy ads of the simpletons who currently represent them.

  3. He must be good friends with “my” representative, Cathy McMorris-Rodgers. She comes in the night, speaks to people who like her, then disappears into the aether.
    It’s very mysterious.

  4. @Pepper

    Cathy McMorris-Rodgers is a seagull representative: she flies in, makes a lot of noise, craps on everything, and flies away.

  5. Marge Wood says:

    In the interest of serious research, I googled “political pinatas”. There were so many ads that I’ll just say that you can find just about anyone in pinata form so you can let off steam at your party meetings. Does smashing a pinata in public count as slander?

  6. I just got a form letter from my fatherf***ing rep, Jason Loser, bragging about how he’d saved us from Obamacare. I think the top of my head blew off at that moment. I wrote a reply and didn’t even swear once:

    “I’m almost speechless that you should crow about such a travesty as this bill. I saw you in the photo of the beer party with the president and I’m so embarrassed. How can you not be ashamed? Have you no heart, no compassion, no kindness?! You’re not stupid; you know people will literally and truly die without health care and you know the talking points you so faithfully recited in this letter are lies.

    This massive redistribution of wealth from the poorest to the wealthiest is so appalling, so shameful . . . And you exempted yourselves!

    Although I did not vote for you I committed to giving you a chance and treating you respectfully. You’ve just entirely blown your chance and quickly. I am now committing all my resources and energy to ensuring that your Congressional career is limited to two years. I don’t care how much money pours into your pockets from Big Pharma, Oil, the Waltons, Kochs, etc., I intend to see to it that you’re done.

    Shame, shame, shame on you.”

    I truly hate him and every c***sucker who voted for that bill. We have a plethora of truly evil people in DC.

  7. slipstream says:

    Hi Betty!

  8. Linda Phipps says:

    To PKM and Jane: to quote your comment, “Win them over with facts, simple charts and spiffy ads of the simpletons who currently represent them.” The spiffy ads are OK, but it’s fruitless, in view of Clinton’s campaign, to offer facts and charts. The people want to be “great again”, so get them viscerally: as in pander to their hearts not the brains. Show pictures of dead children denied health care, that sort of thing. Fight as dirty as possible.

  9. Unfortunately I think Linda P is right about this. Hitting in the gut will be more effective than hitting in the brain. However, maybe it’s just the intelligent adult in me, but having facts and charts to back it up seems like a good idea.

    What’s our 2018 slogan? Make America Healthy Again? Make America Care for All Americans? Save America from Distators? Save America from Russia? We’re All In This Together? All for One, One for All?

  10. Debbo,

    “Make America safe for democracy.”

  11. Good Scott, and I’d make one minor change:
    Make American Democracy Safe.
    Because we’re mad as hell and not going to take this any more!

  12. Jane & PKM says:

    “Party Like It’s 2018 – Vote Democrat”

  13. That Other Jean says:

    Democrats should follow the practice (at least I hope he’s serious) of Sean Patrick Maloney (D., NY), of promising to hold a town hall and talk to Republicans, if their own legislators won’t talk to them. He was on Rachel Maddow’s show last night. I’d love to see Democrats all over the country do exactly this, including Democratic candidates in gerrymandered districts!

  14. sybil wertheim says:

    jane & PKM:
    yes, perfect…..its a bumper sticker waiting for a surface or a T-shirt.

  15. Democratic Representatives or candidates meeting with people on health care?


  16. I have a friend who has been passing out Make America KIND Again buttons.

  17. maryelle says:

    And while these thugs take away healthcare for the most vulnerable with one hand, with the other they are destroying the regulations which guarantee clean air, water and soil. We’ll all be
    sporting pre-existing conditions out the wazoo with no help in sight.

  18. Aggieland Liz says:

    @ Debbo: The other guy in the pic posted earlier of Louis Gomert? That was Bill Flores, rep for my area. He is a lying sack of expletives and he nauseates me. When I calm down a little more I’m going to write him an expletive-free exposition of his character-or the lack thereof-as well. But right now I’m still hurling expletives. In any sense of the word!

    Oh good grief y’all, I’m STILL sort of hoping to wake up and find out I made it all up. I should change my moniker to Pollyanna fer petes sake…I wish I liked baseball maybe I could forget? For the summer at least?

  19. Mary in San Antonio says:

    You know it really says something when the pinata looks smarter than Louie Gohmert. And none of it’s good.

  20. Going to a peaceful protest against my Repub. Rep Elise Stefanick on Monday.
    She voted for repeal.

  21. Bob Boland says:

    Mottos/Campaign slogans

    There is nothing to fear but fear itself – an oldie but goodie

    It’s not Christian to comfort the comfortable and afflict the afflicted (isn’t that in the Bible?)

  22. maggie says:

    For those who have a spare moment or two: match up the health care repealers with their stands on immigration, any kind of immigration, including the well papered kind. Repeal of health care = repeal of damn near any sort of immigration. I’ve been told that since I am a first generation American on my father’s side that I should just pack up my kids, grandkids etc. and go back to where he came from. Yup. The inference is strong that wherever that was it was no damn good.

    He came from Canada.

  23. quilter says:

    I too, am a first generation American, but on my mothers side. She was born in Canada as my Grandmother passed through from Scotland on her way to San Francisco, in 1922. So does that make me half an anchor baby?
