Oh, How Nice of Him
I’m sure you heard that Trump has been nominated for a Nobel Prize. I know you’ve heard it because Trump keeps announcing it and seem terribly upset that “they gave Obama one.”
Well, occasionally the truth rises to the surface.
Remember this guy who couldn’t get out of a handshake with Trump and flashed an eye roll about it?
That’s Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (or simply Abe as Trump calls him). He wrote a five page “beautiful” letter praising Trump and nominating him for the Nobel Peace Prize “at the request of the United States government.” I’m pretty sure that someday we’ll find out what that cost us. I suspect it was’t cheap because Kim doesn’t seem like he thinks Trump is a genius or that he’s making peace.
Next he’ll be asking people to nominate him for prom king. Or queen, he’s not picky.