Helluva Idea

May 07, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I know this came up in the comment section last night, but I just wanna add my Hallelujah to the suggestion that Democrats hold town hall meetings in Republican districts to explain Trumpcare.

Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney (D-N.Y.) said “if it takes a Democrat” to explain House Republicans’ healthcare bill, he’s willing to do it.

“Maybe a Democrat ought to go into every district where a Republican who supported TrumpCare won’t hold a town hall meeting, and do it for them,” he said during an interview on MSNBC.

My CongressCon, Pete Olson (yeah, well, he’s never heard of you either), has announced that he’s will willing to hold small roundtable discussions in his local offices with 5 or 6 people.  However, you cannot have a small group with you and your friends.  Ole Pete has got to insure that at least two of his supporters are there – one who has read the bill and the other to stare you down while calling to Jesus to save your immoral soul.

You know how they say that politics is Hollywood for ugly people?  Yeah, well …


In Congress, Pete is rarely distinguishable from the furniture.  But he does whatever Phil Gramm and John Cornyn tell him to do and in exchange he gets a paycheck.

We need a damn Democrat to come here and shame this sucker.  Assuming, of course, that any Republican has an ounce of shame left.


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0 Comments to “Helluva Idea”

  1. SteveTheReturned says:

    Phil Gramm? Mr. “I got more shotguns than I need, but not as many as I want”? Jeez, I haven’t thought of that piece of trash in a while. What’s he been up to?

  2. Aggieland Liz says:

    Oh dear. Someone needs to tell poor Pete that more Grecian Formula in “Boot Black” doesn’t make a bad rug look better. Even Louie G doesn’t have one of those…of course, it may be that after he went through several with his hair on fire (artificial or otherwise) he got kicked out of the Hair Club for Men?

  3. Tilphousia says:

    I have a good Democrat Congress critter. He has real town halls in fact there are so many constituents he has many of his town halls outside so more can come. He is available and he listens. Can you clone him for Texas?

  4. @Miz JJ,

    My Congressvarmint Oistol Pete Sessions frequently imitates an empty suit, but I’m not sure Olson is imitating. He may truly be a text book example of the proverbial empty suit: really doesn’t know what he is doing, is ineffectual, probably phony, and about as relevant or helpful as a suit hanging on a rack.

  5. montag says:

    If the available Dems aren’t volunteering to help needy districts, I hope the district organizations will be inviting with lots of publicity.

  6. maggie says:

    Maloney’s office has been getting phone calls that Tom Reed’s office will not take. Its Maloney and his people who are listening to the anguish and trying like mad to comfort people. Tells ya a lot, doesn’t it!

  7. Apologies if I heard about this here and am being repetitious.

    https://swingleft.org will show you your nearest district where the GOP won by a small margin and where your help could make a difference.

    And @lazrgrl, thank you! Is it warm in here or is it him….

  8. Jill Ann says:

    Ugh, Pete Olson. Also my congresscritter. Lately his self-congratulory posts have started showing up on my Facebook feed. I invariably post a comment along the lines of, “why don’t you do something useful for a change, and try solving an actual problem instead of pandering to your base?”

    So far he hasn’t answered me….

  9. JAKvirginia says:

    “Small roundtable discussion”. Bwahaha. The table’s probably from Ikea and everybody has got to assemble it first. That could take awhile. And will he hold it at a “private” location? Probably so. “Public servant” my butt.

  10. Yeah, my loathsome scumbag, Jason Loser Lewis, hasn’t met with anyone but wealthy donors. I’ve come to hate him as much as any other snacilbupeR. I don’t know if there will be a Democratic led townhall in my district. We had a constituent organized and led town hall in Feb.
